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新牛津深圳版英语七年级下册第2 单元知识要点第1页(共 4 页) 新牛津深圳版英语七年级下册第2 单元知识要点 一、单词: 1. receiver 接受者 ( receive v. ) 2. excellent 优秀的 (= very good; cell; lent) 3. greeting 问候( greet v.) 4. prefer 更喜欢 (=like.better;preference) 5. address 地址( ad; add; dress ) 6. possible 可能的 (= maybe; possibly adv.) 7. Europe 欧洲(European adj.line;mine;nine;pine) 11. ski 滑雪( skiing; sky ) 12. lie 位于, 坐落在 (lying;lied; die;tie) 13. coast 海岸,海滨 (coat; cost) 14. store (大型) 百货商店 (= big shop; story) 15France 法国( French 法国的 ) 16. south 南部,南方 (southern adj.; mouth ) 17. tower 塔( power 能量;towel ) 18. finish 完成(=complete;finish doing sth) 19. flag 旗帜( flat公寓=house ) 20. date 日期( gate;hate;late;mate;rate ) 21stairs 楼梯( stars ) 22. lift 电梯,升降机 ( life; left; gift ) 23. step 台阶;行走 (= walk ) 24. tick 标记号 , 打上勾 (sick;stick;ticket) 附加:东部: east 西部: west 北部: north 东南: southeast 西南: southwest 东北: northeast 西北: northwest 二、词组 : 1. in Western Europe 在欧洲的西部 2. be famous/well-known for 以而闻名 3. go on holiday 去度假 4. be famous/well-known as 因. 职业而闻名 5. go sightseeing 去观光 6. prefer.to=like.better than 更喜欢 7. make friends with 与某人交朋友 8. summer/ winter holiday 暑/ 寒假 9. in the future 在将来;在未来 10. in the center/ middle of 在中部 11. lie(be) on/ in 坐落于 12. places of interest 名胜古迹 13. make wine 制作红酒 14. department store 百货商店 15. by the sea 在海边 16. learn / know about 学习;了解 17. get up 起床 18. go shopping= do some shopping 购物;买东西 19. such as = like 例如 20. be different from 与不同 21. be the same as 和一样 22. at least / at most 最( 至) 少/ 最多 23. walk up 走过来 24. go down the stairs 下楼梯 25. step by step 逐渐地 26. as early as possible 尽可能早 27. be interested in = be keen on = be fond of = like 对感兴趣 28. have a good/ wonderful/ great time = have fun = enjoy oneself 过得愉快 新牛津深圳版英语七年级下册第2 单元知识要点第2页(共 4 页) 三、句型结构: 1. Why not do sth.? =Why dont you do sth.?=How/What about doing sth?为何不做某事呢 ? 2. want to do sth = would like to do sth = feel like doing sth 想要做某事 3. It takes sb st to do sth.= sb spend st doing sth 某人花时间做某事 4. sb spend sm on sth = sb pay sm for sth. = sth cost sb sm. 某人花金钱买某物 5. would rather do than do sth = prefer doing sth to doing sth 宁愿做某事而不做某事 = prefer to do sth rather than do sth. prefer to do sth 更喜欢做某事 6. finish doing sth 完成做某事 prefer.to=like.better than 比起. 更喜欢 7. one of the + adj.最高级 + 名词复数 one of the most beautiful cities 8. help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事 plan to do sth 计划做某事 9. try to do sth 尽力做某事 try doing sth 尝试做某事 10. continue to do sth 接着做另一件事 continue/ go on doing sth 接着做原事 11. 辨析: in 内含 / on 相邻 / to 相离 the south of . 在. 的南部 12. 辨析: receive收到; accept 接受 She has received his present, but she will not accept it. 她收到 了他的礼物,但她不会 接受它。 13. not onlybut also 不但而且连接两个并列主语时,需要使用“就近原则 ” Not only I but also Mary likes going shopping on line. Not only Mary but also I like going shopping on line. 同义词 1. ski = move over snow 划雪 2. coast = close to the sea 3. close to = near 接近;靠近 4. prefer to = like.more than others 5. over = more than 多于超过; 6. everyone = all people 7. silly= foolish= stupid 愚蠢的 四、语法:一、专有名词 (proper nouns ) 1. 专有名词是特定的某人、某地方或机构的名称。即:人名 ,地名,国名,组织名 等;专有名词 的第一个字母必须要大写。 Eg.: Hemingway 海明威 ; Russia 俄罗斯 ; The Great Wall 长城 The United States 美国; New York 纽约; Bank of China 中国银行 2. 月份 、星期 都归属于专有名词。 Eg.:January 一月; March 三月; September 九月; Tuesday 周二; Sunday 周日 3. 节日 名称: Eg.: Christmas 圣诞节 ; the Spring Festival 春节; Mid-autumn Day 中秋节 二、并列连词 : and(表并列关系) , but (表转折关系)和 so (表因果关系) 的用法 1. and 为并列连词,并列连词用来连接具有并列关系的词、短语或句子。 Eg.: I like apples and bananas. (and 意为“ 和” ,连接 apples 和 bananas) 祈使句, and + 主句。 那么(就会) 新牛津深圳版英语七年级下册第2 单元知识要点第3页(共 4 页) Get up early, and you will catch the bus. 早点起床,(那么)你 就会赶上那趟公车。 2. but 为转折连词,不能与 although/ though同时出现。 译为“ ( 虽然) 但是” Eg.: Mike can speak Chinese, but he can t write it. 虽然会说汉语,但他不会写汉字。 = Although Mike can speak Chinese, he cant write it. 3. so 为表示 因果关系的连词,不能与because 同时出现译为“ ( 因为) 所以”。 Eg.: I have many friends, so I feel very happy. 因为我有许多朋友, 所以我很开心。 = Because I have many friends, I feel very happy. 五、写作指导:作文范文: Last week, I went to visit Beijing with my parents. We had a good time there. First, we went to Tianan Men Square in the morning. I felt very excited when I saw the flag rising. Then I climbed the Great Wall with my parents. We spent about five hours climbing it. We were really tired. Next, we went to buy some souvenirs. In the evening, we had Beijing Roast Duck. It was very delicious. (二) Dear Mike, Shanghai is in the east of China. It is a modern city and there are many tall buildings in Shanghai. It is also a big international city. Many people from different places and countries come to visit it. People in Shanghai are nice and friendly. There are many places of interest in Shanghai, such as the Bund, the Oriental Pearl Tower, Jinmao Building and Yu Ga
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