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2017年全国高考英语作文满分范文汇编 (绝对精品素材,对2018高考作文很有帮助,值得下载背诵)2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷)使用地区:考听力:山西、河南、河北、湖南、湖北、江西、安徽、福建、山东;不考听力:广东第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友Leslie学习汉语。请你写封邮件告知下次上课的计划。内容包括:(1)时间和地点;(2)内容:学习唐诗;(3)课前准备:简要了解唐朝的历史。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Leslie,How are you? Glad to see you have made some progress in Chinese learning and Im writing to tell you something about our next lesson.The lesson will be given from 3 pm to 5 pm on the afternoon of next Tuesday in the classroom 502. In the class, you will mainly learn Tang poetry, which reflects traditional Chinese culture and is deeply loved by Chinese. You can feel the beauty of Chinese by learning Tang Poetry. Youd better make full preparations before class and have a brief understanding of the history of Tang Dynasty, which makes it easy for you to go through the class.If there is anything that I can help you, please dont hesitate to tell me. Looking forward to meeting you.Yours sincerely,Li Hua.2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷)使用地区:考听力:海南、宁夏、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、新疆、内蒙古、青海、重庆、陕西;不考听力:甘肃第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,想邀请外教Henry一起参观中国剪纸(paper-cutting)艺术展。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:(1)展览时间、地点;(2)展览内容。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Henry,Im Li Hua, the leader of the paper-cutting club in our school. Last time you told me you looked forward to learning more about traditional Chinese culture. Now Im glad to tell you there will be a Chinese paper-cutting exhibition held by our school. I sincerely hope you can set aside some time for the art feast.The exhibition, the theme of which is beauty of China, will take place in the school hall from 2 to 5 on the afternoon of June 21. Not only will our clubs works be displayed, but we also have a valuable set of paper-cutting created by a famous artist of this field. Besides, there will be a lot of useful and interesting activities, from which you can have a clearer picture of Chinese culture.I would appreciate it if you accept my invitation. Im sure it can leave a wonderful impression on you! Im looking forward to your reply.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷)使用地区:考听力:四川、广西、西藏;不考听力:云南、贵州第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华。你所在的校乒乓球队正在招收新队员。请给你的留学生朋友Eric写封邮件邀请他加入,内容包括:(1)球队活动;(2)报名方式及截止日期。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Eric,I am Li Hua. Occasionally learning that you are addicted to tennis, I am writing to sincerely invite you to join the table tennis team in our school aimed at developing our interests and improving our skills.Considering the enormous benefits, which we can earn steadily from tennis practice, including preventing us from getting shortsighted and keeping physically healthy, we are lost in training course. Definitely, as for the activities, we will be honor to be given high-level training by a professional coach every Friday around 3-5 pm. Meanwhile, we would be divided into several groups to conduct competitions every two weeks.If you are interested in what I have stated above, sign up on our school website before September 1st.Im looking forward to your reply even your appearance in our training center soon.Yours,Li Hua2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(北京卷)第一节 (15分)你的英国朋友Jim所在的学校要组织学生来中国旅行,有两条线路可以选择:“长江之行”或者“泰山之旅”。Jim来信希望你能给些建议。请你给他回信,内容包括:(1)你建议的线路;(2)你的理由;(3)你的祝愿。注意:1.词数不少于50;2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Jim,Im happy to receive your letter and know youre coming to China. Of the two trips to the Yangtze River and Mount Tai, both are highly recommended. Personally, I prefer the tour along the Yangtze, the longest river and one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilization. You can learn a lot about the history of China and Chinese people. Moreover, the scenery along the river is amazing, with many well-known sightseeing spots. Thats why I think the trip along the Yangtze will be a better choice.Hope youll have a good time in China.Yours,Li Hua第二节 (20 分)假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,记录毕业前夕你们制作以“感恩母校”为主题的毕业纪念视频的全过程。注意:词数不少于60。提示词:视频 videoOne possible version:Graduation finally came. My classmates and I decided to do something. After a heated discussion, we agreed on making a video to record our experiences at school.Material collecting took us a whole week, during which we interviewed our teachers and took pictures of every aspect of school life. The editing part after that was tough. We debated over what to put into the video. Some compromises were unavoidable, but the video turned out perfect. Several days later, when the video was played on the graduation ceremony, it was well received. The students and teachers shared a great time. That surely gave us a great sense of achievement.2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷)第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)请认真阅读下面有关我国电影票房收入(box-office income)的柱状图及相关文字,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。Saturday Afternoon. In a Shopping Center.Li Jiang: Hi, Su Hua. Which movie shall we see?Su Hua: Whatever. Weve got so many choice, Kung Fu Yoga, Journey to the WestEach sound
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