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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?I 语法填空(15* 1=15)1. In Shenzhen, the weather is very _(潮湿) in March. Sometimes the clothes are not dry, either.2. Would you like to watch the robot show with me this Sunday? - Sounds great. I believe _(没有事情) will be difficult for robots in the future.3. Our small kindness can make a big _(产生影响) to the world.4. _(很少) of the kids can know their dream jobs now. Maybe they will know a few years later.5. Listen! Its raining _(大) outside. - Wow, look! The yard is full of rainwater now!6. When you travel, you can see people taking photos anytime and _(where).7. Jerry have you ever been to the Great Wall? - Yes. I _ (go) there with my parents last year.8. Why are you late for school today? - Im sorry. I didnt catch the early bus and I had to _ _ (等待) the next one.9. We are all _(excite) about the _(excite) news.10. We cant have P.E outside _ _ the bad weather.11. Tom thinks he is _ _(足够大), but his mother still doesnt let him travel by himself.12. I_ if I could have a drink. - Of course.13. If I have _ _(足够多的时间,enough), I can do _ _(足够好,enough)14. After Change flew to the moon, Houyi was _ sad _ he called her name every night.15. How do you like the new school? - It is _(wonder). Everyone is friendly to me and I feel like I am at home.II 完形填空(10* 2=20) Jacob Newland, 14, had never surfed(冲浪) before. But after a few 16 , he did it! He said, “It 17 I did something great.” Jacob and about 25 18 kids with disabilities(残障) learned to surf at a camp in Virginia Beach, Virginia, U.S. The surfing camp has been here for nine years. Each kid got a 30-minute 19 with the help of a coach(教练) and a few volunteer teachers.It was 20 new for 9-year-old Jack Wenrich to be in the water. He had finished swimming lessons before. It was his fourth time at the surfing camp. His mom, Jennifer, said he was not afraid. Jack has autism(自闭症) . But surfing gave him a 21 of freedom, Jennifer said. “Its something they can do, something they can be 22 with, ” she said. Not everyone wanted to try surfing. Some just liked being in the water and lying on the board. 23 , they could hear peoples cheers(欢呼) when they returned to the shore. And each of the students came back 24 a smile. Karen Morgan-Hill, a coach at the camp, said the water could make people 25 more open and believe others more.16. A. ideas B. tries C. decisions D. thoughts17. A. looks like B. sound like C. feels like D. tastes like18. A. other B. the other C. another D. others19. A. race B. exercise C. practice D. lesson20. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything21. A. feeling B So C. Also D. But22. A. sad B. serious C. worried D. happy23. A. Because B. So C. Also D. But24. A. for B. under C. in D. with25. A. sleep B. seem C. become D. keepIII 阅读理解(30分)AIn Australia, summer vacation is from late December to early February. Students have to finish their homework. They should read some English books and write reports. They also need to do science projects with their classmates. They often go to special classes to learn swimming ,singing and cooking. Sometimes, parents take their children to museums or to the beach to camp.Summer vacation in the US is very long from early June to around late August. Teachers will give summer homework. But if you dont do it, its OK. There are many classes and camps. They can be about sports, cooking or outdoor survival skills(户外生存技巧). Some students also go camping with friends or family. Some students will try to make money by doing the housework Some will also do voluntary work like helping the elderly or the poor.In France, summer vacation usually goes from mid-June to the end of August. But the first day is different for everyone because of the day of the last exam. French students dont have any homework or classes. They spend the holiday having fun. Some students like traveling around the world. They see nature in Africa. They visit America to learn English. They go to China. Other students enjoy themselves in France. They camp on the beach, see friends, watch movies, go swimming and have barbeque(烧烤) parties.26. In which country do the students have no homework during summer vacation?A. Australia B. The US C. France D. China27. Which of the following is NOT TURE?A. In Australia, most students take math or English classes during summer vacationB. Students in the US have summer vacation for about three months.C. In France, students dont have to do any homework or have classes during their summer vacationD. When Australian students enjoy th
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