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第二讲 语言知识 强化训练二结构课程内容:仿真限时训练;解题技巧点评(完形填空)课程目标:题感好,解题快;冲刺高分、满分课时:3仿真训练8(限时15分钟)Is the world really going mad? The other day I was sitting in a small restaurant 1 a quiet drink and a talk with a few friends, when it suddenly 2 me that almost everyone in the restaurant was smoking. It wasnt long 3 the whole room was filled with smoke. I asked with an apology for permission to open a window to stop myself 4 ! Nowadays air pollution is something that we hardly question any more. However, I still cant walk down the streets in any of the big cities without 5 that people are suffering from the air pollution. It is time for the government departments to introduce emission (废气排出) controls on all cars and 6 the public transport system to encourage people to 7 their cars at home. A friend of mine takes flying each morning and it really makes him 8 when he climbs above the smog layer and looks down 9 it and thinks: “Im breathing that!” This kind of 10 results from the bad management of resources. Waste things can, 11 should be treated properly.House building, road construction and industrial development are all earth moving (or earth reducing) operations and can change the balances of 12 created over millions of years. I would like to 13 serious studies done on all these main works before they are built. Also, there should be 14 national parks set up to keep the most beautiful parts of our countries in their natural 15 .1. A. haveB. hadC. havingD. have had2. A. seemedB. struckC. sankD. showed3. A. agoB. afterC. beforeD. now4. A. standingB. sittingC. talkingD. dying5. A. thinkingB. persuadingC. decidingD. learning6. A. increaseB. reduceC. improveD. raise7. A. washB. repairC. driveD. leave8. A. sickB. tiredC. foolishD. excited9. A. onB. intoC. fromD. for 10. A. discussionB. questionC. pollutionD. operation11. A. butB. yetC. stillD. and12. A. lifeB. mindC. human beingD. plants13. A. seeB. startC. enjoyD. pay14. A. fewB. anyC. moreD. no15. A. situationsB. statesC. soilsD. places答案1-5 CBCD A6-10 CDABC11-15 DAACB解题技巧点评作者通过人们在饭馆里吸烟的事实,谈起空气污染的问题,希望政府能采取措施治理空气污染,也希望大家能够认识到问题的严重性。Nowadays air pollution is something that we hardly question any more. 目前,空气污染是我们几乎无需质疑的问题。1结合整个句子,可以看出此处应用动词的-ing形式作sitting的伴随状语。2struck是strike的过去式,有“(想法等)产生于某人的头脑中”的意思。3It be not long before. 是一个常用句型,可译为“不久”。It will be not long before he comes back.不久他就回来。4让空气进来,并不能阻止人们站着、坐着和谈话,但可以防止人们因吸进污染空气而死亡。因此答案为D。5该句意思为“走在任何一座城市的街道上,我不得不想(thinking)人们正在受污染空气的毒害”。选其他几个选项,句子意思不通。6选项A和B与下面的the public transport system搭配不当,对于the public transport system来说,应该是improve (改进)。7为了不造成空气污染,当然是把车留 (leave) 在家里。8下文提到朋友每天早上乘飞机,并呼吸着污染空气,当然是生病(sick)了。9由上下文可知,此处应是向下往烟雾层看,因此应用into。10根据常识,我们知道“烟雾”应属于污染的范畴。11该空前后两个情态动词之间并没有转折关系,应用and。12由上文可推知此处是指一些工程可能会破坏生态平衡 (the balance of life)。13作者自己并不能解决这个问题,因此他只能希望看到 (see) 对于此问题的认真研究。14单词 also (此外)告诉读者下文解决问题的一种措施,作者当然希望这种“国家公园”能够更多,这有利于空气和环境的改善。15单词state 意思是“状态”。仿真训练9(限时15分钟)My job was to make classroom observations and encourage a training program that would enable students to feel good about themselves and take charge of their lives. Donna was one of the volunteer teachers who participated in this 1 . One day, I entered Donnas classroom, took a seat in the back of the room and 2 . All the students were working 3 a task. The student next to me was filling her page with “I Cants.” “I cant kick the soccer ball.” “I cant get Debbie to like me.” Her page was half full and she showed no 4 of stopping. I walked down the row and found 5 was writing sentences, describing things they couldnt do. By this time the activity aroused my 6 , so I decided to check with the teacher to see what was going on 7 I noticed she too was busy writing. “I cant get Johns mother to come for a parents meeting.” I felt it best not to 8 .After another ten minutes, the students were 9 to fold the papers in half and bring them to the front. They placed their “I Cant” statements into an empty shoe box. Then Donna 10 hers. She put the lid on the box, tucked it under her arm and headed out the door.Students followed the teacher. I followed the students. Halfway down the hallway Donna got a shovel from the tool house, and then marched the students to the farthest corner of the playground. There they began to 11 . The box of “I Cants” was placed at the 12 of the hole and then quickly covered with dirt. At this point Donna announced, “Boys and girls, please join hands and 13 your heads.” They quickly formed a circle around the grave.Donna delivered the eulogy (悼词). “Friends, we gathered here today to 14 the memory of I Cant. He is 15 by his brothers and sisters I Can and I Will. May I Cant rest in 16 . Amen!”She turned the students 17 and
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