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,U R B A N D E S I G N,What is Urban Design?,Artist: Nancy Wolf,Typically applied to the professional activity in the post-war era,Battery Park City, NY,Odaiba, Tokyo Bay,Potsdamer Platz, Berlin,Regeneration Temple Bar, Dublin,Small scale interventions, UCL,Sub-urban design, Seaside, FL,.but also applied retrospectively to classic cases from history and pre-history,atalhyk,Campidoglio, Rome,Miletus,Regent St,What is urban design?,Urban composition of ensembles of urban elements at a scale greater than individual buildings buildings + spaces in between + how they connect up together + the rest of the urban fabric,A R C H I T E C T U R E,U R B A N D E S I G N,What is urban design?,Compared with planning “Urban design is more specifically concerned with local place-making through the physical form and configuration of ensembles of buildings and spaces. Urban design is more than big architecture; like planning, it goes beyond the physical and aesthetic dimensions of place, by addressing the social and political dimensions of public spatial structure.” Marshall, S. 2008. Urban Design and Planning: building and crossing bridges, in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning 161: DP1, page 1.,What is urban design?,Building scale,Streets, blocks, quarters,Settlement scale,(a matter of scale),ARCHI-TECTURE,PLANNING,What is urban design?,Building scale,Streets, blocks, quarters,Settlement scale,Urban Design,(a matter of scale),ARCHI-TECTURE,PLANNING,What is urban design?,Building scale,Streets, blocks, quarters,Settlement scale,(a matter of scale),Single client, objective set, act of design,Multiple clients (society), multiple objectives, many acts of intervention over time,(a matter of scope),ARCHI-TECTURE,PLANNING,Urban Design,Marshall, S. 2015. “Refocusing Urban Design as the Art of Place.” Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning, 168(1): 818.,Marshall, S. 2015. “Refocusing Urban Design as the Art of Place.” Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning, 168(1): 818.,Cuthbert, A. R. 2007. “Urban Design: Requiem for an Era Review and Critique of the last 50 Years.” Urban Design International 12: 177223. Krieger, A. 2009. “Where and How does Urban Design Happen?” In Urban Design, edited by A. Krieger and W. Saunders, 113130. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Marshall, S., and O. aliskan. 2011. “A Joint Framework for Urban Morphology and Design.” Built Environment, 37(4): 409426.,Definitions of urban design,Design implies the conscious preconception of the form of a finite product prior to its construction, typically expressed in some representative medium (such as a drawing).,Design,Hence urban design can be regarded as design applied to create an urban product, typically above the scale of individual buildings but below that of a whole settlement.,Urban Design,But more broadly, urban design could refer to any kind of design of the built environment, from street furniture to skyscrapers.,Urban design could also encompass informal urbanism: vernacular building, making (without a fixed design), and everyday urbanism.,In these cases, the process may not involve formal design but the resulting product may share the qualities of the best of urban design,Design of ensembles of urban elements at the urban scale Any design in the built environment Informal urbanism urban design without urban designers.,Conclusion: there are different kinds of urban design,Urban design is about creation of feelgood-to-use places,not simply placement of sculptural objects that look good in the studio or glossy magazines. This is a combination of pragmatism, sensibility and built-environmental justice.,Urban design is about creation of feelgood-to-use places,How do we feel about the following created places?.,The Challenge,The Challenge,To manipulate urban form to create place To make a complex aesthetic artefact, something functional that works for people,The Future is Urban,We have a massive responsibility and opportunity to use our professional skills to shape the human habitat to create good places for people,The Future is Urban,We have a massive responsibility and opportunity to use our professional skills to shape the human habitat to create good places for people urban design can make a difference.,
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