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,Hayao Miyazaki (宫崎骏) and his animations,中文名:宫崎骏 英文名:Miyazaki Hayao 国籍:日本 出生地:日本东京 出生日期:1941年1月5日 工作室:吉卜力 毕业院校:自杉并区立永福小学校、杉并区立大宫中学校、东京都立豊多摩高等学校及学习院大学政治经济学部 职业:动画导演、动画师、漫画师,English name: Hayao Miyazaki Nationality: Japan Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan Date of birth: January 5, 1941 Studio: GHIBLI School: Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan Occupation: Animation Director,Miyazakis career as an animator began in 1963 when he joined Toei Animation to work on a tv series called “Wolf Boy Ken” He founded Studio named Ghibli with his two partners in 1985,and then produced lots of excellent animated films.Including Grave of the Fireflies(萤火虫之墓), Laputa:Castle in the Sky(天空之城) , My Neighbor Totoro (龙猫),Spirited Away(千与千寻), Howls Moving Castle(哈尔的移动城堡),THE WIND RISES(起风了),宫崎骏于1963年加入东映动画社,开始了他的动漫家生涯,他参与了创作电视卡通片狼少年。 1985年,他与两位伙伴成立了吉卜力工作室,随后制作了许多优秀的动漫电影。,Each of Miyazakis work, its themes are different, but the dream, environmental protection, life, and survival are well reflected in his films. Hayao Miyazaki has been commented: “There can be no moon in the night sky, but animation world can not be without Hayao Miyazaki.” He can obviously seen to the importance of the animation industry.,宫崎骏的每部作品,题材虽然不同,但却将梦想、环保、人生、生存这些令人反思的讯息,融合其中。 曾有人如此评价宫崎骏:“夜空中可以没有月亮,但在动画界不能没有宫崎骏。”足可见他在动画界的重要性。,Let us step in the animation world of Miyazaki !,Laputa:Castle in the Sky(天空之城),Synopsis:The film illustrated a adventure story that Sheeta ,Baruch, the pirates, Hilda Baruch,and mushika look for the castle in the sky (Laputa).,故事简介:整部影片讲述的是主人公少女希达和少年巴鲁以及海盗、军队、穆斯卡等寻找天空之城拉普达(Laputa)的历险记。,One night,a young boy(Pasu) saw a girl(sheeta) floating down from the sky.From the moment,he catched her and their adventure began.,Sheeta is a descendant of the royal family named Laputa.The girls anceptors leave out the high development of their civilization.she had a flying stone.,Pasu is a boy who helped Sheeta to get rid of bad guy and find her hometown.,They will encounter pirates,the army and secret officials eye as they will search for Laputa.,The pirates want to enter the Laputa because of money .Though they make trouble for Pasu and Sheeta at first , they help the girl and the boy at last ,and achieve their desire.,He is also a descendant of the royal family named Laputa.But he is a bad guy.He desires to get the power of Laputa,and grabs the flying stone from Sheeta.When he gets the power,he betrays the army,but his conspiracy is prevented by Pasu and Sheeta finally.,secret officials eye(Muska),At the end of the story,the hugeflying stone namedcrystal which makedLaputafloat in the airwith carrying Laputas tree of life,then it up tothe end of the sky.,In the film we can see, Hayao Miyazakis thinking is divided into two levels: At the first level, Miyazaki thinks that the relationship between civilization and nature, just as same as the relationship between trees and soil. If the soil is not rooted in the earth, even tall trees can not survive. 我们可以看出,在本片中,宫崎骏的思考是分为两个层次的:在第一个层次中,宫崎骏认为文明与自然的关系,就如同树木与泥土的关系一样。如果不植根于大地的泥土,即使是参天大树也无法存活。,After watching ,the feeling,In the second level, Miyazaki think that the vitality of civilization will be given by naturally , then the vitality will be destroyed by greed until the complete destruction of civilization. 在第二个层次中,宫崎骏认为如果说自然会赐予文明以生命力的话,那么贪欲则会夺取文明的生命力直至彻底毁灭文明。,The end is impressive, I always remember the soft beautiful melody, plus the floating in space dream city, very beautiful. This animation is deeply moved numerous audience, also will cause the audience to the attention of human civilization, reflection and thinking.,My Neighbor Totoro ( 龙猫),Logo: this strange creature perhaps still lives in Japan 宣传语:这种奇怪的生物,说不定仍生活在日本。,In order to look after their mother in hospital , Satsuke and her younger sister Mei moved into a house in the country with their father .Satsuke and Mei discover that some magical creatures called Totoros inhabited in the nearby forest .They soon were familiar with these Totoros, then a lot of strange things happened.,为了照顾住院的母亲,女孩月和她的妹妹小梅随父亲一起搬到了乡下。很快两姐妹发现附近的森林中住着名为龙猫的神奇生物。她们与龙猫逐渐亲近,并发生了许多奇异而有趣的故事。,The film is full of fairy tale colour and the warmth of family. It successful to bring audience into a fantastic fairy tale world,.it is a rare and excellent work.,这部影片充满了童话色彩和亲情的温馨,把观众成功的带入了一个梦幻般的童话世界里,它是一部不可多得的佳作。,After watching ,the feeling,Spirited Away( 千与千寻),The film is known as hayao miyazakis Alice in wonderland. It was originally created for children, but let more adult wakes up to have lost innocence and enthusiasm. 它被誉为宫崎骏的爱丽丝梦游仙境。它本来是为孩子创作的,但却让更多的大人醒悟到已经失去的纯真与热情。,Ten-year-old girl named Chihiro moved to the countryside with her parents. Accident occurred when they moved,then they entered a strange world which controlled by witches in the Soup House. Peope who did not work will be turned into animals. Her parents became pigs because of breaking rules ,and Chihiro was trapped in dreamland alone. In order not to be become animal, Chihiro work very hard. Many fantasy things
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