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1 新视野大学英语视听说1教案内容 : 一、教学目的和要求; 二、教学重点; 三、教学难点; 四、教学方法与教学手段; 五、教学过程; 六、作业或思考题; 七、参考文献; 八、课后分析; 2 课 程 基 本 信 息 公共必修课 公共选修课 课程类别 专业必修课 专业选修课 学分学时1.5 学分26 学时 使用教材 郑树棠,新视野大学英语视听说教程1,外语教学与研究出版社,2015 年 参考 1.郑树棠 ,新视野大学英语视听说教程1 教师用书,外语教学与研究出 版社, 2015 年 书目 2.张明伦,英语听力入门 I-IV ,华东师范大学出版社,2009年. 3.潘培忠,VOA 新闻听力教程,青岛出版社, 2001年. 通过对英语(师范)专业大一学生进行初步的专业听力技能训练使其能听 懂教师的课堂用语以及对课文内容所作的解释;听懂他人以较慢的语速谈 课 论日常生活;听懂基本没有生词、题材熟悉、难度略低于高三所学课文的 程 语段, 理解正确率达到 70%。通过一学期的学习,能够听懂英语语言国家人 教 士所作的难度不超过所学语言知识的讲座,掌握中心大意, 理解主要内容, 并能辨别说话人的态度和语气。听懂VOA 慢速新闻广播和文化节目,抓住 学 主要内容。能在 15分钟内听写根据已学知识编写而成或选用的录音材料(词 目 数 120个左右,念四遍,语速为每分钟80个单词),错误率不超过 10%。 的 能熟练地就课文内容进行问答,并进行简单的讨论;经过准备,能简 及单而连贯地复述听过的或读过的语段;能就日常生活的话题进行初步交际; 能清楚而连贯地讲述学生熟悉的题材和课文内容,长度不少于八句。通过 要 一学期的学习,口语水平应逐步在初级基础上有所提高:能就所听到的语求 段进行问答和复述;能就日常生活话题进行交谈;做到正确表达思想,语 音、语调自然,无重大语法错误,语言基本得体。 3 UNIT 1 Traces of the past (3periods) I.Teaching Objectivesand Requirements 1. Topic: Traces of the past 2. Language Skills: 1) Listening skills: Listening for specific information 2) Speaking skills: Keeping a conversation going 3. Learning Objectives: 1) talk about past events and their impacts on the present 2) listen for specific information 3) keep a conversation going 4) conduct an interview 4. Vocabulary, and Expression: social, clubbing, disco, cute, fish and chips, Johannesburg,orphanage, Cuban, FIFA ? 5. Language Notes and Culture Notes: Tower Bridge, Harry Potter, Mamma Mia, Havana, Covent Garden, Cuban National Ballet, Grammy Awards ? II. Teaching Focuses 1. Organize a series of listening and speaking activities related to the topic of the unit. 2. Help Ss master the related listening and speaking skills by conducting listening and speaking training in class. 3. Give students some background information about each part. 4. Focus on the listening materials on Pages 15-18. III. Teaching Difficulties 1.Encourage the freshmen to speak in English in class by helping them eliminate some negative affective factors, and some language/cultural barriers. 2.Try to reduce Ss anxiety and create more chances for them to engage in classroom activities. IV. Teaching Methods and Teaching Aids Teaching Methods : presentation, discussion, self-learning, instruction, interaction Teaching Aids : multi-media, physical objects, models, pictures, CD V. Teaching Procedures 1.Opening Up 4 Guide Ss to think of the activities he/she sometimes does at weekends, and then ask his/her partner whether he/she likes doing any of the activities mentioned in the word webs on Page 2 and whether he/she did any of them last weekend. 4. Skills Training 1) Lead-in: Watch a podcast from the beginning to the end for its general idea, and then finish the related exercises on pages 3-4. 2) Listening Listening skills:Listening for specific information Listening for specific information is a common and useful listening skill. It means listening for the important details you need. For example, if you listen to a weather forecast, you should expect to information about the temperatures,descriptions of the weather, such as clear, sunny, cloudy, overcast, rainy, hot, cold, windy, snow, storm, and chances of rain / snow. Training at 3 steps: BEFORE you listen; WHILE you listen; AFTER you listen 3)Viewing Training at 3 steps: BEFORE you view; WHILE you view; AFTER you view 4) Speaking Speaking skills:Keeping a conversation going Keeping a conversation going is an important speaking skill for exchanging information with or showing politeness to other people. There are several ways to keep a conversation going. Firstly, ask questions. Questions are useful not only for starting a conversation, but also for keeping the conversation going. After your first question, ask follow-up questions, especially open-ended questions, to encourage the person you are talking with to go on with the conversation. Secondly, give extra information. When answering questions, try to give extra information such as whom you did something with, when and where you did it, how it was. Thirdly, make comments. Encourage your conversation partner to go on talking by making comments on what he / she says. You may use expressions such asThat sounds good,!Really?, or I don t believe y.ou! Speaking skills training: Imitation; Role-play; Group discussion 3. Further practice in listening 1) Understanding ten short conversations. 2) Understanding a long conversation followed by five questions. 3) Understanding a passage following by five questions. 5. Introduction to English News (Unit 1 ofListen to News): 5 1) Definitions ofNews “ 新闻” 2) English News 英“ 语新闻” two types of English news different carriers of English news 2) The Importance and Necessity of Learning English News VI. Assignments 1Ask Ss to finish Task 3, Ex.5 on Page 5. and Task 2, Ex.4 on Page 9. 2Assign Ss to prepare a three-minute oral report on one of the above topics or any one related to what he/she has learned in this unit and present it in the next class
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