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备战2021高考英语原汁原味外刊热点话题阅读特辑day10: To mobilize all parties to alleviate the climate crisis凝聚各方力量,缓解气候危机课前导读: 随着全球气候问题加剧和温室气体排放持续增加,各国政府齐聚马德里参加应对气候变化的多边会议,积极寻找应对措施,这是兑现承诺和采取行动的关键时刻。Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 25th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 25) in Madrid, Spain, UN Secretary General Antnio Guterres issued an urgent warning about the deepening climate crisis. He said that our planet was nearing “the point of no return” and that all countries should take even more active measures to limit greenhouse gas emissions(排放).It has been three years since the landmark Paris Agreement went into effect in November 2016, butmaking the climate deal actually operational has proven to be a tough problem. With varying preferences and conditions, it is difficult to provide an accurate assessment and evaluation of the effectiveness of climate policies. Thus, it is not surprising that it remains a major concern as to how to provide the financial and technical assistance needed to help poorer nations to deal with the impacts of climate change and pursue low- carbon development.Although climate change is an issue needing a global solution, challenges like the free-rider problem may discourage international cooperation. The effects of climate change vary in different parts of the world. But the benefits of climate policies are diffused(散布的), leading to some countries not sharing the costs, only enjoying the fruits of others efforts. Moreover, in recent years, the world economy has been affected by several issues such as sluggish(缓慢的)trade and investment flows, as well as the monetary loosening by central banks around the world. As a result, the desire for international cooperation on climate change action has been bad reduced.However, the international community is pushing forward with negotiations in a cooperative and practical way to make positive progress in putting the Paris Agreement into operation and open a new chapter in global climate governance.单词预习:1. landmarkn. 里程碑a landmark decision 具有里程碑意义的决策2. monetary adj. 货币的,金融的 /mntri/ monetary policy 货币政策3. governance n. 管理;统治/vnns/ They discussed economic governance for the euro area and cooperation on budget and tax policies.他们讨论了欧元区的经济管理以及在预算、税收政策上合作的问题。4. negotiation n. 协商;谈判/nien/ conduct negotiations with sb. 和某人进行谈判5. emission排放n6. urgent紧急的adj7. issue问题n/vt颁布;发布8. actually事实上adv actual adj.9. operational操作的adj operation n operate vi10. assessment评估n assess vt11. preference偏爱n prefer vt preferred 过去式12. financial金融的adj finance n13. technical技术的adj technology n14. assistance援助n assist vt assistant n.15. impact影响n affect vt16. pursue追求vt pursuit n 17. low- carbon低碳adj18. global全球的adj globe n 19. free-rider搭便车n20. diffused扩散的adj21. moreover此外prep22. affect影响vt effect n 23. sluggish行动迟缓的24. investment投资n invest n. 25. loosen放松vt loose adj26. cooperative合作的adj cooperate v 【词块】1. evaluation of the effectiveness of climate policies评估气候政策的有效性2. as to至于3. discourage international cooperation阻碍国际合作4. benefits of climate policies气候政策的好处5. practical way实用方法6. make positive progress取得积极进展7. put sth into operation使某物投入运行8. open a new chapter翻开新的篇章9. at the opening ceremony of在开幕式上10. issue an urgent warning about发出紧急警告11. the deepening climate crisis不断加深的气候危机12. the point of no return不归路13. take even more active measures采取更加积极的措施14. limit greenhouse gas emissions限制温室气体排放15. go into effect生效16. make the climate deal达成气候协议17. a tough problem.一个棘手的问题。18. with varying preferences and conditions有着不同的偏好和条件19. provide an accurate assessment提供准确的评估词汇考查1. la l_ decision 具有里程碑意义的决策2. m_ policy 货币政策3. conduct n_ with sb. 和某人进行谈判4. e_排放n5. u_紧急的adj6. _问题n/vt颁布;发布7. _事实上adv actual adj.8. _操作的adj operation n operate vi9. _评估n assess vt10. _偏爱n prefer vt _ 过去式11. _金融的adj finance n12. _技术的adj technology n13. _援助n assist vt assistant n.14. impact影响n _ vt15. pursue追求vt _ n 16. _低碳adj17. _全球的adj globe n 18. _此外prep19. affect影响vt _ n 20. _投资n invest n. 21. _放松vt loose adj22. _合作的adj cooperate v 【词块】20. evaluation of the _ of climate policies评估气候政策的有效性21. _至于22. _ international cooperation阻碍国际合作23. _of climate policies气候政策的好处24. _way实用方法25. make _
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