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1 补全对话补全对话 A 选择恰当的选项补全对话(其中有两项多余) A. How do you spell it? B. How are you? C. Whats this in English? G. Nice to meet you. D. Whats your telephone number? E. No. I am not. F. Yes, it is A: Hi! I am Kate. Are you Mike? B: 1 I am Paul. A: 2. B: P-A-U-L. A: 3. B: I am fine, thanks. A: 4. B: Its 458-7521. A: Is this your notebook? B: 5. My name is on it. B 从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话(其中有两项多余) A:Hello! Im Jenny._1_ B:My name is Tina. A:_2_ B:Green. A:Whats your telephone number? B:_3_ A:Tina,is she Mary? B:_4_ She is Cindy. A:_5_ B:He is Mike,Mike Brown. AWhats your last name?BIts 2365689.CWhats your first name?DWhats his name? EYes,she is.FNo,she isnt.GWhats your name? C 根据对话内容选项最恰当的句子。 A: Hello. Mike, 1 ? B: Sorry, I dont have one. A: So I must go to the shop near our school. B: I think the shop is closed(关着的) at this time of day. A: 2 ? B: Its Friday. On Friday the shop closes early. A: 3 ? B: Look, it says “closed”. A: Oh, dear! youre right. It is closed. 4 ? B: 5 . Its open(开着的)24 hours(小时). A: OK, Lets go. 2 D A: Hello, Zhang Ming . B: Hello, Li Ying . How are you ? A: Fine , thank you . And you? B: Im fine, 1 _ . Excuse me, is this a car(小汽车)? A: Yes , it is . B: Is it 2_Chinese car? A: No, it isnt. Its a Japanese (日本的)car. B: 3_And whats that? A: Its a jeep(吉普车). B: 4_你怎样拼写它? A: J-E-E-P. B: Thank you. E A: Hi. My names Jack. B: Hi, Jack 1Linda. A: Nice to meet 2. B: 3 your last name, Jack? A: 4 last name is Brown. B: 5it, please. A: OK. B-R-O-W-N. F A: Is this your mother? B: 1 , it is. She is 2 mother. A: Look at that girl. Is she your sister? B: No, 3 isnt. 4 that boys sister. A: Oh, is that man your father? B: Yes, 5 is. He is my friend, too. G A.Yes? B.The keys? Theyre on the table. C.No,they aren t D.What about my books? E.Its under the sofa. A: Hi, Susan! B:_1_ A:Is my computer game on the table? B:No,it isnt.Its on the bookcase. A:Oh,OK. _2_Are they on the bookcase,too? B:_3_ Theyre on the chair. A:Oh, So,where is my pencil box? 3 B:_4_ A:And where is my schoolbag? B:Its under the table. And your baseball is under the chair. A:Oh,OK. And where are Moms keys ? B:_5_ H H 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话(其中右两项是多余的 A: You do your math homework first, Paul B: Oh, yes, mom. (1) I cant find it. A: (2)_ B: No, it isnt there. A: Is it in your backpack? B: No, it isnt. A: (3)_ B: OK. Ah, it is here. It is under my desk. A: (4)_ R; All right_ (5) I Mike: Hi, Tony, lets_1_ baseball. Tony: _2_sounds good, Mike. That _3_ fun. Mike: Do you_4_ a baseball or a baseball_5_? Tony: Oh, no. I dont have a baseball and I dont have a baseball bat. Mike: _6_your sister have a ball or a bat? Tony: Yes, _7_ does. Hi, _8_! Where_9_ your baseball and bat? Gina: Theyre under the bed. Tony: OK!_10_ play. A. You can look for it in your bedroom BBut where is my pencil? C. You must look after your things well DBut where are mybooks? E. Thank you,mom FIs it on your desk? GHere is my picture
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