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New year is coming.(新年快要到了),Lets go shopping.让我们购物吧。,Clothes Shop 衣服店,Food Shop 食品店,Toy Shop 玩具店,This is a,Can you say?,B: Whats this? S: Its a/an ,当你不知道这件东西时,你可以问?,Food Shop 食品店,Its a /an,你知道哪些单词要用“an”?,egg 蛋 orange 橙子 apple 苹果 ice cream冰激凌,Can you say?,S: Would you like a/an.? B: Yes,please./No,thank you. S: What about a/an? B: Yes,please.,你想推荐某物给别人,你可以说:,创编诗歌,Make a new rhyme:,A cake, a pie I can see A cake, a pie For you and me. An egg,an ice cream I can see. An egg, an ice cream For you and me.,把红色字体替换成你喜欢的食物,同桌之间说一说。,Toy Shop 玩具店,Who can get your presents? 谁能收到你的礼物?,This is a /anIts for,1.Its a robot.Its for Tim. 2.Happy New Year,Uncle John. 3.Whats this? 4.Happy New Year,Helen.,1.No,thank you. 2.Would you like an egg? 3.Good morning. 4.What about a hot dog? 5.Good morning. 6.Yes,please.,2,4,3,1,3,5,2,1,4,6,Reorder,重新排序!,1._好 2. _我 3. _是 ,对 4. _他 5._姐、妹 6. _,_,_ 是 7. _不、不是 8. _这、这个,good,Checking Time,me,yes,he,sister,is,am,are,no,this,
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