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1 高考英语单句作文 单句练习(一) 1昨天天气很好 .Yesterday it _ fine.2. 我独自去划船 . I _ _ by myself. 3. 我没带朋友因为我想单独一个人. I didnt _ friends with me because I wanted to be _. 4. 我租了一条船并向湖中心划去.I _ a boat and _ to the center of _. 5. 清新的风吹着 .Fresh wind was _.6. 鱼在游泳 .鸟在唱歌 . Fish _ _. Birds were _.7. 我感到极为放松 . I felt extremely _. 8. 两个小时很快过去了.Two hours _ quickly.9. 我很晚回到家 . I _ _ very late. 10. 但我一点也不感到累 . But I didnt feel tired _ _. 11. 我玩得很愉快 .I have really _ _ _ _. 单句练习(二) 1 星期五的早晨, Xiao Hua 和往常一样上学。 _, Xiao Hua went to school as usual. 2. 他正在路上走着 , 这时他看到一个井没盖上.He was walking along the road _ he saw a well _.3. 他想这对于行人很危险 . He thought it was _. 4. 因此他决定把井盖好 . So he decided _. 5. 井盖太重了以至于他费了很大麻烦才移动。The cover was so heavy that he _. 6. 终于他把井盖好了 .At last, he _. 7. 他刚一转身就听到井里的求救声。 2 Hardly had he _ when he heard _coming from the well. 8. 因此他转身把井盖移走 .So he _ to move the cover away. 9. 令他吃惊的是一个工人在井里._, a worker was inside the well. 10. Xiao Hua 尽力把工人从井里拉上来 .Xiao Hua tried his best to _. 11. 然后, 他把井盖好。 Afterwards he _ properly. 单句练习(三)你被抢过包吗?你看过别人被抢吗?下面的描述你应该比较熟 悉。 1. 上个日我妈妈在回家的路上被劫了。_ my mother _ on her way home. 2. 当时她身上带着从银行取的正骑在自行车上。 She was then _ on her bike with the money which _. 3. 突然,一个在黑色摩托车上的男人靠近, 抓住她的包 , 然后骑走了 . Suddenly a man _ came near, _ her handbag and _. 4. 妈妈喊求救,但是围每人。My mother _, but there was _. 5. 她马上去了最近的警察局 ,报了案 .She _ at once and reported the robbery. 单句练习(四) 1. 中国的大多数家庭希望他们的独生子将有一个快乐的将来. Most families in China hope their _ will _. 2. 因此,他们对他们的孩子非常格 .So they _ their children. 3. 学校的老师也这样 ._ in school. 3 4. 很多孩子被给如此多的作业以致于他们没有业余时间来运动. Many children are given so much homework _ they have no time _. 5. 孩子们被禁止做除了学习的任事情.The children _ but study. 6. 难怪很多孩子厌倦了学习 ._ many children _ study. 7. 一些甚至攻击或杀害他们的父母和老师. Some even _ or _ their parents and teachers. 8. 我相信很多人已经在报纸上读到这种新闻. I believe many people _ already _ this kind of news _. 9. 我们不该从这些意外事故中吸取教训吗? Shouldn t we _ from these accidents? 10. 现在我们的政府正在开展计划去解决教育问题. Now our government _ to solve _. 单句练习(五) 1 Tom 和他的妈妈去度暑假。 Tom and his mother _ . 2. 他们在沙滩玩得很愉快并且比预想呆得时间长. They had a wonderful day _ and stayed longer than _ . 3. 他们很晚开车回家,这时一场暴风雨发生了。 They were driving home very late at night _ . 4. Tom 的妈妈几乎不能看到路 .Toms mother could _. 5. 突然, 他们看到一个房子有一个牌子写着Welcome Inn. 4 Suddenly they saw a house with a sign _. 6. Tom s 妈妈想这是一个好主意 , 在这停留一夜明早在回家 . Tom s mother thought it would be a good idea to _ the next morning. 7. 他们把车停下来 ,赶快过去敲门 . They _ and hurried to _. 8. 主人热情地欢迎我们 .我们感到非常高兴 . The owner _. We _. 单句作文(六) This is a return letter. ( 注意时态 ) 1. 我写信来感你们的热情 .I am writing to thank you for _ . 2. 我经历了一个好的飞机旅行回到了家.I had a good _ . 3. 我的父母和姐姐正等在飞机场来迎接我. My parents and sisters _. 4. 有如此多的消息要告诉他们以至于我们熬夜谈到了午夜。 There was _ news to tell them that we _ till the midnight. 5. 他们饶有兴趣地看了照片 , 尤其是你和你的家人的 . They were interested _, especially the ones of you and your family. 6. 在和你们呆在一起时 ,我学了很多英语 . I learned a lot of English while _. 7. 我计划经常给你们写信作为一种练习英语写作的式. I am planning to _ as a way of practicing _. 8. 如果你能更正我的错误 , 那将是非常有帮助的 . (委婉的口气 ) It would be very helpful if you _. 5 9. 但是我确实希望你明年来看我们.But I _ you will _ next year. 10.我肯定我们总能相处得很好.I m sure we can always _. 11. 盼望着你的好消息 ._ . 单句作文 (七) This is about ten-minute break. 1. 作为学生,我们从早晨很早到下午的晚些时候都在上课. As students, we _ from early morning till late afternoon. 2. 因此, 在课间休息十分钟很重要和必要. Therefore , _ is very important and necessary. 3. 否则, 我们可能会感到身体和精神上的疲惫.Otherwise we may _. 4. 在课间十分钟期间 , 我们做些事来消除疲劳 . During the ten-minute break, we do something to _ . 5. 通常我做些简单的锻炼 .Usually I do some _. 6. 有时我和同学聊聊天或出去走走. Sometimes I _ or _. 7. 当新课开始时 , 我又感到有精神了 .When a new class begins, I _. 单句作文(八)绿色 1 Jack 和 John 是同学 .Jack and Jo
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