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Unit 2 My schoolbag,第四课时 Part B Lets learn & Draw and say,1.能听、说、认读单词。 2.能听懂、会说句子。 3.能根据要求画图。,学习目标,Pencil case,Pen,crayon,schoolbag,books,ruler,eraser,Pencil,An English book,a pencil box.An eraser and a pen.,Whats in your schoolbag?,Free talk,Whats in Zhang Pengs schoolbag?,Lets have a look!,I have a new toy bear.,复数:toys,I have a notebook.,巧记:note(笔记)+book(书),My sister likes candies.,复数: candies,同义词: sweet,This is a key to the door. 这是我房间的钥匙。,复数: keys,合成词: keyboard 键盘,candy,notebook,toy,key,(Step 1): colour your schoolbag.,Whats your schoolbag?,Three keys,two toys and English book.,(听、说、认读)词汇: candy, notebook, toy, key,
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