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Unit 7-Conversation 1Mark: Hi! Kate: Hi, Janet! Have you been waiting long? Janet: Not at all. What did you think of Hero? Kate: It was brilliant, thanks for suggesting it. Janet: Well, it was nominated for an Oscar, you know. Kate: That figures. Its a beautiful film. Mark: Yes. The costumes, and scenery were amazing, Kate: Id love to know more about the emperor, he was cool. Who was he? Janet: Qin Shi Huang its said he was the first emperor in the history of China he unified China. Kate: Did he? When? Janet: Er . 221 BC. Mark: As long ago as that! Waitress: Hi guys! What can I get you? Kate: Yes, Ill have a coke, thanks. Mark: Er . Just a coffee. Waitress: Sure. Mark: Tell us more . Janet: Um . Well, before that, there were seven big states and they had been fighting each other for many years. Mark: Right. Janet: Its called the Warring States Period. Anyway Qin was king of the largest state and he defeated the six other states, one after another. It took him ten years to conquer them, each with a different strategy. Mark: What kind of man was he? Janet: Well, he was brilliant, obviously. And also wise. He had this huge army they were very powerful. After his army had attacked the first state, the next state surrendered without much fight. They were so terrified. Kate: Wow! Janet: What else? The army leaders were very clever, they used a river to flood a city. Mark: That cant have been easy. Janet: Yes, anyway, after conquering the last state, Qin made himself Emperor of the whole of China. Mark: Was he the emperor who created the Terracotta Warriors? Janet: Thats right. He was so afraid of death that he wanted them to guard him in the afterlife. Unit 7-Conversation 2 Becky: OK. Kate: Thank you. Mark: Thanks. Kate: So go on about Emperor Qin. Its really interesting. Janet: It is, isnt it? Well, so he unified China and that was an incredible achievement. But as a result, huge numbers of soldiers were killed. Kate: About how many? Janet: Oh, I dont know, something like 500,000 men? Kate: That is huge. Mark: So how do the Chinese see Qin? Janet: Hes seen as the greatest emperor in Chinese history. Mark: Why? Because he unified China? Thats a very good reason, mind you. Janet: Not only that. The thing is, as a result of the unification, he did many amazing things. He built roads all across China, he standardized writing . and also the money system. Oh, and the system for measuring and weighing things as well. Mark: So he was a great leader for China. Janet: Yes, he was, but he was also very cruel. Mark: Yes, but most emperors were cruel, werent they? Kate: Well I guess thats true. Youre right. Mark: So did he have enemies? Janet:Of course,I think all great emperors have some enemies. Some people hated him so much they tried to kill him! Mark: Was he the emperor who built the Great Wall of China? Janet: He built the first Great Wall. You see, tribes from the north were always trying to invade so he built a huge wall across China to stop them. Hundreds of thousands of men died building it. Kate: Its so sad all those thousands of people dying. Mark: But then . thats war, isnt it?Unit 7-Outside viewOn the 25th of April each year, Australia and New Zealand celebrate Anzac Day, when they commemorate all the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps who died in action during the First and Second World Wars, and in every armed conflict since then. Were here now at the Australian War Memorial at the start of the dawn service. They shall grow not old As we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them nor the years condemnAt the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. Lest we forget.A verse from the poem. Ode to Remembrance by Laurence Binyon, is recited during the ceremony.Inside the Hall of Memory is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This is the grave of a solider whose identity is not known and it represents all those soldiers who died in battle but were not identified.Twenty-four years after the ravages of World War I, war came to the mainland of Australia where air raids killed hundreds of service personnel and civilians. In Malaya, Korea and Vietnam, we answered the call as we have in Afghanistan and Iraq. Through it all the one unshakable truth has been a steadfastness, bom of the traditions of the Australian servicemen. Today, Australias special day, they remember in East Timor, on Bougainville, in Afghanistan and Iraq, on the island of Crete, at Gallipoli, they along with us, remember.Anzac Day is a public holiday in Australia. It is one of the most important national days of the year and certainly the most solemn one. Commemoration services are held in all the major cities in Australia and huge crowds attend to pay their respects to those who died. Servicemen a
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