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九年级英语Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees教案人教版Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!The First Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularymanatee, cheetah, chimpanzee, kangaroo, polar-bear, gentle, furry, enormous, playful, noisy, aggressive, spotted(2) Target LanguageI am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent I like water, and I like to eat vegetablesYoure like an elephantNoYoure like a manateeYes2 Ability Objects(1) Train students listening ability(2) Train students communicative competence3 Moral ObjectLove all kinds of animals because they are our friends Teaching Key PointTarget Language Teaching Difficult Points1 How to train students listening ability2 How to train students communicative competence Teaching Methods1 Didactic to learn the new vocabulary2 Listening-and-answering activity to helpstudents go through with the listening material3 Groupwork to make every student work in class, Teaching Aids1 A tape recorder2 The blackboard3 A projector Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionNow lets review five different verb tenses Can you name the five tenses? Please look at the screenShow the names of the five tenses on the screen by a projector along with a sample sentence for eachpresent progressive: Youre reading these sentencespresent: We use our books every daypast with used to: He used to live in the countrysidepassive voice: Our classroom is found at the end of the hallpresent perfect: We have already finished Unit 14 We havent finished Unit15 yetInvite a student to read the verbs in these sentences Then get other students to briefly explain what each tense is used forPresent progressive describes things that are happening right nowPresent describes things that happen all the time or usually happenThe past with used to describes things that were a certain way in the past, but have changed nowThe passive voice describes things that we dont know who did, or we dont care who performed the actionThe present perfect describes recent eventsGet students to think of two or three more sample sentences using each type of verb Have several students read their sentencesStep 1aThis activity introduces the key vocabularyLook at the signs on each animals picture and read the words to the class Get students to repeat the name of each animalAfrican elephants, chimpanzees, kangaroos, manatees, cheetahs, polar bears If necessary, read the words and ask students to repeat them again Then have students read the words by themselvesMake sure students can read the words correctly and fluentlyRead the directions to the class Point to the list of words in the box Read the words and let students repeat them Then get different students to explain what they think each word means in their own words For example, A gentle animal is quiet and not dangerous A fury animal is covered with soft hair Ask some students to explain any words students may not understandAn enormous animal is very greatA playful animal is full of funAn aggressive animal is fond of quarrels and quick-temperedA spotted animal is marked with spotsLet students begin filling in the answers on their own When they work, walk around the classroom checking their progress and answering any questions they may have After students have finished using all the words from the box, let the students write some other words in the blanks below some of the picturesCheck the answers with the whole classLet students say the words they wrote under each headingAnswersPossible answersmanatee: gentle, shychimpanzees: noisyelephants: enormous, graykangaroos: playfulcheetahs: spotted, fastpolar bears: aggressive, furryStep 1bThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversationGo through the instructions with the class Look back at the list of words in Activity 1a You will hear Ginny and Victor talk about the animals in the picture in Activity 1a Now please listen to the recording carefully and circle the words on the list that they use to describe the animalsPlay the recording the first time This time students only listen Play the recording a second time Now listen to the recording again and circle the words you hear on the recordingCheck the answersAnswersThese words should be circled:aggressive, gentle, shy, furry, gray, fast, spottedTapeseriptBoy: Hey, Ginny, Whats that big, furry animal in the pond?Girl: Its a polar bear, Victor Theyre kind of aggressiveBoy: Are they? They looks like really love waterGirl: Uh-huhBoy: And what do you call those big, gray things in the water?Girl: Theyre called manateesBoy: What?Girl: Manatees Theyre very gentle and very shyBoy: Oh And how about the yellow and black spotted animal
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