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Unit 2 King Lear Learning about Language .完成句子1Though brought_up (被抚养大) in a big city, Bill always prefers to live a country life.2However_amusing_the_story_is (无论这个故事多么有趣), I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.3Founded (建立于) in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.4Greedy_children (贪吃的孩子) often cannot help eating more and tend to put on too much weight.5Can I help you?Im finding a job. Is there any vacant_post (空缺的职位) in your firm?6Our soldiers always sacrifice_themselves_to (把自己奉献给) our country, especially in_the_face_of (面临) disasters like floods and earthquakes.7It is difficult for you to make_a_name (出名) in the field of music.8Allow children the space to voice their opinions, even_if/though_they_are_different_from_your_own (即使他们的意见与你的意见不一样).完形填空“Hi, Mom, happy fiftieth birthday!” I heard my son, Brian, say as _1_ as if he were sitting next to me. _2_ he wasnt.Brian was on the USS Kitty Hawk on maneuvers (大规模演习) _3_ between our US.shore and the Persian Gulf.My partyloving friend, Denise, had _4_ me out for a quiet fiftieth birthday celebration dinner. When we _5_ at the restaurant, I scanned (扫视) the sea of _6_, but didnt recognize anybody.A wave of _7_ washed over me, and tears welled in my eyes when _8_ I heard Brian in my head. “Hi, Mom, happy fiftieth birthday.” “Whats wrong?” Denise asked when she saw me dabbing (轻轻擦) at my _9_.“I think Ive had too much wine. I keep _10_ Brian wish me a happy birthday,” I said. She gave me a(n) _11_ smile. “Our table is ready,” she said, leading me toward the stairs.Id hardly sat down in the chair of honor when a _12_ entered the room, carrying a sheet of cake. The firefighter _13_ the cake on the table in front of me so I could _14_ the fifty blazing candles. Once again I heard Brian speak, “Mom, be sure to _15_ me a piece of cake.” This time he _16_ very far away, but it seemed that he was just in front of me. I _17_ in my chair. Was I losing my mind?“Ill have some _18_ as soon as I get this helmet (头盔) _19_,” the firefighter said. Every drop of blood in my veins flowed to my feet. He _20_ his uniform and quickly pulled the helmet from his head.“Brian!”“Hi Mom. Happy fiftieth birthday!”1A.hardlyBimpossiblyCclearly Dloudly解析:选C由下句“as if he were sitting next to me”,可知作者听得很清楚。2A.So BThenCAnd DBut解析:选Dbut表转折,但是他没坐在我旁边。3A.somewhere BanywhereCeverywhere Dnowhere解析:选A在美国和波斯海湾之间的某个地方。4A.sent BsupportedCprovided Dinvited解析:选Dinvite sb.out“请某人出去吃饭”。5A.got BreachedCarrived Dcame解析:选Carrive at到达饭馆。6A.smiles BvoicesCfaces Ddishes解析:选C由下句的“I didnt recognize anybody”可知此处看到许多人的面孔。7A.happiness BsadnessCanger Ddisappointment解析:选B由下文掉眼泪可知难过。8A.at present Bno moreCat once Donce again解析:选Donce again“又一次”。9A.eyes BnoseCears Dfingers解析:选A擦眼泪当然是在眼睛上了。10A.seeing BsayingClistening Dhearing解析:选D由上文两次听到。可知此处用hearing。11A.relaxing BexcitingCunderstanding Dsurprising解析:选Can understanding smile“理解地笑了笑”。12A.fireman BfirewomanCwaiter Dwaitress解析:选A由下文的firefighter可知。13A.pulled BsetCpushed Dkept解析:选Bset“放置”。此处指把蛋糕放在桌子上。14A.light up Badd upCtake away Dblow out解析:选D正好在我面前,吹灭(blow out)。15A.save BbuyCmake Dbring解析:选Asave本意是“省下”,此处指“留下”。16A.shouted BsoundedClaughed Dcried解析:选Bsound“听上去”,指儿子说话的声音听起来很遥远。17A.calmed BturnedCfroze Dthought解析:选Cfreeze“僵住了”。18A.rest BcakeCpaper Dbread解析:选B儿子给母亲庆祝生日,当然吃蛋糕了。19A.off BawayCdown Don解析:选Aget sth.off“脱掉,摘掉”。20A.carried away Bpacked upCput on Dtook off解析:选Dtake off his uniform“脱去他的军装”。.阅读理解Some people like modern art, while others say that is rubbish.But a cleaner who works in the Tate Gallery in London isnt able to tell the difference.The woman, whose name isnt known, mistook a work of art by the German painter Gustav Metzger for a bag of rubbish, and threw it out with other bags. The plastic bag, which contained pieces of paper and cardboard, was later recovered outside the gallery, but the artist thought that it was too damaged to be put on show again. 78yearold Mr. Metzger explained that the exhibit, which he said was a copy of a similar work he had created in 1960, was meant to show that all art is temporary and “finite (有限的)”Embarrassed officials at the museum said that they had had to call a meeting with cleaners to explain which things should not be touched. They would not say whether Mr. Metzger would be paid any compensation for the incident. However, to make absolutely sure the same thing would not happen again, they decided to cover Mr. Metzgers work every evening with a coloured cloth. In this way the cleaners arriving after the gallery had been closed to the genera
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