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课题Lesson 1 授课时间9.1周次1课时1总课时1 教学目标1、学习简单介绍自己的日常生活和学习习惯。 2、熟悉英文 email 的格式,并在实际生活中运用。 教学重点The new words and the new sentences. 教学难点Practise the new words and the new sentences. 教学准备picture, recorder 教学过程(教学模式) Step 1 Warmingup (复习 温故、引新) 1.Lets sing a song. 2.Lets play a game. I have three new pen pals. They often write emails to me and I often write e mails to them, too. Lets look at the pictures in their emails. Can you guess where they come from? Step 2. Presentation (呈现 输入、理解) 1.教师总结游戏结果。Where does Ben come from?或 Where is Mary from? Ben comes from Britain. Mary is from Australia. 2.演示课件,屏幕上出现一封电子邮件,引导学生说出:An email. 3.屏幕上出现一封电子邮件的界面,图中有 Subject,有 Lucy 的 email 地址, 学生认真观察电子邮件的写作格式。 Teacher: where is it from? Students: It is from Lucy. Teacher: Yes, it is from my new friend Lucy. But how do you know that? Oh, you can see the email address. Do you have an email address? 4.Listen to the tape according to the questions. What is the email about? Where does she have lunch? Where does Lucy come from? When does Lucy get up? What does she do after dinner? When do classes begin? When does school end? Does she go to bed late? 5. To learn the email. Step 3 Practice (操练 内化、熟练) Listen to the tape and read the email. Step 4 Production (练习输出、检测) Fill in the blanks. Hi, LiYan. My name is_. I come from _. Im_. I get up at_ every morning. I have classes from_ to_. I have _ at school at 11:45.I get home at about_. Then I do my _. 板书设计Lesson 1 get up go to school have dinner get home watch TV go to bed 教学反思 (目标达 成) (总结归纳、深化) 结合生活情景引入本课目标语言,让学生整体感知、理解、学习,运 用目标语言进行交流。 课题Lesson 2 授课时间9.2周次1课时2总课时2 教学目标1、To learn the new words: have breakfast lunch dinner 2、To learn the new sentences. I have breakfast/lunch/dinner at 7:30/12:00/6:00. 教学重点The new words and the new sentences. 教学难点Practice the new words and the new sentences. 教学准备cards, recorder 教学过程(教学模式) Step 1 Warmingup (复习 温故、引新) 1.Lets chant. Early to bed. Early to rise. Make us healthy! Make us wise! Watch TV? No, no, no. Its ten, ten, ten. 2.Read the phrases: get up, have breakfast, go to school, have dinner, watch TV, go to bed Step 2. Presentation (呈现 输入、理解) 1.Look at the cards and learn the new phrases. have breakfast have lunch have dinner get up go to school watch TV 2.Read the new phrase after the teacher. Pay attention to the pronunciation. 3.Ask the pupils to practice the new phrases. Step 3 Practice (操练 内化、熟练) 1.Listen to the tape and read Lesson 2. 2.Make up new sentences. I have breakfast at 6:30 in the morning. I go to school at 7:00 in the morning. I get up at 6:00 in the morning. I have lunch at 12:00. I go home at 4:00 in the afternoon. I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. I go to bed at 9:00 in the evening. Step 4 Production (练习输出、检测) Change the sentences. 1.I go to school at 7:00 in the morning. (变一般疑问句) 2.I get up at 6:00 in the morning. (变一般疑问句) 3.I have dinner at 7:00 in the evening. (就划线部分提问) 4.I go to bed at 9:00 in the evening. (就划线部分提问) 5.When do you have dinner? (回答问题) 板书设计Lesson 2 breakfast I have breakfast at 7:30. lunch I have lunch at 12:00. dinner I have dinner at 6:00. 教学反思 (目标达 成) (总结归纳、深化) 呈现时间轴和相关活动短语及图片, 让学生两人一组看图回答日常活 动时间。对 daily life 进行熟练操练。 课题Lesson 3 授课时间9.3周次1课时3总课时3 教学目标1、询问和介绍他人的日常生活情况。 2、Just read and speak. 教学重点The new words and the new sentences. 教学难点Practice the new words and the new sentences. 教学准备ppt, recorder 教学过程(教学模式) Step 1 Warmingup (复习 温故、引新) 1.播放歌曲(What does your father do?),在欢快的音乐声中,让学生自然地跟唱。 引起学生对家庭成员工作、生活情况等表达方式的回忆。并为本课的教学内容 做好铺垫。 2.自由讨论:组织学生分组讨论自己的家人,话题是 My family.要求学生借助家 庭成员的照片,帮助自己向同学介绍。参考语言:Let me tell you something about my family. My father is a Step 2. Presentation (呈现 输入、理解) 1.教师总结自由讨论活动,并提出新的问题:You have a happy family. And whom do you love best in your family? Why?学生回答出不同的答案:I love my mother/father/grandpa/grandma best.教师启发学生说出原因:He/She is very kind to me. He works very hard. She often helps me with my lessons. He often brings me some candies 2.Teacher: Look! LiYan sends email back. Guess what shes talking about this time? 3.Listen to the tape according to the questions. What time does her mother get up? What time does she go to school? What time does she go home? What does she do after dinner? 4.Listen to the tape and read Lesson 3. Step 3 Practice (操练 内化、熟练) 1.再放录音,让学生完整地跟读、模仿。 2.组织学生分组练习朗读,开展小组间朗读比赛,师生共同评价。 Step 4 Production (练习输出、检测) Answer the questions. 1.What does LiYans mother do? 2.What time does she go to school? 3.How do her students like her lessons? 4.What does she do after dinner? 板书设计Lesson 3 cook breakfast have lessons learn English take a walk cook dinner read English stories 教学反思 (目标达 成) (总结归纳、深化) 通过生活情景引导学生继续学习如何用英语介绍日常生活情况。 课题Lesson 4 授课时间9.4周次1课时4总课时4 教学目标1、To learn the new words:walk, afternoon, every morning , evening 2、To learn the new sentences. She gets up at 6:00 in the morning. She doesnt get up at 6:30. 教学重点The new words and the new sentences. 教学难点Practice the new words and the new sentence
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