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冀教版六年级英语下册教案Unit 1 SportsLesson 4 Where did you go?一.Teaching Objectives and Demands:1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson . 2.Student can understand read say and practice the past tense.3.Student can understand read and know the following words of the past tense: buy-bought, teach-taught, think-thought.4.Ss can sing the song “What did you do?”二.The Importance and The Difficult point:The importance: Practice the dialogue.The difficult point: Practice the past tense.三.Teaching Aids:some pictures, some vocabulary cards and one tape-recorder四.Allocation of time: one course五.Teaching steps: Step 1.Organizing the teaching1.Greetings2.Sing the Monday song Step 2. Revision1.Review the past tense ,present tense and the fuure tense verbs with a game. As each student makes a match, he or she says: “Yesterday I _(ed).Today I _. Tomorrow I am going to _.” Yesterday today tomorrow Worked walk going to laugh Ate go going to jumpLaughed jump going to playWent work going to walkWalked laugh going to workStep 3.Key concepts: bought taught thought1. Introduce:Add “buy” “teach” and “think” to the “today” column. Ask the Ss to give the future tense for each verb.Then write “taught” “thought” and “bought” in the “yesterday” column.2.Student book :a.Review the story so far.Today Jenny and LiMing went to the store to buy some clothes for LiMing and some pingpong balls. Then they went to the gym to play pingpong and basketball. Look at the pictures in the student book. What are they talking? b.Note the word “player” in the lesson.A player plays something, such as a sport. 3.Practice:a.Play “Whats wrong?” to practice the new past tense verbs and other tenses and verbs. b.Teach “What did you do?”六.Students activity:1.Sing the English song.2.matching game to review tenses.3.Discuss the story in the student book.4.Imitation.5.Game “Whats wrong?”6.Chant: What did you do?七.Blackboard:Lesson 4 Where did you go? teach-taught think-thought buy-bought 2
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