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摘 要本工程为 XX 花园,拟建高层住宅楼。根据现场的土地使用面积将该楼设计成一对称布置的住宅楼,设置一部电梯,一层设置四户。首层的标高为 3.9 米,其余 10 层的层高均为 3.2m。楼层总高度为 35.9m。每层建筑面积 411m2。基本风压值 0.60kN/m2,抗震设防烈度 7 度,设计基本地震加速度值为 0.10g,类场地,设计地震分组为第一组。本工程结构设计采用框架-剪力墙结构,结构计算按纵向框架承重分析。具体内容包括:结构方案和初选截面尺寸;楼板结构设计;结构计算简图及刚度参数计算;荷载计算及结构位移验算;水平荷载作用下的结构内力分析;竖向荷载作用下的结构内力分析;荷载效应及内力组合;截面设计和构造要求;基础设计;结构施工图的绘制;计算机辅助设计。在进行截面抗震设计时,柱按偏压构件计算,保证延性框架要“强剪弱弯,强柱弱梁,强节点弱构件强锚固”的设计原则,且满足构造要求。关键词:高层建筑,抗震结构,框架剪力墙,结构设计IAbstractWen feng garden, the proposed high-rise residential buildings. According to the land use area will be carried into a symmetrical layout design of residential buildings, the installation of a lift, one of four households. The level of the first floor is 3.9m and the remaining eleven floors are 3.2m high-level layers. The total height of the building is 35.9m. Each floor construction area is 411m2. Basic wind pressure value is 0.60kN/m2, earthquake intensity of 7 degrees security, the basic design for seismic acceleration values 0.10g, category II sites, design for the earthquake-first group. This engineering construction design adoption the frame-shear wall construction. The structure of the vertical longitudinal loading analysis. Concrete contents include: structural programmes and primary cross-sectional size; floor structural design; Structural calculation diagrammatic drawing and stiffness parameter calculation; Structural load calculation and displacement calculation; Level load role of endogenous force structure analysis; Vertical load role of the endogenous force structure analysis; Load effects and endogenous force portfolio; Cross-sectional design and construction requirements; Foundation design; Structural construction mapping; computer-aided design. Earthquake in cross-sectional design, pillar by bias components calculated to ensure extensive framework to strong reminder and weak bends, strong column and weak beam, strong joint weak components strong anchorage design principles, and the cross-section must to meet the demand of construction requirements.Key words: Tall structures, Earthquake proofing construction, Frame -Shear wall, Structural designII目 录工程概况 .1结构布置和初选构件截面尺寸 .22.1 柱截面尺寸 .22.2 梁截面尺寸 .32.3 板的厚度 .32.4 剪力墙数量的确定 .33 楼板结构设计 .63.1 楼梯设计 .63.1.1 梯段板计算 .63.1.2 梯梁设计 .83.2楼板设计 .93.2.1 荷载计算 .93.2.2 计算跨度 L0.103.2.3 弯矩和配筋计算 .10非框架梁的设计 .174.1非框架梁的内力计算 .174.2非框架梁的配筋计算 .274.2.1 正截面承载力计算 .274.2.2 斜截面承载力计算 .285 计算简图及刚度参数 .315.1 计算简图 .315.2 刚度参数 .315.2.1 总剪力墙的等效抗弯刚度 .315.2.2 总框架的抗推刚度 .335.3主体结构刚度特征值 .
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