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Where Is the Science Museum A Lets Talk,Lets sing,Lets chant Where is the post office? Next to the hospital. Where is the hospital? Next to the cinema. Where is the cinema? Next to the bookstore. Where is the bookstore? Go straight ahead.,library,Supermarket,Bank,supermarket,bank,Supermarket,Bank,Lets try,Museum,Library,Post office,bookstore,Cinema,Hospital,Is there anear here?这附近有家。肯定回答Yes, there is .否定回答No, there isnt.,Where is the_?,hospital,Its next to the _.,Its next to the _.,supermarket,Where is the_?,post office,Its next to the _.,Its next to the _.,bookstore,Where is the_?,bank,Its next to the _.,Its next to the _.,science museum,Where is the_?,bookstore,Its next to the _.,Its next to the _.,library,Lets talk,Exercise,Read and correct,1.Excuse me. Where are the cinema? are is 2.Are there a library near here? Are Is 3.How does you go to Canada? does do 4.Its in front the hospital. in front in front of 5.How do Mike go to school? do does 6.we go to the science museum in foot. we We in on,
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