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佛教中英文口译必备佛教 (Buddhism) A Amitabha 阿弥陀佛 Anterior Tibet 前藏 一个大活佛,其庙叫祖卜寺(Tsurpu)Attisha 阿底峡 Avalokiteshvara 观音B Bhodisattva 菩萨 Bon (Black) 本教 (黑) Budda 佛 Dorje (多杰/藏文)C Chapel 佛堂 Circumanbulate 转经道 (v.) Circumanbulation 转经道Circumanbulator 转经道的人 Consort 明妃D Dakini 空行母 Deity 明王 Dipamkara 燃灯佛;宝光佛 Disciplinarian 铁棒喇嘛Dorje 多杰 (藏文:金刚) Dorje 金刚 Drakpa 和尚 (藏文) Dratsang 扎仓(学校)Drepung 哲蚌寺 Drepung Monastry 哲蚌寺(拉萨三大寺之一)Drolma 卓玛(藏文:度母) Drolma 度母(女菩萨)E Emptiness 空 Enthronement 坐床 Esoteric Buddhism 密宗 Exotoric Buddhism 显宗F Form 色 Formless 无色G Ganden Monastry 甘丹寺(拉萨三大寺之一) Gekor 铁棒喇嘛萨三大 Great Perfection 大园满Green Tara 绿度母 Gulug (Yellow hat) 格鲁派 Guru 和沿(梵文)H Hayagriva 马头明主 Hinayana 小乘 Holy mountain 魂山 Hutukta 活佛(蒙文) I Incarnated lama 转世活佛J Jampa 弥勒慈氏 Jokhang Temple 大昭寺K Kaggu (White) 噶举 Kalachakra 时轮(金刚) Kangyur 甘珠尔(佛语) Karmapa 葛玛巴Khangtsen 康村(宿舍) Khatag 哈达 Khenpo 堪布(主持) Kumbum 塔尔Kunbum M. 堪布寺(西宁)L Labrang Monastery. 拉卜楞寺 (甘南) Lama 喇嘛,指大和尚 Lek Trima 妙绘赞Lineage 传承 Lobsang 洛桑 Losang 洛桑M Mahakala 大黑天(本教中神的名字) Mahayana 大乘 Main Assembly Hall 大经堂Maitreya 弥勒慈氏 Mandala 檀城 Mandala 曼陀螺 Manjushri 文殊(菩萨)Mantra 咒语 Master 上师 (和尚) Material 色 Medicine Buddha 药师佛Monastry 寺院(比Temple大) Monk 和尚( 小) Monlam 默然大法会Monlam 传昭大法会 Mudra 手印Nga 阿N Ngari 阿里 Nirvan 涅盘 Nyingma 宁玛O Order 教派P Padma 莲花 Padmasambhava 莲花生 Pagoda 佛塔 Palkor Chode 白居寺Panchen Lama 班禅 Partner 明妃 Pelden Lhamo 吉祥天女 Pelden Lhamo 班丹拉母Potala 布达拉宫 Prayer meeting festival 传昭大法会 Prayer wheel 传经筒R Ramoche Temple 小昭寺 Reincarnation 灵童 Rinpoche 活佛(通用)S Sakya (Stripe hat) 花派 (萨迦) Sect 教派 Sera Monastry 色拉寺 (拉萨三大寺之一)Shakyamuni 施加摩尼 Shantarakshita 寂护 Shantarakshita 静命 Sharipu 舍利子 (骨灰)SkuVbumchenmo 白居寺 Sontzen Gampo 松赞干布 Soul mountain 魂山Soul yak 魂牛 Stupa 灵塔 Sutra Chanting Hall 大经堂T Tara 度母(女菩萨) Tashilhunpo Monastry 扎时伦布寺(日喀泽) Temple 寺庙Tengyur 丹珠尔(论部) 喀泽 Tibetan Buddhism 藏传佛教 Tibetan Studies 藏学Tibetan Tripitaka 大藏经 Tibetology 藏学 Tradition 教派 Trulku 活佛(藏文)Tsampa 糌粑 Tsamba 糌粑 Tsang 后藏 Tsongkhapa 宗喀巴(前藏)U Union of happiness 乐空双运V Vajrayana 密宗 Vajra 金刚W White Tara 白度母Y Yamataka 阿曼德迦;大威 Yamataka 怖畏金刚 Yidam 本尊Z Zhang zhung 象雄2 佛教专用语(附解释)觉悟to get enlightenment 三大语系佛教 Three languages of Buddhism:汉语系佛教Chinese Language Buddhism 藏语系佛教Tibetan Language Buddhism巴利语系佛教 Pali Language Buddhism 大乘佛教Mahayana Buddhism上座部佛教Theravada Buddhism 金刚乘/密宗Vajrayana Buddhism (Lamaism)中国佛教Chinese Buddhism 佛经Sutra经、律、论 Sutras, Vinaya, Sastra 大藏经Tripitaka Sutra三宝(佛、法、僧)Triratna (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha) “三宝”加被 May “Triratna” bless法师Master/Venerable 长老Thero/Venerable 大长老Mahathero/ Most Venerable 方丈/主持Abbot 佛教宗派Buddhist School 佛教仪式:Buddhist Ceremony/Buddhist Service for和平祈祷法会 Buddhist Praying Ceremony for World Peace 礼佛pay respect for Buddha颂经Sutra Chanting 香炉Incense burner 上香To offer incense to Buddha 因果Cause and effect成道/成佛To obtain the Buddha-hood 觉悟 To get enlightenment三皈 go to the Buddha for refuge, go to the Dharma for refuge, go to the Sangha for refuge五戒 follow the five commandments of Buddhism(no killing,no stealing,no sexual misconduct,no lying,no intoxicant)诸恶莫做,众善奉行,自净其意,既是佛教 “To do no evil, to do only good, to purify the will, is the doctrine of all Buddhas”做功德to make contribution to 普渡终生to save all living beings from sufferings四谛Four noble truths 八正道Eight noble paths 善哉Sadhu (good or excellent) 佛教寺院 Monastery/Buddhist Temple山门The Front Gate 大雄宝殿 The Main Shrine Hall圆通殿The Hall of Universal Understanding 祖师殿The Hall of Patriarch观音殿The Hall of Avalokitesvara Buddhisatva 罗汉堂 The Hall of Arhan藏经阁 The Tripitaka Sutra Pavilion 斋堂 Monastic Dinning Hall四大天王Four deva-kings, the protectors of Buddhism 客堂Monastic Reception韦驮Vitasoka/Vigatasoka, the protector of Buddhism 佛像 Buddha statue四大名山Four holy mountains of Chinese Buddhism 弥勒佛Maitreya Buddha五台山 Wutai Mountain is the Holy Place of Manjusri Buddhisattva 峨嵋山 Ermei Mountain is the Holy Place of Mahasthama Buddhisattva九华山Jiuhua Mountain is the holy place of Ksitigarbha Buddhisattva普陀山 Putuo Mountain is the holy place of Avalokitesvara Buddhisattva释迦牟尼佛Shakyamuni Buddha 迦叶佛Kasyapa Buddha药师佛Bhaisajya Buddha/medicine Buddha 阿弥陀佛Amitaba Buddha三世佛Buddhas of Three Periods: Kasyapa Buddha of the pastShakyamuni Buddha of the presentMaitrya Buddha of the future观世音菩萨 Avalokitesvara Buddhisattva 毗庐舍那佛 Vairocana Buddha菩贤菩萨Samandhabatra Buddhisattva 菩萨 Buddhisattva 大势智菩萨Mahasthamaprapta Buddhi
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