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,语法动词的时态与 语态命题特点与备考策略,1It was raining lightly when I _(arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn. 立意与点拨:when在句中引导时间状语从句,从句的时态应和主句的时态相呼应,结合主句的谓语动词was raining可知答案。 答案:arrived句意为:当我正好在拂晓前到达阳朔时,天空正下着小雨。分析句子结构可知,when引导时间状语从句,设空处在从句中作谓语,根据本句中的was raining可知,此处应用一般过去时。答案为arrived。,2This cycle_(go) day after day:The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a timely offset(抵消)for the outside temperatures. 立意与点拨:由冒号后的句子中的谓语动词warm up和cool off可知用一般现在时。 答案:goes冒号前为独立的一个句子,故此处填谓语动词。时间状语day after day意为“一天又一天”,常与一般现在时连用。结合下句的时态可知,此处应用一般现在时,主语为单数形式,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。答案为goes。,3When the bus finally came, we all hurried on board.I got a place next to the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk.A boy on a bike_(catch) my attention.He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms. 立意与点拨:设空处所在句子为一个简单句,分析句子结构可知,句中缺少谓语动词;结合语境可知,这里是叙述过去发生的事,由此可得出用一般过去时。 答案:caught句中没有明确的时间状语,但根据语境中的hurried,got,had,was riding等可知,全文是叙述过去的事情,故应用一般过去时。答案为caught。,4Tai chi _(call) “shadow boxing” in English. 立意与点拨:考查语态。本句介绍的是一般的事实;再由句意可知,用被动语态。 答案:is called句意为:太极在英语中被称为“shadow boxing”。tai chi与call之间是被动关系,故用被动语态,又因本句介绍的是一般的事实,因此用一般现在时的被动语态,故填is called。,5Jim_(watch) a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, the television went blank. 立意与点拨:分析句子成分可知,主句缺少谓语,且空后有when.went.,结合语境,when在此有“突然”之间,考虑此处为sb. was/were doing sth. when.did.句式,便可得出答案。 答案:was watching句意为:吉姆正在家里看一部午夜电影,就在看到一个扣人心弦的场景时,突然电视机白屏了。sb. was/were doing sth. when .did.意为“某人正在做某事时,突然”,故填was watching。,1易混相近时态区别 典例1The girl has a great interest in sport and _(take) badminton classes twice a week over the last three years. 易错警示:学生受前句has影响而误填takes。 答案:has been taking句意为:这个女孩很喜欢运动,在过去的三年里,她一直坚持每周上两次羽毛球兴趣班。根据句中时间标志短语over the last three years可知,应用现在完成进行时,故填has been taking。,典例2I _(live) in London for many years, but Ive never regretted my final decision to move back to China. 易错警示:此题易填have lived,因为受for many years的干扰,误用完成时。注意完成时与“for一段时间”没有必然联系。 答案:lived句意:虽然在伦敦住了许多年,但我从未对最后决定回到中国感到后悔过。根据句意,可知说话者现在并没有在伦敦,因此应为过去时。,2误用语态 典例3It was turned out that our students were off that day.(改错) 易错警示:不熟悉不及物动词(短语)就改不出来。 答案:去掉wasturn out是一个相当于系动词的词组,意为“结果是”,没有被动语态,故去掉was。,
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