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,语法集训营,指人或事物的名称的词,名 词,名词,专有名词:特定的人,地点等(首字母大写) 例:New York, Yao Ming,普通名词,可数名词,不可数名词,能够以数计算的事物的名词,不能以数计算的事物的名词,单数名词,复数名词,?,例:液体,气体等。milk, water, air,例:pen, student, flowers,普通名词:指一般的人,事物等. 例:apple, pen, doctor,金木水火土,肉面食茶布,可数名词的单数变复数(规则变化),1.直接在名词后加s eg:cake-cakes, leg-legs 2.在以s, sh, ch, x 结尾的名词后加 es eg. dish-dishes, watch-watches, box-boxes 3. 以o结尾的名词, 无生命:+s photos, 有生命:+es eg. heroes, tomatoes, potatoes英雄爱吃西红柿土豆,可数名词的单数变复数(规则变化),.以辅音字母y结尾的名词,把y改为i再加es : eg. city-cities, family-families 5.以f或fe结尾的名词,变f或fe为v再加es eg. leaf-leaves, knife-knives, wife-wives,巧记以f或fe结尾的名称,树叶半数自己黄 妻子拿刀去割粮 架后窜出一只狼 就像盗贼逃命亡,leaf half self wife knife shelf wolf thief life,1.单复数同形的名词: 中国人,日本人都非常喜欢绵羊,鱼和鹿 Chinese Japanese sheep fish deer,可数名词的单数变复数(不规则变化),2.单复数不同形(特殊名词的变化): 1)改变中间元音 footfeet toothteeth goosegeese manmen womanwomen mouse-mice 2)词尾加-en或-ren childchildren oxoxen,可数名词的单数变复数(不规则变化),名词单数变复数的发音规则,名词单数变复数的发音规则,写出下列各词的复数形式: tomato, city, boy, radio, leaf, fly, photo, mouse, box,wife ,Sunday, class, Chinese ,zoo ,exam ,German , sheep, fish, beach ,wish, glass, leaf, student, deer, baby, potato,名词中表示所有关系的形式,名词所有格,所有格的构成方式,1. 名词+s 表示有生命的东西 2. 名词+of+名词 表示没有生命的东西,s所有格,名词的单数+ s, eg: Marys letter , the girls story 2. 复数名词所有格 (1)以-s或-es结尾,+ eg:the twins bedroom the students books (2)不以-s或-es结尾,所有格+s eg:a childrens book(儿童读物) the mens shoes,3. 两个人共有一样物品时, 只在后面一个名词后加s。 eg:Lucy and Lilys book 各自都有物品时, 它的所有格是在两个名词后分别都加上s。 eg: Lucys and Lilys books,s所有格,由of+名词构成的所有格,由of+名词构成的所有格通常用来表示无生命的东西的所有关系。 eg:the four legs of a desk a map of China the capital of America,Exercises,用所给名词的适当形式填空: 1. Are there any (peach) on the table? 2. They are some young (woman). 3. The (child) are playing in the garden. 4. Some (goose) are swimming in the river. 5. Would you like some _(fish)? 6. How many_(radio) can you see on the bookcase? 7. Are there any_(boy) in the library? 8. One policeman caught three_(thief) yesterday.,peaches,women,children,geese,fish,children,boys,thieves,Exercises,请用is/are填空 1.There some water in the bottle. 2.There an orange on the table. 3.There_many fish in the pool. 4.There_some leaves on the ground.,is,is,are,are,Exercises,请用How much/How many填空 1. _ juice do you want? 2. _ bottles of juice do you want? 3._ people are there in your family? 4._pencils do you have? 5._mutton羊肉 is there in the fridge?,How much,How many,How many,How many,How much,名词所有格练习,Translate these phase below. 教室的窗户 美国的首都 桌子的四条腿 学校的大门 老师们的办公室 男人们的衣服 Linda的课本 Peter和Bill的爸爸 奶奶的眼镜 Lucys mother and Lilys mother teachers of our school the foot of the hill,
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