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Unit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time !,学习目标,1 Grasp the new words and phrases. Words: organize video Phrases: let sb in wear jeans to the party have a great time stay at home study for the test half the class 2 掌握含“ If ” 引导的条件状语从句的基本结构 3. be responsible for your acts from now on.,三分钟速读课本P34内容,了解if引导的从句的基本形式。,自学指导,Patterns,Patterns,Patterns,从句,主句,,,主句,从句,(一般现在时),(一般将来时),(一般现在时),(一般将来时),主将从现,Free Talk,What will you do with the money if you have 1 million dollars?,I will buy a car if I ,Listen to the tape. Then match the statements with responses.,1. I think Im going to go to the party with Karen and Ann. 2. I think Im going to wear jeans to the party. 3. I think Im going to take the bus to the party. 4. I think Im going to stay at home.,a. If you do, the teachers wont let you in. b. If you do, youll be late. c. If you do, youll be sorry. d. If you do, youll have a great time.,牛仔裤,2a Listen and number these phrases in the order you hear them. (听对话,按听到词组的顺序编号。),a. study for their tests b. help me organize it c. too early d. make some food e. Saturday afternoon f. play party games,组织,1,2,3,4,5,6,Andrea,Mark,2b: listen again and answer the questions.,Mark is going to organize the party games.,Some students will be bored.,Students will leave early to study for their test.,Half the class wont come.,Andrea is going to make some food.,Mark,Andrea,2c Pair work Look at the chart and role play the conversation between Andrea and her friend.,A: OK, when is a good time to have the party? B: Lets have it today. A: If we have it today, half the class wont come.,Grammar,在包含if 引导的条件状语从句的句子中,当主句是一般将来时时,条件状语从句要用一般现在时.即主将从现,Lets have a try!,1.If you _ (shout) at the party ,you _ (have)to leave. 2.If I go to college,I_ (be) a college student. 3.If I _ (like) the doll, I _ (buy) it.,4. We _ (go) to Beijing if the weather _ (be) fine. 5. They _ (be) late if they _ (walk) to school. 6. The teachers _ (take) it away if you bring food to the party.,Now please be more careful!,1.If he _ (watch)TV every night, he _(fail) the exam. 2.If the weather _ (be) fine, Lily _ (play) basketball. 3.I _ (be) happy if you _ (not leave). 4.He _ (ride) a bike there if it _ (not rain). 5.She _ (not go) to school if she _ (not feel) well,Dear Jenny,Thanks for inviting me to the party. Of course,present, you are happy. I hope it wont rain that day. ,Because if it wont rain, my little son will come, too. ,If he comes, you arent disappointed, he is really funny.,OK, see you on the party.,Yours,will be,doesnt,give,wont be,Ill go to the party. And I think if I will give you a ,Please help me correct the sentences.,Rose,Correct and Write,Lets have a rest!,
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