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冀教版五年级上册英语第一单元测试题 姓名: 分数: 一、连线。10 分 去散步 water flowers 读书 cook 看电影 plant vegetables 做饭 read book 用电脑 watch a cinema 看电视 fly kites 浇花 go for a walk 打篮球 watch TV 种蔬菜 work on computer 放风筝 play basketball 二、把单词补充完整,并写出汉语意思。 20 分 f_ th_ _ ( ) s_s _er ( ) m_ th_ _ ( ) ch _ _d ( ) c_ _sin ( ) br_th _ _ ( ) gr_ _df_th_ _( ) a_ _t ( ) f_m _ly ( ) un_ _e ( ) 三、按要求写出相应的单词。 (10 分) black(反义词) _ big(反义词) _ child(复数) _ father(对应词)_ like(单三形式) _ old (反义词)_ do(单三形式)_ aunt(对应词)_ work(汉语) _ have(单三形式)_ 四、读一读,分分类,选出不同类的单词。 10 分 ( ) 1. A. farmer B. teacher C.hospital ( ) 2. A. walk B.bike C. car ( ) 3. A. flower B. animals C. vegetable ( ) 4. A. school B. farm C. bus ( ) 5. A. zoo B. cinema C. Film 四、翻译下列每一个句子,并给问句选择合适的答语。15 分 ( )1. What does your father do? _ ( )2. What does your family like to do? _ ( )3. Where does your father work? _ ( )4. How do you go to school? _ ( )5. Who is she? _ A. He is a teacher. _ B. She is my mother. _ C. He works at a school. _ D. By bus. _ E. We like to watch a film at the cinema. _ 五、选择题 10 分 1. I dont have brothers _sisters. A. and B. are C. or 2. How old is your grandfather ? _. A. eight. B. eighty C. eighteen 3. My uncles son is my_. A.sister B. brother C.cousin 4.My parents have two_,my sister and me. A.child. B. children C. son. 5. He goes to work_car. A. drive B. in C. by 6.I like to fly kites _the park . A.on B. at C. in 7.I am _my mother. A.younger than B. older than C. bigger than 8.My hair is black.My eyes are black_. A.to B. too C.two 9. My mother_ a doctor. A.Are B.has C.Is 10.We like to _fun together. A. have B. has C.play 六、连词成句并翻译。20 分 1.family,does,what,your,do,to,like(?) _ 2.goes,bus,by,work,to,she(.) _ 3.does,mother,do,what,your(?) _ 4.she,old,is,years,eleven(.) _ have, all, we, eyes, black(.) 默写 26 个字母
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