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1. He _ walking until fell over. A) arranged B) attempted C) attacked D) attracted,答案为 B 试题解析 attempt指想尽办法办某事,但中途失败;arrange安排,整理;attack攻击,抨击;attract吸引,引诱 译文:他试图走一走,结果摔倒了。,Keys to quiz 1(unit 1),2. _ popular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create. A) Subject to B) Contrary to C) Familiar to D) Similar to,答案为B试题解析 【1998.01.CET-6】 contrary to与相反;subject to使服从;familiar to为所熟悉;similar to与相似;与类似,3. The prospect of increased prices has already _ worries. A) provoked B) irritated C) inspired D) hoisted,答案为 A 试题解析 【2000.06.CET-6】 provoke vt. 挑拨,引起;irritate vt. 激怒,使急躁; inspire vt. 引发,启示,使生灵感;hoist n. 提升,升起,4. He could not say no to so many requests because he is a _ person. A) soft B) gentle C) meek D) mild,答案为 C 试题解析 gentle与mild、meek近义,gentle指态度使人感到和蔼可亲;mild指生来性格温和,意思较gentle弱;meek指人的性格磨练后变温顺,含逆来顺受的意思。,5. If you _ causing troubles, the company will have to dismiss you. A) persevere in B) persist in C) insist withD) insist in,答案为B 试题解析 persist in 坚持, 贬义。persevere in (with)不屈不挠,褒义。insist (on) 坚持主张等 译文:如果你要惹麻烦的话,公司就只好把你开除了。,6. The master of the house has got more money than taste, so his rooms are full of expensive but very _ furniture. A) shabby B) vulgar C) worn D) luxurious,答案为B 试题解析 shabby破旧的;worn是wear的过去分词,意为“用(穿)过的,用(穿)旧(坏)了的”;这两个词与原句中主人公很富有这个事实矛盾。luxurious(奢侈的,豪华的,昂贵的)在句中与expensive属于同一类意思,所以不应该用but连接。 译文:这家主人虽然富有,但鉴赏力很低。因此他的屋子里堆满了昂贵而又庸俗的家具。,7. Be _, you cant expect her to do all the work on her own. A) logical B) honest C) reasonable D) sincere,答案为 C试题解析 译文:讲理吧,你不能指望她一个人单独做所有事情。,8. Your failure in the final examination is due to the fact that you didnt _ enough importance to your English. A) attend B) attack C) attach D) obtain,答案为 C试题解析 译文:你期末考试不及格是因为你不重视英语学习。,9. The violin is a _ thing that has to be handled most carefully. A) mysterious B) subtle C) crisp D) fragile,答案为 D 试题解析 Fragile 指东西不结实。crisp 易碎的,指吃的 译文:这把小提琴容易损坏,要小心轻放。,10. At the end of his trial, he was _ of murder. A) convicted B) convinced C) sentenced D) condemned,答案为A 试题解析 be convicted of 被宣判有罪 be convinced of确信 sentence判决 condemn谴责,宣告某人有罪,定罪be condemned to 译文: 审理结束时,他被判谋杀罪。,11. The court considers a financial _ to be an appropriate way of punishing him. A) option B) duty C) obligation D) penalty,答案为D 试题解析 【1999.1 CET-6】 译文:法庭认为经济处罚对他是合适的。,12. There is no easy solution to Japans labour _. A) decline B) vacancy C) rarity D) shortage,答案为D 试题解析 译文:对于日本缺少劳动力的问题,没有简单的解决方案。,13. He was _ of selling state secrets and arrested last month. A) doubted B) suspected C) respected D) inspected,答案为 B 试题解析 suspect sb. of (doing) sth. 怀疑某人犯罪 doubt 由于缺乏确信而犹豫不决 译文:他涉嫌倒卖国家机密,于上月被捕。,14. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still _. A) blank B) hollow C) vacant D) bare,答案为 D 试题解析 【1996.6】 blank空白,没有字迹 hollow中空,空虚的 vacant未被占用的 bare裸露的,光秃的 译文:尽管每年在这个地区植树,可是这些山头还是光秃秃的。,15. One of the silk _ on her dress has slipped off her shoulder. A) belts B) straps C) bandages D) stripes,答案为B 试题解析 strap 带,皮带 belt 腰带,肩带 bandage 绷带 stripe 条纹,条状物 译文:她衣服上的一条丝带从肩膀上滑下来了。,16. The younger persons attraction to stereos cannot be explained only _ familiarity with technology. A) in quest of B) by means of C) in terms of D) by virtue of,答案为C 试题解析 1999.06. in quest of 寻求,追求 by means of 通过,依靠 in terms of 用的话或措辞 by virtue of 凭借,由于, 译文:因为年轻人对于立体声的着迷不能仅仅用熟悉高科技来解释.,17. Bill is an example of a severely disabled person who has become _ at many survival skills. A) proficient B) persistent C) consistent D) sufficient,答案为 A 试题解析 【1999.01】 proficient 熟练的,精通的 persistent 坚持的,固执的 consistent (人,行为, 观点)一致的,不变的 sufficient足够的,充分的 译文:比尔是那些身体有严重缺陷而精通生存技能的典范.,18. Fortune-tellers are good at marking _ statements such as “Your sorrows will change.” A) philosophical B) invalid C) ambiguous D) literal,答案为 C 试题解析 【2001.06.】 philosophical 哲学的 invalid无效的,作废的 ambiguous 模糊的 literal 按照字义的 译文:算命者善于说些”你的痛苦将要改变”之类的含糊其辞的话.,19. The original elections were declared _ by the former military ruler. A) void B) vulgar C) surplus D) extravagant,答案为 A 试题解析 【1999.01】 void 空的,无效的 vulgar 粗俗的 surplus 过剩的 extravagant奢侈的 译文:前军方统治者宣布最初的选举结果无效。,20. Although he was on a diet, the food _ him enormously. A) inspired B) tempted C) overcame D) encouraged,答案为 B 试题解析 【1998.01】 inspired 鼓舞,给予灵感 tempted 诱导 overcame 克服 encouraged 鼓励,激励 译文:尽管他在节食, 但食物对他还是有很大的吸引力。,21. This crop has similar qualities to the previous one, _ both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil. A) being B) been C) to be D) having been,答案为【A】【 99.6 No.57 】 【译 文】这种作物的特性与以前那一种相似,不仅抗风,而且适合同一种类型的土壤。 【解 析】本题考察的是现在分词短语做伴随状语。,22. Manufacturing is Canadas most important economic activity, _ 17 percent of the work-force. A) engagesB) and to engage C) that it engages D) engaging,答案为【D】 【译 文】制造业是加拿大最重要的经济活动,它雇用了17%的劳动力。 【解 析】 engaging 是现在分词短语做伴随状语。,23. This programme will examine the writers book
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