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Unit 9 What Is HappinessKey to the ExercisesText comprehensionI. AII. 1. T; 2. F; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F.III.1. He means that one is given the right to pursue happiness, but does not know what it is.2. Because he believes that commercial advertising not only fails to satisfy our desires, but more importantly it creates them, and it creates them faster than any mans budget can satisfy them. Such insatiability makes people unhappy.3. Because he thinks that the products and pursuits advertised on the front pages of womens magazines are dreamlike and cant be fulfilled.4. He set two extremes according to Thoreau, the low level and the high level. The former refers to possession for its own sake or in competition with the rest of the neighborhood, while the latter refers to active discipline of heightening ones perception of what is enduring in nature. To find balance is to save time and effort on the low levels and spend on the high.5. The inherent right is not happiness itself, but lies in the pursuit of happiness, in the pursuit of what is life-engaging and life-revealing, i.e. in the idea of becoming.IV.1. Jonathan Swift seemed to share this view when he criticized this idea of happiness as the state of being completely controlled by deception 2. The active exercise or training to improve ones understanding of what is of lasting value would have been Thoreaus idea of the high levels, i.e. spiritual happiness.Structural analysis of the textPart 1 (Para. 1, 2): The author points out that when we are not sure what happiness is, we tend to be misled by the idea that we can buy our way to it.Part 2 (Para. 3, 4, 5, 6): The author offers a number of examples to show how this misconception of happiness gives rise to the “happiness-market” in a highly commercialized society (the United States).Part 3 (Para. 7, 8, 9): The author suggests striking a balance between what Thoreau called the low levels and the high levels.Part 4 (Para. 10): The author gives his understanding of happiness, in the light of the Founding Fathers belief that it is “in the idea of becoming”.VocabularyI. Phrase1. un-American: not typical of the attitudes, ways of life, etc., that are approved of or considered normal in the US2. commercialism: the activities or attitudes of people who think that making a profit is moreimportant than anything else; emphasis on the maximizing of profit 商业主义3. for that matter: it is also true that (The phrase “for that matter” is used to emphasize that sth., though mentioned second, is also true, important, or relevant as what has been mentioned earlier.) 就此而论,在这方面, 同样4. face: aspect 方面5. in nature: essentially 事实上,本质上II.1. perpetual; 2. functions; 3. inherent; 4. cited; 5. approaching; 6. flawless; 7. vaguely; 8. disciplining.III. Word derivationFill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. pursuit 2. deception 3. dedication 4. commercial 5. patriotic 6. fictional 7. disapproval 8. starving IV.1. C; 2. B; 3. D; 4. B; 5. D; 6. A; 7. C; 8. D.V. Synonym / Antonym1. hugely Synonym: enormously, tremendously;deliberately Antonym: unintentionally, accidentally2. Synonym: perfect, spotless3. Antonym: inhale4. Antonym: impartial, unbiased5. Antonym: imbalance6. Synonym: have, own7. Synonym: fixed, stationary, quietVI. Prefix / SuffixWrite in each space one word that has the same stem as underlined in each given word.1. contain obtain 2. concede precede 3. compel repel 4. suspend depend 5. include conclude 6. insist consist 7. descend ascend 8. evolve revolve Grammar ExercisesI. Complete the sentences below with suitable pronouns.1. yourself;2. You / We; you / we3. you / one / we4. it5. one another6. They / We7. myself8. yourself9. it10. I; We; They; us; They; it; weII.There; There; There; There; There;It; there; There; It; there.ThereIII. Replace the underlined parts in the following sentences with non-finite clauses or verbless clauses.1. While flattered, 2. whether to go upstairs or to follow 3. Whenever possible, 4. if left untreated.5. if ready.6. Though no swimmer, 7. Once over the pass, 8. Whether by accident or by design, IV.1. Once; 2. Though; 3. If; 4. when; 5. whether; 6. Unless; 7. Before; 8. After.V.1. c; 2. b; 3. b; 4. c; 5. a; 6. d; 7. d; 8. d.TranslationI. 1. 广告是一项主要产业,它的存在与其说是为了满足人们的欲望;不如说是为了激发他们的欲望而且是以超出任何人的收入所能承受的速度激发这些欲望。2. 他们号召美国公众采取爱国行动,立即用他们并没有的钱去购买他们并不需要的汽车,而且要求他们在第二年的新款汽车问世之前就对它们厌倦。3. 梭罗无疑不赞同挨饿,但他花在食物上的精力只是为了让自己得以从事更重要的活动。4. 倘若他们能预见到“幸福市场”的话,他们或许会强调这个至为重要的事实,即幸福存在于追求它的过程中,存在于追求值得用生命去追寻、揭示生命真谛的富有意义的过程中,换言之,幸福是一种过程。II. 1. In October, 1935, the Chinese Red Army, having endured all hardships and
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