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Basic Writing:,A Survey Report,【题型说明】 调查报告是针对某一现象、某一事件或某一问题进行深入细致的调查这一类写作题,要求同学们根据调查结果,对某种现象进行分析并谈谈自己的看法,写一份调查报告。,调查报告写作要点,认真审题,明确写作内容 时态 3. 写作 内容,Beginning时间、对象、内容(1句) Body调查结果(3句) Ending个人观点及理由(1句),过 渡 衔 接,关键: 1. 对比分析,找出异同点; 2. 表达多样,避免重复罗列数据。,现在时(常用),最近,我们以“2012年中学生的春节活动”为题,在368名中学生中进行了一次调查(survey)。以下是调查数据:,【写作内容】 请根据以上内容用英语写一份调查报告。内容包括: 1.调查问题及调查对象; 2.主要活动; 3.感受及原因; 4.期望。,基础写作(2012广州一模),欣赏高分范文:,Recently we have surveyed 368 middle school students on how they spent the 2012 Spring Festival. 30% said they spent most of their time with their parents visiting relatives and friends while 25% went traveling with classmates or parents. 45% of all those surveyed indicated that,参考答案:,they just stayed at home to do homework. When asked how they felt about the Spring Festival, most said they enjoyed it because of the holiday and lucky money they got, but some felt unhappy because the amount of homework they were given left little time for fun activities. Many students expressed the hope that next year they would have less homework and more free time.,* Useful expressions: Recently, Ive conducted/made/ carried out/done a survey among on to find out Last week, a survey was conducted among to see/ find out,Examples: 1.最近,你对班里60名同学(男女各半)进行了关于上网目的的调查。 2. 上周,我们学校对所有学生进行了一次调查,了解他们对于开设英语角的看法。(set up),Part1-Beginning:调查时间、对象、问题,Examples: 1.最近,你对班里60名同学(男女各半)进行了关于上网目的的调查。 2. 上周,我们学校对所有学生进行了一次调查,了解他们对于开设英语角的看法。(set up),Last week, our school carried out a survey among all the students to find out their opinions about setting up an English corner.,Recently, Ive conducted a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in my class on their purposes of surfing the Internet.,Part 2- Body添加过渡词,* Useful expressions: From/ According to the survey, As the survey/data shows, The survey shows that 递进: besides/ whats more/ moreover/ in addition 转折: However,/ On the contrary/while/ but,* Useful expressions: 25%的学生 排第二位 占总数30% 多数;少数;只有;多达 倍数 百分率,25% of/ a quarter/ one-fourth of the students,rank the second (for),account for/ take up 30% of the total,or:10% of the boys like and so do the girls.,most (of),few (of) ,only,as many/much as,The number of doubles/is twice that of,percentage,The percentage of the boys who like is the same as that of the girls.,Part2- Body:调查结果分析,2. 男女生上网时在最感兴趣的事情方面有何不同; 3. “看新闻”在男女生上网目的中的排序差异; 4. 男女生在以“学习”为上网目的方面的共同点;,The girls favourite is, while what the boys like to do most is ., ranks the second for, but the third for,The percentage of the boys using Internet for is the same as that of,Example 1:,Part3- Ending:个人看法及理由,* Useful expressions: As far as Im concerned, As for me/myself In my opinion, Personally, From my point of view As far as I am concerned, I agree to because. or: Personally, I think it is a wonderful idea(to do.) because.,范文: Recently, Ive conducted a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in my class on their purposes of surfing the Internet. According to the survey, the girls favourite is chatting, while what the boys like to do most is playing computer games. As the data shows, reading news online ranks the second for boys, but the third for girls. However, only 10% of the boys use the Internet for study, and so do the girls. As for myself, I often go online to search some information useful for my study, because I think we should make the best use of it and learn more knowledge.,上周,学生会对100名学生就幸福观进行了一次调查,调查结果如下:,写作内容根据以上数据,写一篇调查报告,包括以下内容: (1)调查的时间、对象和内容; (2)所调查学生的不同观点及理由; (3)你的认识。,练习:,Last week, the Students Union made a survey about what is happiness among 100 students of our school. 32% of the surveyed students think wealth is happiness because they think they can buy anything if they have much wealth. On the other hand,45% of them hold the view that they should be in good health so that they can enjoy whatever they like. Whats more,the rest 23% students believe that a man with much knowledge,which will bring him a bright future,is the happiest. From the survey I know different people value happiness differently and as for me, my happiness exists in my study.,
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