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Here we go 之国际音标L4,湘雅校区教学一组 张登美 2013.09,Contents,1.指导思想和理论依据 2.教学对象 3.教学目标 4.教学重点 5.教学准备 6.教学方法 7. 教学步骤,田田自主研发的,系统的,完整的第5版语音教材 采取大量更实用的词汇,注入更多的课堂练习,增加了学生的使用程度和趣味性,1.指导思想和理论依据:,4-5年级学生18名,男生9名,女生9名 学完Join in 1, here we go 之自然拼音,2.教学对象:,知识目标:1. 复习L1-4音标 2. 新授浊化现象和条件 能力目标:能够认读浊化音标词 情感目标:培养团队合作能力,3.教学目标:,浊化现象及条件,4.教学重难点:,PPT,音标卡,一张自画的夜空下百货商店的图片及该张图片的分解小图,百货商店里的东西图片(skateboard, ski boots, skirt, star, starfish, sticker, steak, spaghetti, spicy chicken),5.教学准备,情景导入法,游戏教学法。,6.教学方法:,Step 1 Greeting and Review 10 Step 2 Lead in 8 Step 3 Presentation and Practice 20 Step 4 Production 8 Step 5 Consolidation and Homework 4,7.教学步骤:,Step 1 Greeting and Review 10,Game 1: Golden eyes,Game 2: I say you find,Step 2 Lead in 8,What can you see in the picture?,1. Some stars are in the sky.,2. A girl is wearing a skirt.,3. There is a store.,Now, lets go into the store. What can you see?,skateboard,ski boots,skirt,starfruit,starfish,steak,spaghetti,spicy chicken,Step 3 Presentation and Practice 20,Game 1: Good memory,_ar _arfish _ateboard _irt _am _aghetti,_ar _arfish _ateboard _irt _am _aghetti,S1:,S2:,Game2: “fast man”,shopping list,shopping list,star starfish skateboard skirt spam spaghetti,Lets check your answers.,/sta:/ /st:fi / /skeitb:d/ /sk:t/ /spm/ /spgeti/,浊化:当/p/ /t/ /k/ 遇到/s/要“变声”,Game 3:Lucky box,/spik/,/spik/,/spel/,/spel/,/sa:p/,/sa:p/,/set/,/set/,/ski:p/,/ski:p/,/ska:f/,/ska:f/,/desk/,/desk/,/pa:st/,/pa:st/,/step/,/step/,/stik/,/stik/,/ba:skit/,/ba:skit/,/misteik/,/misteik/,/spik/ /spel/ /sa:p/ /set/,/ski:p/ /ska:f/ /desk/pa:st/,/step/ /stik/ /ba:skit/ /misteik/,1.紧跟,浊化条件,2.词首浊,词尾不浊,3.必须在同一音节,Step 4 Production 8,Step 5 Consolidation and Homework 4,1.抄写L1-4音标 1*4 2.抄写浊化表及浊化条件2遍 3.Make your own word dictionary,评价体系,个人表现:(预习情况、课堂表现、参与质量) 团队活动:(团队合作、团队展示),Thank you !,
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