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高中英语新高考-英语创新作文大赛:关于人生仪式 写作指导与解读参赛作文题目:我的下水文:写之前,一定要认真审题,注意三点:rituals you have observed; describe the details; explain the meaning这样看,就是夹叙夹议,夹杂一些说明。如果按照我们江苏作文特点,就容易跑题。我开始就这样的,后来才意识到问题。慎之!Rituals easilycome across asgrand ceremonies, like presidential inauguration, wedding ceremony and so on. However, rituals can be seen and felt everywhere in our daily life. They, just like thecatalyst,serve the purpose ofremoving gapsandlubricatingmutual communication, thusbringing people closer together.写作思路:通过对比法(普遍看法和实际情形)来突出人生礼仪的作用。最后一句是为了论证rituals can be seen and felt everywhere in our daily life.修辞手法:英语是讲究隐喻特色,因此我用了催化剂和润滑油,通俗易懂,容易被读者理解。词语:come across as.给人什么印象catalyst催化剂lubricate加润滑油(此处是比喻)serve the purpose of.起的作用remove the gaps of.消除隔阂bring.closer together让更紧密Chineseare keen ontraditional festivals which provide a golden chance for family members to get together. For many reasons, we young nowadays have topursue our dreamsin every corner ofthe world, burying the missing for our parents in the heart. However, on Mid-autumn days, for example, the whole family members will fly home,regardless ofthe heavy traffic. In my hometown, wegive high priority toworshiping ancestorsin honor oftheir contributions. On this occasion, my father likes telling their taleswith great admirationand requires that we shouldfollow their exampleandmake a differenceto the society. The tales, though repeated year by year, neverlose their meaningbutserve as a reminder ofthe past pains and gains.In the evening, the moon hanging in the sky smiling quietly and cozily, we sit around a table, sharing stories about study or work. It isan ideal channel for us to have a good understanding ofeach other.Next day,we will visit our relatives. Often, we hug each other warmly, followed bya heart-to-heart talk, including income, marriage and the like.It is through these rituals thatwe find theempathywith peers andshow respect forthe old. The traditional customs are thushanded downfrom one generation to another.写作思路:主题句:中国人对节日的情有独钟支撑句:先说平时难以相聚;再举例说相聚后的仪式细节:祭拜祖先;父亲讲述先辈的故事;晚上赏月;拜访亲戚。结论句:扣题表达为什么仪式重要修辞:描述赏月可以用拟人法,突出温馨场面。在语篇上,通过时空转移突出顺序。我在修改学生作文时,很少发现这样的条理存在。词语:比较多,请读者仔细体会吧。Soit is reasonable to conclude thatrituals, though seemingly tedious, encourage us to take our family, friendship, work and study seriously. Rituals do make our life more meaningful.其它思维拓展:人生仪式不一定是节日,还可以是方方面面,我认为言之成理即可,例如,我也提供其它想法:On top of festivals, rituals play a vital role in developing friendship. It doesnt necessarily mean kowtowing, which was quite common in Chinese ancient times. However, it is a routine to shake hands with warm smiles first and then follows a sincere introduction. As to me, exchanging cards can save people much time for mutual understanding. Most important, listen carefully and give your opinions in due time. Such rituals not only reflect your politeness, but also smooth the communication and facilitate the development of friendship.Even when it comes to study, some ritual will cultivate our positive attitudes. Instead of opening books hurriedly, I like choosing a quiet place with soft light. It can build a cozy environment where I can find empathy with the books authors easily. If possible, I must power off the cellphones which tend to be a big distraction to our reading. Of course, a cup of tea or coffee will stimulate my thinking and imagination in reading.
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