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冀教版小学五年级下册英语期中试卷 姓名_一,补全单词h_w, (怎样) t_ _cher(教师) can_y,(糖果)peo_ _e,(人们)bu_y.(买)ti_ _d(累) _ait(等tak_(带)ju _p(跳) danc_.二,填空:make(现在分词)_,woman(复数)_,look(单三)_child(复数)_,dance(现在分词)_run(现在分词)_have(单三)_,young(反义词)_,sun(形容词)_dont(完全形式)_,三英汉互译拍照_,arrive in_, 看书_The Great Wall_, a wonderful place_不要跑_,in China_,当心_Look out of_,打牌_四选词填空for sitting thirsty look would behind afraid yearsflying looking looks1,The woman _me is reading a book.2.She is _at the little red school.3.Whats in the house? Lets _in the window.4.Dont be afraid,I can help you.5,I_like some water,please, Im thirsty.6,This boy is _beside me on the train.7,Jenny buys gifts_her family.8,Im _,Id like some juice.9,I see some girls,They are _kites.10,She_in mang shops.11,Its about two hundred _old.五,填空( )1,Danny is looking_of window. A at B out C for( )2,_are you doing? A who B what C where( )3,liMing _the tickets.A get B gets C is( )4,The train is_. A leave B leaving C leaveing( )5.There are mang _ A people B peoples C peoplees( )6,LiMing arrives in Beijing _1:17 in the afternoon.A on B in C at( )7,What do you know _Beijing?A to B about C for( )8,Lets _kites.A to fly B fly C flying( )9,_is the Palace Museum?A How long B How much C How old( )10,The Great Wall is far_our hotel. A for B from C in六,读一读,连一连A What time is it? 1,Im going homeB,Where are you doing? 2, Its ten.C,What is liMing going to do? 3, She is flying a kite.D,Whats Jenny doing now? 4, I want to shopping.E,What do you want to do? 5, He is going to take a picture.F.Where is the Great Wall? 6, Beijing.G,May I take your picture? 7,No, I cantH,Can you fly a kite? 8,SureI, How long it is? 9,About 6000 kilometres.M, How do you go to Xian? 10, by bus.七,连词成句1,is who hungry _?2,you like Wonld fruit some._?3,are too cars mang and buses there_.4,is time what it _?5,very long and very old The Great Wall._.八,句子排序 A, OK, Here you are. B, How much are they ? C, Good morning! Can I help you? D, Yes, Ill take five oranges, please. E, They are two yuan. F, Thanks.顺序为:_九,阅读题 Today is sunny, Jenny and LiMing will go back China next week.So he wants to buy some gifes for his family. LiMing shops quicky(快的)。He buys some tea for his father,a coat for his mother,a scarf for his sister,What does Jenny buy? Oh , she shops slowy. She just buys some postcards.( )1, What do Li ming and Jenny do? They_ A go swimming B go shopping C go home( )2,What does Jenny buy? A some postcards B A scarf C A coat( )3,What does Li ming buy for his sister?A a postcard B Some tea C A scarf( )4,What day is today?A sunny B Saturday C Monday( ) 5, Does Li ming shops quicky?A I dont know B Yes,he does C No, he doesnt.
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