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介 词 1.before 和 after 表示时间的先后顺序 before表示:在 .之前 after表示:在 .之后 例如: before eight oclock 八点之前 after lunch 午饭后 You should wash your hands before supper. The boys often play football after school. 2.over 和 above 表示位置 over 表示:“在 .正上方”,强调在某人或某物的正上方,而且两物体表面表面没 有接触。 above 表示:“在 .上方”,强调位置在某物体的上方,并不一定是正上方,而且两 物体表面也没有接触。 例如: I saw a wood bridge over the river. Look! Some bieds are flying above the trees. 3.under 和 below 表示位置 under 表示:“在 .正下方”,强调在某物的下方,完全覆盖两物体的表面可以接触 也可以不接触。 below 表示:“在 .下方”,强调位置低于某参照物,但并不一定是正下方。 例如: There is a cat under the table . Our classroom is below theirs . 4.between 和 among between 表示:(位置、时间、数量等)在.之间(两者之间) among表示:在 .中间(三者或三者以上之间) 例如: I often fly between Beijing and Shanghai. Come here between eight and nine oclock. Tom is among the crowd. 5.behind 和 in front of behind 表示:在 .后面 in front of表示:在 .前面 例如: The cat is behind the door. There is a big tree in front of the park. Zhang San sits in front of me and Li Si sits behind me . 6. in front of 和 in the front of的比较 in front of表示一定范围外的前面例如: in front of the house 房子的前面(在 房子外) in the front of 表示一定范围内的前面例如: in the front of the classroom 教 室的前面(在教室内) into 和 out of 表示动态的介词,都表示动作方向 into 表示:从外向里,进来 out of:表示由里向外,出去 例如: I put the books into my bag. He takes the gift out of the box. 7. into 和 in 的比较 into表示动态的进入 in 表示静态的在里面 8.up 和 down 表示动态的介词,都表示动作方向 up 表示:由下向上,向.顶上,常与climb等动词连用 down表示:由上向下下,沿着.往下 例如: The monkey climbed up the tree quickly. Sit down ,please. 9.from 和 to from 表示起点,“从.” “来自 .” 例如: He is from China. to 表示终点, “到 .;向.;往.” ,意思和 from 刚好相反。它前面最常用的 动词就是go. 例如: Let s go to school. from.to. 表示时间时意思是“从.到.” 例如: We have classes from Monday to Friday. She did her homework from morning to evening. 另外 : from.to. 也可以用来表示地点,意思仍然是“从.到.” 例如: The train is from Beijing toTianjin . 10.across 、through 和 along across 、through 表示“穿过 .” , 但是用法有区别 across 表示人或物从另一个物体表面穿过、跨过,强调从一端到另一端,含有“横穿”的 意思,常与street 、 bridge、raod 等名词连用。例如: There is a bridge across the river . Go across the street ,and youll find a school. Through 表示从物体内部空间(如森林、隧道、云层等)穿过,“从.里面穿过”。 例如: We walked through the forest。 Along 表示:沿着, 顺着, 常与 road 、 street 、 river等名词连用。 如: Go along the road ,and then turn left. 介词练习 一、选择填空。 1、Class finishes_ half past nine. A .at B. in C.on D.to 2、Class begins at eight oclock.You d better get to school _ 8:00. A.at B. in C.on D.before 3、You should wash you hands _eating,and you shouldn t exercise _eating . A.at ;at B.in; to C. after;before D.before;after 4、We have classes _ 8 am _ 3 pm every day. A.at,at B.at,to C.until,to D.from,to 5、Seven is the number _ six and eight. A. in B.between C.among D.at 6、Walk down the street and walk _the bridge,you will see the shop. A.cross B.at C .through D.across 二、把正确答案圈起来。 1、The train leaves (at,in)2: 30pm. 2、I received a beautiful card from Tom (in,on )my birthday. 3、( From ,At )7 to 9 (in,before)spring,he often runs around the playground. 4、My brother washed the dishes (at,after)supper. 5、Do you preview (预习 )lessons (after,before)class? 6、When did you arrive (at,on)the bus stop. 7、The dog is jumping (on ,over)the fence(篱笆 ) 。 8、The first astronaut landed on the moon (in,on)1968. 9、The train is driving(through,across)the tunnel. 三、根据中文意思,填写恰当的介词。 1、我们房后有棵大树。 There is a big tree _ our house. 2、在这幅画里你能看到什么? What can you see_this picture. 3、看!汤姆正站在车站旁。 Look!Tom is standing _ the bus stop. 4、啊,我的袜子在床底下。 Aha,my socks are _ the bed. 四、根据中文意思填写介词,把短语补充完整。 1 跑出房间 run _ the room 2 爬上山 climb _ the hill 3 穿过隧道 drive_the tunnel 4 飞往巴黎的飞机 a plane flying _Paris 5 走出商店 walk _ the store 6 沿着这条大街走 go _this street 7 走进电梯 walk _ the elevator
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