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- 2 - 笔答部分(60分) . 默写26个英文字母(本小题10分) . 根据语境写出单词(本题共8个空,每空1分,共8分) 1 You can b_ books from the library, if you like reading. 2 Grandma s_ Daming chocolates from America. They were d_. 3 Mum, my schoolbag is b_. Could you buy me a new one? 4 Last Sunday, we went and saw Stonehenge, and Its a_. 5 Im b_. I am writing an e_ to my friend. 6 The box is so heavy that the old man cant c_ it. . 选择填空,将序号填在括号里(共10小题,每题1分,共10分) ( )1. My father worked in _office; and my mother worked in _factory. Aan; a Ba; a C. a an ( )2. I am _. I want some noodles. Aangry Bhungry Cbusy ( )3. You cant _your friends in the library Atalk Btalks to Ctalk to ( ) 4. What did Ann _for dinner ? A have B had C has ( ) 5. Listen, The boy _ an English song now . A. is singing B sings C singing ( ) 6. We_ our friends last summer. A. visit B. visits C. visited ( )7A message goes from one computer to _ computer Aother Banother Cone ( ) 8. _ will you leave tomorrow? At six oclock in the morning. A. What B. When C. Where ( ) 9. Are you ready _a trip_ America? A. for; to B. for for C. to for ( ) 10. Your schoolbag is broken. _is nice. A. I B. mine C. my - 3 - . 根据句意选择词语填空,将其正确形式填在括号里(本题共5小题每小题1分共5分) present visit send make different Im going to _my cousin in America. What _ can I take? Last year, I _ him a book. This year, I want to give him a_ gift. Maybe you can help me to _ a kite. . 根据问句选出答句,将序号填在括号里(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) . 连词成句(本题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分) 1. you/got/ Harry Potter/have/the/books? _ ? 2.you/did them/read? _? 3. put/in/ bag/ your/what/did/you? _? 4. the/womens/men/wore/clothes._. 5.is/lunch/usually/half/at/past/twelve _. 6.season/my/favorite/is/spring. _. 7. sent/you/I/a/game/Maths. _. 8. will/we/lots/of/see/big/very/stones . _. . 阅读理解(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (A)阅读短文,并判断下列句子是否正确,正确的在括号中写T,错误的写F Its fine today. The sun is shining in the sky. Mr. Green and his family are in the park. Mr. and Mrs. Green are standing under the trees and look at their children. Ann is flying a kite. The boy in a white shirt and blue trousers is her brother. Hes reading a book . Anns younger brother is too young. He cant walk or run. Hes drinking milk. Anns sister isnt in the park. She is at school. ( ) 1.There are five people in Anns family. ( ) 2.Ann is a girl. ( ) 3.Anns sister is a student. ( ) 4.Anns younger can walk but cant run. ( ) 5.Ann has two brothers. ( )1. What time do you get up ? A. Nothing. ( )2. What are you going to do? B. Were going to have lunch together. ( )3. Do you want to play basketball? C. At six. ( )4. Whats the matter? D. There are twenty. ( )5. How many students are there in your class? E. Yes, I do. But I cant play well. (B)阅读短文并选择,将正确选项的序号填在括号中BenisinGradeThree.Hehasalotofhobbies.Helikesplayingbasketballbest.Buthedislikesdoinghomeworkafterschool.Andhisteacheralwaysfindsalotofmistakesinhishomework.LastTuesdayhismathteacherMissBlacklookedatBenshomeworkandsawthathegotallhisanswersright.Shewasverysurprised.Thenextmorningbeforemathclass,MissBlackaskedTomtoherofficeandsaidtohim,“Yougotallyourhomeworkrightthistime.Whohelpyou?Didyourparentshelpyou?”Bensparentsoftenhelphimwithhishomework,butthistimetheydidnthelpBenbecausetheywerentathome.Benanswered,“No,MissBlack.Mymumanddadwereverybusylastnight,soIdidmyhomeworkmyself.”()1.WhatisBenfavoritesport?A.Basketball.B.Football.C.Baseball.()2.DoesBenusuallydohishomeworkhimself?A.Yes,hedoes.B.No,hedoesntC.Idontknow.()3.WhydidMissBlackaskBentocometoheroffice?A.BecauseBengotallhishomeworkright.B.BecauseBenwasnaughty.C.BecauseBengotallhishomeworkwrong.()4.WhooftenhelpBenwithhishomework?A.Bensclassmates.B.Bensfriends.C.Bensmotherandfather.(
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