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B1-U1-PA,(他再也没有给朋友写信了) _ ever since he got a mobile phone. (尽管很忙)_, he spends at least two hours every day surfing the Internet in order to know about the latest developments in this field. Professor Li gave a short speech at the commencement. _. (他的话深深铭刻在我的记忆中) Talking of the final exams, the students were not nervous at all. _(他满脸都是自信) To write a short passage of about 100 words in 30 minutes _ (对于他们班大多数学生来说不过是小菜一碟),He has no longer written to his friends,Even though he is very busy,There was full confidence on every ones face,His words were / What he said was strongly impressed upon my memory,would be a snap to most students in their class.,B1-U1-PB,Ive _(发觉自己对有着浓厚的兴趣) in spoken English. Driving on the highway, _ _ (我意识到中国公路系统发生了巨大的变化) in recent years. (我简直不敢相信)_ that he has learned how to work a computer so quickly / in such a short time. Three years has passed, and the final moment has come. _. (不到两周我就要回国了) I know a lot of people_(都迫不及待地想要出国),I prefer to stay with my family in my own country.,found myself having great interest,I realized that enormous changes had taken place in Chinas highway system,In less than two weeks, I will return home / go back to my country,I can hardly believe,who cant wait to go abroad,B1-U2-PA,His life experiences_ (一直扮演着一个重要角色) his academic career. The restaurant has recently_ _(延长了营业时间) Ive just read an interesting book_ _ (从一种新的视角研究莎士比亚) With the wide use of email, _ _ (垃圾邮件问题已引人们的极大关注) In traditional / conventional education _ _ (对于学生和教师之间的交流和互动有着更多的限制) than there are in online education.,have always been playing an big role in,extended its opening hours / business hours.,the issue of spam has drawn much concern,which has a new approach to Shakespeare.,there are more limitations on communication and interaction between teachers and students,B1-U2-PB,(吉姆无意和他争论)_ _, since its obvious who was right and who was wrong. To my surprise, it was the chance meeting with Prof. Wilson _ (后来居然给了我一个机会) to study at his university as an exchange student. Our university will extend the opening hours of the library and the classrooms _ _. (尽量满足学生的需要) The development of information technology _ (已经开始产生深远的影响) all aspects of social life. _(对此我们没有疑问) ,with his high level of English, he will surely have an excellent performance in the university-wide English speech contest.,Jim had no intention of arguing / to argue with him,that later on afforded me an opportunity,has begun to have profound effects on,to meet the students needs at the highest possible level,We have no doubt that,B1-U3-PA,Something is wrong with the piano, _ _. (但是我无法说清楚) (这条裤子不但太大)_, the trousers dont match my jacket, either. I love pop music,_. (不论理由是什么) He has great interest in foreign cultures, _ _. (经常博览群书以寻找有用的信息) Opinions on whether we should open up a new society_. (很不一致),but I cant put my finger on what it is,Apart from being too large,often browsing through piles of books to look for any useful information,for whatever reasons,vary a great deal,B1-U3-PB,You cant get to the island _. (除了搭船以外,别无他法) Some students are crazy about pop music _ _. (而另外一些人则更喜欢经典音乐) (传媒正起着越来越重要的作用)_ _ in leading clothing fashions. (我千方百计想弄到一张他新发行的唱片) _ _, but failed. (要是没有朋友的鼓励和帮助)_ _, I would have quit school.,other than by boat,while others prefer classical music,I tried every means to get a copy of his newly issued album,The media are playing an increasingly important role,Without the encouragement and help of my friends,B1-U4-PA,(我已经把我的简历和附函传真给了那家公司), _ _
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