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四级英语写作 讲座,目前的命题形式和出题方式 三段式作文的篇章布局 段落展开方法:时间顺序 举例法 因果法 对比对照法 方法类 描述文:人物描写 图表式写作:描述议论 各个学期的写作教学训练安排,命题形式和出题方式,主要是提纲式作文(约占题目总数的70),其次是图表式作文(约占16),还有少量其他形式的作文(如书信,给出题目和提示的作文等,约占14)。 图表式作文是六级和研究生入学考试中写作部分出现频率较高的写作方式,也是考查考生最基本的分析问题、说明问题和英语表达能力的一种题型。,Types of Writing,Description,Narration,Exposition,Argumentation,2008.12.Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags 2009.6. Free Admission to Museums 2009.12. Create a Green Campus 2010.6. Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling,说明文,议论文,2010.12 How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? 2008.6.Recreational Activities 2006.12 On the Spring Festival Gala 2011.6Online Shopping,2007.6. Welcome to Our Club 2006.6. A Poster Recruiting Volunteers 2005.1. A Campaign Speech 2004.1. A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction,应用文,2005.6. Honor for My Teacher 2003.6. An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident 2003.9. The Day My Classmate Fell Ill (or Got Injured),记叙文,内容和题材,就内容和题材而言,历年来的作文内容主要偏重于工作,就业,学习和日常生活,交通,及社会热门话题等方面。,Three Paragraph Essay,Introductory paragraph,Body paragraph,Concluding paragraph,Introductory paragraph,rouse the readers interests,from what point to start in what direction to go,Beginning,1.通过问题引入主题: Do you ever think you have to pay the tuition and fees yourself? 2.通过谚语或名人名言引入主题: As one proverb says, “More haste, less speed.” 3. 通过数据引入主题: The number of students enrolled in colleges and universities was 0.2 million and rose to 1.2 million in 1998.,4.通过定义引入主题: Lucky numbers are numbers which sound like some Chinese characters meaning good fortune. For example, 8 is associated with wealth or fortune making. 5.以对照方式引入主题: Its generally believed that stress is something unpleasant, but it is inconceivable that anyone should have no stress at all.,Beginning,Body paragraph,Develop the main points of the composition by giving support to the main idea in the thesis.,Body,是首段的延伸,是短文的主体部分。扩展段内部各要点之间,通常需要过渡词的连接。,避免写出与主题句不相关的句子。段落的每个句子都必须紧紧围绕主题句展开,任何一句偏离主题的句子都将大大破坏段落的统一性和完整性。 正确使用过渡性词语,使段落各扩展句之间、扩展句与主题句之间具有逻辑上的连贯性。过渡词即起承、启、转、接作用的连接性词语,这些词语不仅能强化细节间的逻辑关联性,还能使一个本来结构松散凌乱的段落变得通顺、连贯、紧凑。 避免句式的趋同单一,尽量变换句型,混合使用简单句、并列句和复合句。四、六级写作除了要求语言表达的正确无误、句子合乎语法外,还对表达的灵活性、多样性和习惯性提出了一定的要求。,Concluding paragraph,Dont leave your readers hanging.,Be short and forceful. Be made up mainly of restatements or summaries of the points that have been discussed. No new ideas should be introduced.,结论段,与主题段遥相呼应,应照应、深化主题,综合概括全文。 把握主题句的关键词,但不用与主题句相同的句式。 表述与主题句一致的内容,但必须从某个角度对主题句进行深化;或回答主题句中所暗示的问题,或提出自己的建议,或表述自己的观点,或进一步提出问题发人深省。,1.提问终结法: But with the problem of population explosion becoming more and more serious, only time can tell whether this gain in health is a blessing or curse. 2.谚语格言终结法: Therefore, whatever we do, we must keep in mind: Diligence is the mother of good fortune.,Ending,3.综合概括终结法: In a word, as long as government and consumers act hand in hand, fake and inferior goods will find no way into the market. 4.建议忠告终结法: The secret of coping with stress is not to avoid it but to do what you like to do and what you were made to do, at your own rate. 5.观点评论终结法: In my opinion, building underground railways is better than opening more bus routes.,Ending,Beginning,Body,过渡词,Body,Ending,过渡句,过渡句,过渡句,过渡句,Types of Writing,Description,Narration,Exposition,Argumentation,段落展开,主题句,主题句,扩展句,扩展句,扩展句,结论句,总,分,总,一般来说,英语是一个段落一个核心,或者说一个段落只能有一个中心思想,各段各句要围绕这一中心思想展开或铺叙,凡是与中心思想无关的句子都不能出现在段落中。,一致性原则,Watching TV has become a very common activity in every family. It has become a necessity to some modern young people. And it is also an easy way to fritter away retired peoples time. By watching news report, people can know recent social events and important affairs of homeland and the world, or are attracted by a TV play. However, watching TV cannot take place of reading and outdoors activities. But in brief, watching TV has already been a part of modern life.,段落展开方法,时间顺序,记叙文,写作一般以情节发生的时间先后为序,开头发展结尾。也可以从故事或事件的中间或结尾写起,采用“穿插”或“倒叙”手法来写。,Five Aspects,When,Where,Who,What,How,On the morning of the college entrance test I rode a bike to the school where I would take the examination. Less than halfway between my house and the school, disaster struck. My bike hit a nail and the front tyre went flat. I pushed the bike along the streets, looking for a repair shop. Minutes passed but still there was none to be found. When I looked at my watch, I went wild with worry: there were only 15 minutes left before the examination began, and the nearest bus stop was a long way off. Not knowing what to do, I stood still by the side of the road, tears welling up in my eyes. Then a car pulled in and I heard a voice asking what the matter was. When he heard my story, the driver offered me a lift. Thanks to his kindness, I arrived just in time. And so here I am today.,A Memorable Experience,time,hero,place,matter,书信,business correspondence,personal correspondence,The salutation,The signature,The complimentary close,FORMAT,Personal Correspondence,投诉信,A Letter of Complaint,2004.6.六级 A Letter to Editor o
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