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2021年高考考点扫描高考一轮考点扫描真题剖析逐一击破2021年高考英语一轮复习考点扫描36解析版 Book 6 Module 6 War and Peace基础盘点自测自评重点词汇扫描阅读单词快速排查本模块阅读词汇并在不认识的词汇前划1.beach n.海滩 2.memorial n.纪念碑;纪念馆 3.overlook v.俯视 ,往下看4.condemn v.责难;谴责 5.campaign n.作战行动 ,军事行动6.chain n.链条 ,铁链 7.chaos n.混乱 ,无秩序 8.senseless adj.无意义的 ,欠思考的 9.sacrifice n.牺牲 10.memorable adj.难忘的 ,特别的 ,值得回忆的 11.baggage n.(军队的)行装 ,行李 12.confidential adj.机密的 ,秘密的 13.mess n.混乱的局面 14.yell v.大叫 ,呼喊 15.unload v.卸下 16.liberation n.解放 17.surrender v.投降 18.strategy n.策略 ,战略 19.quote v.引用 ,引述 20.personnel n.全体人员 21.civilian n.平民;文职人员核心单词1. drown v.淹死 ,使溺死 2survivor n.幸存者 3last v.持续4eventually adv.最后 ,最终5wound v.使受伤 6rescue v.营救 ,拯救7view n.观点 8worthwhile adj.值得做的 ,有价值的 ,有用的9arm v.装备 ,武装 10. despite prep.不管 ,不顾【会应用】根据汉语提示完成下列各句1. Only the achievement of these goals will bring lasting(持久的) peace.2It took rescuers(营救人员) 90 minutes to reach the trapped men.3The surviving(幸存的) sailors managed to keep up for several hours and were eventually picked up by a lifeboat.4Dont play by the river in case you fall in and get drowned(溺水)5The wounded(受伤的) soldier should be sent to the hospital in no time.拓展单词1.abandon v.放弃;抛弃abandoned adj.被放弃的;被遗弃的2.operate v.操作;动手术;经营;管理operation n.行动;手术3.occupy v.占领;占用;占据occupied adj.被占领的;忙于occupation n.占领;职业4.shock v.使震惊 n.震惊shocked adj.(感到)震惊的;惊骇的 shocking adj.令人震惊的5.nation n.国家national adj.国家的nationality n.国籍6.courage n.勇气 ,胆量encourage v.鼓舞 ,鼓励 encouraged adj.受鼓励的encouraging adj.令人鼓舞的;振奋人心的encouragement n.鼓舞 ,鼓励7. agree v.同意disagree v.不同意agreement n.同意 ,协议disagreement n.争论 ,矛盾【语境活用】用所给词的适当形式填空1. The UN rescue operation started shortly after dawn. My job was to operate the artillery. (operate)2One winter morning we came across an abandoned puppy(小狗) on the street. I wondered who it was that abandoned such a cute puppy. (abandon)3In the match, all my classmates encouraged me to try hard, and their encouragement gave me more confidence and courage. At last, I got an encouraging result. (encourage)4His occupation is teaching, and he is fully occupied in teaching his students. He always thinks about the work, and how to teach the students well occupies his mind.(occupy)5Britain is a developed nation and its national flower is rose. Many people dream of having British nationality(nation)重点短语1. declare war on向宣战2make a breakthrough 取得重大突破(进展)3pick up 停下来让某人搭车(船等);救起;学会4to ones astonishment 令某人惊讶的是5drink to 为干杯6draw attention to 引起注意7be involved in 被卷入;陷入8in view/sight 在视野中9be situated on/in/at 位于 ,坐落于10refer to 提及;参考;指的是【语境活用】用左栏短语的适当形式填空1. pick up bad habits染上了坏习惯2drink to sb.s health 举杯祝某人健康3refer to a dictionary 查一下词典4On 1 September in 1939, Germany declared war on Poland and the Second World War broke out. Britain, France and many other countries were involved in the war afterwards.5Sam picked up some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.6To my astonishment ,he should have finished that task in such a short time without anybody helping him.重点句式句型1:before引导时间状语从句 ,表示“还没来得及就” 教材原句The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats.这次登陆行动异常危险 ,很多士兵甚至还没来得及下船就牺牲了。句型仿写游客们还没来得及拍照 ,导游就要求他们上车。The guide asked the tourists to get on the bus before they could take some photos.句型2:形容词(短语)作状语教材原句 The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked.死里逃生的战士躺在海滩上 ,疲惫不堪 ,心有余悸。句型仿写孩子们爬到了山顶 ,筋疲力尽但非常高兴。The children climbed up to the top of the mountain, exhausted but happy.句型3:fromwhere引导的定语从句教材原句The cemetery and memorial are situated on a cliff overlooking the beach and the English Channel ,from where the boats attempted their landings.公墓和纪念碑坐落在一处悬崖之上 ,从那里可以俯瞰海滩和英吉利海峡 ,当时一艘艘船只就试图从那里登陆。 句型仿写我们站在山顶 ,从那里我们可以欣赏到整个城镇的风景。We stood at the top of the hill, from where we can enjoy the scenery of the whole town.知识主线串记Part 1Part 2Despite the fact that people are eager for peace and condemn war, many countries are involved in the modern war. To our astonishment, some countries invade other countries regardless of the safety of people. As a result, many people sacrificed their lives and lost their homes. I wonder why some political leaders cant abandon the thought of war.Once there was a warlike(好斗的) king, who often sent his men to harass(侵扰) its neighbors people and occupied their land. His son even took away their beautiful princess. In order to rescue the princess and the people, the neighboring
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