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高中英语新高考-英语作文:人物描写之声音(词块分类、名著片段摘选)Part 11.清晰的audible, firm, resolute, authoritative, carefully articulated,crisp, distinct,clear2.音高high-pitched, soprano, shrill, girlish, treble3. 吱吱响twittery, squeaky4. 低音deep, dark5. 冷冷的hard, steely, dry6. 热情的intimate, warm7. 温和的muted, subdued, whispery, low, breathy, modulated8. 大声的strong, robust, ringing, stentorian, prodigious, booming,commanding9.大声气愤的sharp, grating, harsh, piercing, brassy, screechy, ear-splitting10.高兴的euphonious, melodious, sweet, dulcet, mellifluous,seductive, rich, lyrical, languid, sweet, silken, soft,honey-voiced11.活泼的chirpy, chirrupy, bubbly摘选:1. She was a powerful old lady, six feet tall, with the big bones of a man, and a heavy full-jawed face, sensuous and complacent, and excellently equipped with a champing mill of strong yellow horse-teeth. It was cake and pudding to see her at work on corn on the cob.来源:THOMAS WOLFE, Look Homeward, Angel2. He had aqueous gray eyes, and a sallow bumpy skin. His head was shapely, the forehead high and bony. His hair was crisp, maple-brown. Below his perpetual scowl, his face was small, converging to a point: his extraordinarily sensitive mouth smiled briefly, flickeringly, inwardlylike a flash of light along a blade.来源:THOMAS WOLFE, Look Homeward, Angel3. There was a boy named Otto Krause, a cheese-nosed, hair-faced, inch-browed German boy, lean and swift in the legs, hoarse-voiced and full of idiot laughter, who showed him the gardens of delight. There was a girl named Bessie Barnes, a black-haired, tall, bold-figured girl of thirteen years who acted as model.来源:THOMAS WOLFE, Look Homeward, Angel4. Then, amid their laughter, the door opened, and several of the others came inElizas mother, a plain worn Scotch-woman, and Jim, a ruddy porcine young fellow, his fathers beardless twin, and Thaddeus, mild, ruddy, brown of hair and eye, bovine, and finally Greeley, the youngest, a boy with lapping idiot grins, full of strange squealing noises at which they laughed.来源:THOMAS WOLFE, Look Homeward, AngelPart 21.缓慢的drawling2.悲痛的sepulchral, funereal3.伪装的affected4.甜蜜的cloying, saccharine, ingratiating5.发出ss音的sibilant, hissing6.故作优雅的mincing,elegant7.口吃的stammering,stuttering, sputtering8.笛声的fluted, fluty9.尖叫的shrill,reedy10.粗鲁的husky, throaty, scratchy, raspy, hoarse, gravel-voiced,wheezy, roupy, guttural11 深沉的resonant, sonorous12 单调的monotonous, flat13 有鼻音的catarrhal, asthmatic14 抱怨的whimpering, puling 摘选:1. A grass widow, forty-nine, with piled hair of dyed henna, corseted breasts and hips architecturally protuberant in a sharp diagonal, meaty mottle arms, and a gulched face of leaden flaccidity puttied up brightly with cosmetics, rented the upstairs of Wooden Street while Helen was absent.THOMAS WOLFE, Look Homeward, Angel2. He was a comely, handsome fellow, perfectly well made, with straight strong limbs, not too large, tall and well-shaped, and, as I reckon, about twenty-six years of age. He had a very good countenance, not a fierce and surly aspect, but seemed to have something very manly in his face, and yet he had all the sweetness and softness of an European in his countenance, too, especially when he smiled. His hair was long and black, not curled like wool; his forehead very high and large; and a great vivacity and sparkling sharpness in his eyes. The colour of his skin was not quite black, but very tawny; and yet not of an ugly yellow, nauseous tawny, as the Brazilians and Virginians, and other natives of America are; but of a bright kind of a dun olive colour that had in it something very agreeable, though not very easy to describe. His face was round and plump; his nose small, not flat like the Negroes;, a very good mouth, thin lips, and his fine teeth well set, and white as ivory.DANIEL DEFOE, Robinson Crusoe 3. Marineau was a handsome tall man, somewhat in the Levan tine style, with red lips a little too full, a tiny silky mustache, large limpid brown eyes, shiny black hair that might or might not have been marceled, and long, pale, nicotined fingers.RAYMOND CHANDLER, “Try the Girl”Part 31 单调但有节奏的singsong, jingly2 紧张的uncertain, quavering, quavery, edgy1. He had a big, flat face, a big, high-bridge, fleshy nose that looked as hard as the prow of a cruiser. He had lidless eyes, drooping jowls, the shoulders of a blacksmith. If he had been cleaned up a little and dressed in a white nightgown, he would have looked like a very wicked Roman senator.RAYMOND CHANDLER, “Mandarins Jade”2. The forehead was high, and very pale, and singularly placid; and the once jetty hair fell partially over it, and overshadowed the hollow temples with innumerable ring
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