第1页 / 共8页
1 7A 一词的固定搭配 1.be keen on sth. /be interested in sth. 对某事感兴趣 2. hear from sb. /get a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信 3. be in charge of 负责 4. discuss sth. with sb. 与某人 讨论某事 5. deal with(how) /do with(what) 处理 6.lose ones temper /be angry 发脾气 7.look after /take care of 照顾,保管 8. fail to do sth. 做某事失 败 9.explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事 10. be polite (to sb.) (对某人)有礼貌 11. sb. steal sth. from sb. 某人从某人处偷了东西 11. hurry up 快点; in no hurry 不 着急; in a hurry to do sth 匆忙做某事 12. notice sb. do sth.注意某人做过某事/ notice sb. doing sth.注意某人正在做某事 13. divide into 把分成 14.decide to do sth./ make a decision to do sth. / make up ones mind to do sth. 决定做某事 15. plan for sth./doing sth. 为某事制定计划 ; plan to do sth. 计划做某事;make plans for sth. 为某事定计划 16. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 17. suggest doing sth. 建议做某事 ; suggest to sb. 向某人提建议 18. be suitable for 对 合适 19. aim at 瞄准某物 20. at least 至少 21. at most 至多 22. consist of / be made up of 由组成 23. stand for /represent 代表 24. dress up 装扮 25. be dressed in 穿着 26. fall asleep 入睡 27. wake up 醒来 28. wake sb. up 把 某人叫醒 29. sth. go out 某物熄灭 30. fail to do sth. 做某事失败 31. succeed in doing sth. 做某事成功 32. sb. see sb. doing sth. 某人看见某人正在做某事 二易混词汇辨析 1. attend , join, join in, take part in attend: 出席会议、典礼、上学等; join: 参加组织或团体 join in: 参加比赛或活动 join sb. in sth. 2 take part in 参加会议或群众性的活动 2. steal , rob steal:偷窃 steal sth. from sb.; rob:抢劫 rob sb. of sth. 3. discover, invent discover: 发现自然界本身存在的东西 invent: 指发明或创造自然界本来不存在的东西 4. always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never 5. hear from, hear of, hear hear from: 收到某人的来信; hear of :听说; hear: 听见,听到 6. in charge of, in the charge of, take charge of in charge of: 管理,负责; in the charge of sb. 被管理 take charge of: 管理,负责(强调动作) 7. especially, specially, particularly especially: 特别,特殊,尤其 ; specially: 特意,特别 地,专门 = particulary 8. nearly, almost 几乎, 差不多 nearly 不能与 nothing, nobody, nothing 等表示否定意义的词连用。 not nearly 远 远不 almost 可以与 no, never, nothing 等表示否定意义的词连用,但不能与 not 连用。 9. rise, raise 上升 rise 没有被动语态;指太阳等上升,站起来等 raise 有被动语态;指人为“升起” ,工资提高等 10. damage, destroy 毁坏 3 damage: 部分损坏; destroy: 彻底毁坏,不可修复 11. suitable, fit 适合 suitable : 形容词,指颜色、款式等适合 fit: 动词,指大小、尺寸合适 12. fall asleep, go to bed, be asleep fall asleep: 睡着,瞬间动作; go to bed 上床睡觉,强调动作 be asleep: 睡着,延续性动作 三 核心词汇 1. own, owner 2. long, length 3. tall/high, height 4. wide, width 5. express, expression 6. expressive 7. discuss, discussion 8. achieve, achievement 9. fail, failure 10. polite, politeness, impolite, politely, 11, hurry, hurried, hurriedly 12. develop, development, developed, developing 13. decide, decision, decisive 14. appear, appearance 15. invite, invitation 16. suggest, suggestion 17. interrupt, interruption 18. suit, suitable, unsuitable 四句型结构 1. How old are you?=Whats the age of you?= Whats your age? 2. 3 plus 9 equals/is 12. = Add 3 and/to 9, you get 12 3. 9 minus 3 equals/is 6.= Subtract 3 from 9 ,you get 6. 4. 3 times 9 equals /is 27 = Multiply 9 by 3, you get 27. 5. 9 divided by 3 equals/ is 3. = Divide 9 by 3, you get 3. 6. What happened to sb.? 五语法 1. 不定冠词 a, an 与定冠词 the 用法 3. 连词:and, but, so 的用法 4.与 some, any, 4 every, no 的复合词的用法 5. 一般过去时,一般将来时 6. 祈使句 76. 表示 方位的介词 六写作 1. 人物介绍。 常用表达:twelve-year-old; tall/ short; outgoing; favourite subject; comparewith; make sb. angry/ happy; all over China 写作模板:My name is Xiao Ling. Im a twelve-year-old girl._. Im outgoing and _. I also like _. 2. 假期活动 常用表达: enjoyable; show a lot of interest in sth/ doing sth.; spend doing sth.; make progress; be proud of 7B 一词的固定搭配 1.offer sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物 2. provide sth. for sb.=provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物 3. fight with sb. 与某人打架 4. be harmful to sth.= be bad for sth. = do harm to sth. 对有害 5.warn sb. (not) to do sth. 警告某人(不要)做某 事;warn sb. of sth. 提醒某人(尤指可能有危险的或有不良后果的事) ; warn sb. against ab. / doing sth. 让某人警惕 /提放某人或某事 6. agree with sb. 同意 某人(的意见) ; agree on 对取得一致意见; agree to sth 同意,接受 7.be against 反对,违反 8. communicate with与交流 9. in danger 在危险中 10. out of danger 脱离危险 11. in trouble 处于麻烦中 12. cut down 把砍倒/ 割掉,减少,降低 13.die out 渐渐消失,灭绝 14. be based on 以为基础 5 15.book the room/ ticket 订房、票 16. order the meal 订餐 17.allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 18. seem to do 似乎做某事;seem to sb. to be 在某人看来,似 乎是; seem like 似乎像 19.connect to (with) 使连接 20.be bored with sth. =be tired of sth. 对感到厌烦 21. have a pain in 某个部位疼痛 22. be successful in doing sth. 做某事取得成功 23. lead sb. to 把某人带到某地 24. be against the rules 违反规定 25. go off 突然发出响声 26. flow through 流过 27. stone deaf 全聋的 28. feel like 想要 28. belong to 二易混词汇辨析 1.find, found find 找到, 过去式 found found 建立,成立,过去式 founded 2.defeat, beat, win 赢,战胜,打败 defeat=beat 后接人或集体,beat 还可指心脏的跳动 win 后接 game, war, prize, battle 3.contain, hold contain 指一个整体包含的内容,侧重“内有”之意。 hold 指有能力“容纳” ,或有足够的容量 4.call, phone, telephone, ring 打电话,n./ v. I called/ phoned/ telephoned/ rang my friend just now.我刚才给我的朋友打电话了。 call/ ring/ sb. up 打电话给某人 give sb. a call/ a telephone call/ a ring 给某人打电话 5.join, connect, unite join:任何事物的直接连接。 常见搭配 join
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