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Revision of the Attributive Clause 定语从句复习,高三英语第二轮复习,一. 定语从句的基本定义,放在名词或代词后面,由关系代词或关系副词引导的修饰该名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。,一. 定语从句的基本定义,The boy who is reading is Tom.,先行词,关系代词,找先行词- 还原法确定关系词,基础知识回顾: 关系词及其意义,指代人 指代事物 所属关系 指地点 指时间 指原因,who, whom, that, as which, that, as whose where(=介词+which) when (=介词+which) why (=for+which),关系副词,归纳总结,不可省,对比练习:用适当的关系词填空,1. The room _ he once lived is still there. The room _ I have to clean every day belongs to my mother.,where/in which,(that/which),对比练习:用适当的关系词填空,2. I will never forget the day_ I met you. I will never forget the day _ we spent together.,when/on which,(that/which),The reason _ I dont know is known to him.,(that/which),why/for which,3. The reason _ I dont know the thing is that I was not there at that time.,This is the house which/that we bought last month. 这是我们上个月买的那幢房子。,comparison,The house, which we bought last month, is very nice.这幢房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的。,nonrestrictive,restrictive,考点与难点归纳,考点与难点归纳,1.that与which 2.对the way的考查 3.介词+关系词 4.as的使用 5.对where的考查 6.综合考查,考点,难点,1) Do you have anything _ you dont understand? 2) The only thing _ we can do is to give you some advice. 3) Who is the man _ is standing there? 4) Her bag, in _ she put all her money, has been stolen. 5) She heard a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her mouth.,that,that,that,which,which,考点1:that 与 which,1:先行词是everything, nothing, anything, something, much, little, none等不定代词或 由不定代词any, some, no, much, few, little, every, all等修饰时, 引导定语从句用that不用 which。 2:先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰且指物时, 引导定语从句用that 。 3: 先行词中既有人又有物时,引导定语从句用 that 。 4:先行词被the very, the only等修饰且指物时,引导定 语从句用that。 5:当先行词前面有who/which等疑问代词时,只用 that。,指物,介词后。 2. 用于非限制定语从句中 3. 前面有that/ those出现,为避免重复。,只使用that应遵循的规则,只使用which应遵循的规则,填上合适的关系词并分析原因: 1.The way _he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand. 2.The way _he explained to us was quite simple.,that/ which/不填,that/in which/不填,缺状语,缺宾语,考点2:the way用做先行词,3. What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it. (湖北) A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which,高考题链接:,考点3:介词+关系词,1. Do you know the boy _ _ your mother is talking? 2. He gave me some novels _ _ I am not very familiar. 3. I still remember the day _ _ I first got to Paris.,to whom,with which,on which,结论: 介词关系代词引导的定语从句,关键是判断介词的选择,方法一是看从句谓语部分缺少什么介词(习惯搭配),再则可以通过整个句子整体含义来判断,结合生活实际来判断.,3. _ is known to all, he is the best student. 4. Jim passed the driving test, _ surprised everybody in the office.,As,which,难点一:as的用法,asthatwhich 1. It is such a big stone _ nobody can lift. 2. It is such a big stone _ nobody can lift it.,as,that,归纳:as引导限制性定语从句先行词前常被such, the same, so, as 修饰,即构成suchas , the same as, soas, 结构,做题时容易忽略。as在定语从句中应充当成分如:主语、宾语或表语。 as 与which引导定语从句都能指代整句内容,但定语从句位于句首时,只能用 as, 意为“正如、恰如”。,1. Ive come to the point where I cant stand him. 2. The country is in the situation where a war will break out at any time.,我已经到了无法容忍他的地步了。,国家正处在随时有可能爆发战争的局势中。,where引导的定语从句先行词大多数情况下是 表示地点的名词,但也有特殊情况。,难点二:一些特殊词之后的where,解析:如果定语从句分别修饰point, situation, part, condition和case等表示抽象意义的词,常用where 引导,意思是“到了某种地步,在某种境况中” 。,1.We are trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk. (山东) 2. -Do you have anything to say for yourself? -Yes, theres one point _ we must insist on . (江西),高考题链接:,做题要灵活:要分析句子成分,选择恰当的关系词。,where,/,wherethat 1.This is the library_I borrowed the book. 2.It is from this library_I borrowed the book.,where,定语从句,that,强调句型,综合考查一:定语从句与强调句,3. -Where did you last see Mr. Smith? -It was in the hotel _ I lived.,难点三.综合考查,近年来,高考对定语从句和其它从句如:强调句、名词性从句和状语从句等的综合考查越来越多,这就要求考生有扎实的基础知识和较强的综合分析能力。,友情提示,where,综合考查二:定语从句与同位语从句,1. We all have heard the news_ our team won. 2. We dont believe the news _ he told us yesterday.,that,that/which,综合考查三:定语从句与表语从句,The place _ the bridge is supposed to be built should be _ the cross-river traffic is the heaviest. (江苏),that/which,at which,where,对比训练与巩固,1. We should go to the place_ we are most needed. 2. We should go to the place_ needs us most. A. it B. where C. that D. what,B,C,3. It was October_we met in Damiao for the first time. 4. It was in October_we met in Damiao for the first time. A. that B. which C. when D. while,C,A,对比训练,5. He is such a good teacher_ we all like him. 6. He is such a good teacher_ we all like. A. whom B. that C. as D. which,B,C,7. The news came_ the British Queens mother celebrated her 101th birthday in good health, _ isnt surprising, because she lives an easy life and gets the best medical care. A. that; which B. which; which C. that; that D. when; as,8. He left the key _he had been an hour before. He left the place _ he lived for many years.,(where引导地点状语从句,相当
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