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黑龙江省2019-2020学年高二英语上学期月考试题第I卷 (选择题,共70分) I.阅读理解(共 20小题,每小题2分,满分 40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑 A A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett Price: $7.10 (Paperback Dec. 9, 1998) The novel tells of the story of a wealthy young girl, Sara Crewe, who is sent to a boarding school during her fathers campaign in India. Thanks to Capt. Crewes money, Sara is treated as a little princess until, one day, word comes of her fathers tragic(悲剧的) death. Miss Minchin, the schools greedy headmistress, wastes no time in putting the now-penniless Sara to work for her room and board. It is only through the friendship of two other girls and some astonishing luck that Sara eventually finds her way back to happiness. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett Price:$3.95 (Paperback July 1, 2003) Frances Hodgson Burnett was the highest paid and most widely read woman writer of her time, publishing more than fifty novels and thirteen plays. The Secret Garden is a beautiful tale of friendship, secrets and human spirits. A spoiled and homeless child named Mary returns to England from India when her parents die. She is sent to live in Yorkshire with her uncle. Miserable and lonely, she begins to explore the houses gardens and discovers a key to a secret garden that the uncle sealed off when his wife died. There she discovered a secret so important, so enchanting, that it will change her life forever. Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie and Scott Gustafson Price: $16.95 (Hardcover Oct. 1, 1991) It is a childrens story full of imagination and adventures. A boy who can fly and magically refuses to grow up, Peter Pan spends his never-ending childhood adventuring on the small island of Neverland as the leader of his gang, the Lost Boys, interacting with mermaids, Indians, fairies and pirates, and from time to time meeting ordinary children from the world outside. Order online and you can now save 20% off your total purchase on orders over $25!1.Which of the following is NOT true about the three books?A. The little princess refers to a girl named Sara Crewe.B. The secret garden referred to in the passage is located in India.C. Peter Pan is a boy with magic powers who never grows up.D. A Little Princess was written by a famous female writer.2.How much does it cost to order these three books online?A. $5.60 B. $25.00 C. $22.40 D. $ 28.003.What do these three books have in common?A. They were published in the same year.B. They all have a hard cover.C. They are all stories with tragic endings.D. They have children as their main characters.B Thomas James Hanson will remember for a long time the snowstorm that hit the state of New York on November 22. The 47-year-old man from Niagara Falls was trapped in his car on the highway for almost eight days after his car was accidentally pushed to the side of the road and covered with snow by workers employed to remove the snow from the streets. Driving on the Interstate Highway 190 during the worst of the snowstorm, Mr. Hanson decided to stop his old 1993 Volkswagen Passat to the side of the road and wait for the weather conditions to improve. He remained motionless(一动不动) for approximately five hours before a snow plow arrived to clear the way. Unfortunately for the poor man, the driver of the giant snow removal vehicle did not see the small car, pushing it into the ditch(沟) and covering it with more than 2 meters of snow. Fortunately for the father of two children, the snow that was stacked over his vehicle was not very dense(浓密的)and allowed for enough fresh air to get through to enable him to survive. He was able to drink water that he got by melting snow with his lighter in an aluminum coffee cup, and he ate the few items of groceries he had bought before going home. “If I had known I would be trapped for eight days, I would have bought more than a jar of dill pickles(咸菜), a bottle of ketchup and two sticks of beef jerky(牛肉干),”said the survivor with a smile. Thomas Hanson had almost lost all hope of being rescued when his car was hit once again this morning by another snow plow, which revealed the poor mans location.4. What caused Thomas James Hanson to fall into the ditch according to the passageA. His drunk driving. B. The strong wind. C. The slippery road. D. A snow removal vehicle.5. It can be learned from the passage that _.A. Mr. Hanson had bought some food before the accident. B. Mr. Hanson got rescued on November 22 eventuallyC. Mr. Hanson had enough bottled water to drink in the carD. Mr. Hanson was trapped in the car with his children. 6. Which of the following can best describe Thomas James HansonA. Quick-minded. B. Hard-working. C. Careless D. Humorous7. Which of the following would be the best title of the passageA. Heavy Snowstorm Caused Disas
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