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1 Unit7 Topic 3 Section A Section A 需用 1 个课时。 重点活动是 1 和 2a。 教学目标: 1.复习有关食物的词汇。 2.学习点和提供不同的食物和饮料。 教学过程: 第一步:复习 1.复习有关食物的单词。 Talk about your favorite food. I like.best. My favorite food is. Write down the names of food as many as you can. 2.复习:How to start a formal western dinner? Unfold a napkin first. And then you should keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left. 第二步:呈现 1.听 2a,在新单词下面划线。 menu beer wine smell bill 2让学生读对话,学习如何点和提供食物。 所用目标语言: May I take your order? Sure. Id like to try. Which kind of drink do you prefer, beer, wine or tea? Id like. May I have the bill? Let me see. ¥71.50. 第三步:巩固 1.独立完成 2b。 2.小组活动。 让学生结伴练习 2a 的对话,完成 2c。 老师应该先准备一些食物或饮料作为学生表演的道具。 第四步:练习 1.向学生展示一幅国际美食节举办的图画或让学生看 1 部分,回答下列问题: What foods are on sale? What are the people doing? What are the girl and the boy saying? 2.播放录音,学生跟读。 3.假如你们在举办美食节,你会怎么做和怎么说呢? Students act it out. Some students are servers. Some students are customers. Some students are selling foods. A bo y and a girl are hosting it. 第五步:综合探究活动 1.搜集尽可能多的食物的英文名称。 2.条件允许在班级举行一次食物节,课后写一篇关于食物节的文章。 2 Section B 需用 1 课时。 重点活动是 1a 和 3。 教学目标: 1.复习有关食物的词汇。 2.学习一些有关食物和饮料名称的新单词。 3.练习用菜单点菜。 教学过程: 第一步:复习 1.复习单词: lady, gentleman, on sale, kind-hearted, menu, beer, wine, Tsingtao beer, smell, bill 2.讨论: What words of food and drinks have we learnt? What other words of food and drinks do you know? 第二步:呈现 1.呈现新单词。 放录音,听 1a。让学生注意新单词。 圈出菜单中的新单词。 bean, mushroom, main course, steak, dessert, salad, ice cream, soft drink, lemonade 听录音学新单词。 教师利用卡片帮助学生记忆单词。 2.教师指出在菜单中除了drink之外还有四个部分。 They are soups, snacks, main dishes and desserts. In the western countries, people always start with a soup when th ey are having dinner. 第三步:巩固 1.教师说: Read 1a. You can know a lot of food. Please work in three. One is the server and the others are having dinner. Loo k at the menu in 1a. Give your order to the server. You may practice it like this : 例句: A:What would you like for soup ? B:Id like green bean soup / egg soup. A:Would you like to try fruit salad for dessert? B:Sure,Id like to. 2.读 1a 部分的菜单,完成 1b 的对话填空。 3.两人一组表演。 4.放录音听 2,选出你所听到的食物或饮料。至少放 2 遍录音。 第四步:练习 1.读 3 部分的句子。 2.让学生两人一组练习点菜。首先让他们编一个象 1b 那样的对话,然后在全班同学面前表演,看看谁演得 好。 第五步:综合探究活动 学生小组活动,用自己所做的菜单,练习点餐的对话。老师奖励最优秀的小组。 Section C Section C 需用 12 课时。 重点活动是 1a 和 2a。 3 教学目标: 1.总结举办美食节的结果。 2.学习不同食物的不同食用方法。 3.掌握副词的比较级和最高级形式。 教学过程: 第一步:复习 1.问答,复习食物名称。 Teacher:What did you make for the food festival? Student:I cooked. / I made. 2.利用菜单谈论不同种类的食物。 老师可以利用一个写满菜名的菜单进行复习。 老师:Do you like fish curry and bread? 学生:Yes, I do. 老师:Now, what do we use to eat them? 学生们可能会如此回答:Sorry, I dont know. 第二步:呈现 1. 老师说: We all want to know the results of the food festival. Here is an e-mail from Kangkang to Daniel. Let s listen to 1a and then fill in the chart below. Name Quantity of sold-out food Attitude Maria 35 beef curry dishes very carefully Jane Michael Mina Kangkang 2. 播放录音,学生跟读。 3.小组活动。完成 1b。 Try to retell the e-mail to your partners. Then retell it to the class. 教师给优秀复述者以奖励。 第三步:巩固 1.放录音让学生听 2a。 再问一遍:What do we use to have fish curry and bread? 听过之后,学生有的会得到答案:Use the bread to scoop the curry or use a spoon or a fork to eat the curry. 2. 老师板书,学生做连线活动。 让学生了解不同食物有不同的吃的方式。 First, match the food with the correct way to eat. Then make up a conversation about eating ways. 例如:A: Do we use a spoon to eat steak? B: No, we dont. We eat steak with a knife and a fork. A: What do we use to eat ice cream? B: I think we use a spoon. 学生完成 2b。 第四步:练习 1.写出 3 表格中副词的比较级和最高级。 2.使用副词的比较等级练习造句。 例如:Maria cuts the meat finely.Michael cuts more finely than she. Kangkang cuts (the) most finely. 4 第五步:综合探究活动 1. 以小组为单位完成 3。练习副词的比较级。 例句:一个学生:I can eat them very neatly. 另外一个学生:I can eat them more neatly. 第三个学生: I can eat them the most neatly. 2. 欣赏一首歌。 Section D Section D 需用 1 课时。 重点活动是 1 和 3。 教学目标: 1.学习健康的饮食习惯及其重要性。 2.巩固副词的比较级和最高级形式。 3.写作练习。 教学过程: 第一步:复习 1.复习食物的不同食用方式。 Teacher: How do you eat fruit salad?/What do we use to eat fruit salad? Student: We use a fork to eat it. 2. 复习副词的比较级和最高级形式。 老师向学生展示几张图画,图画里有三个人正在喝汤。 The first man is drinking noisily. The second man is drinking more noisily. The third man is drinking the most noisily of the three. 仿照例子,让学生运用副词的比较级和最高级形式描述事物。 2. 给出下面的表格,让学生用宾语从句和“to do”作逻辑主语的句子造句,或者问答练习。 Ken Its polite to eat noisily in Japan. Tom The most popular food in his restaurant is hot dogs. Jones It is not polite to speak loudly at the table. 例如: Ken thinks its polite to eat noisily in Japan. 例如: A:What does Ken think? B: He thinks its polite to eat noisily in Japan. 第二步:呈现 1.复习 Topic 2, Section D 的 Eating habits. 2.Everyone wants to be healthy. What and how should we eat? Listen to the tape of 1 and find out the answers to these questions: What do we need to make our bones and skin more healthy? Whats another best way? Can a good brea
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