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大学英语口语“Should students only learn from books?”一课教案2008年6月4日教师:一、单元名称:lesson 10 Should students only learn from books?二、教学目的1、让学生知道在教学过程中,教师只是起引导作用。2、学生从现实生活中学习知识和学习书本知识两者一样重要。3、练习学生的英语口头表达能力。三、教学要求1、通过这课学习,学生能够正确的看待生活给予的知识,能够从自己的生活中试着去发现,总结出可以学习的东西。2、学生必须重视课本所提供的知识。如,(1)Teach students the basic knowledge about living skills(教学生关于生存的基本的知识)(2)Enrich students knowledge and theory(丰富学生知识和理论)(3)Learning ones countrys history. known more about their country(学习国家历史,了解更多关于国家的知识)3、学生需要发表自己的观点及支持自己观点的因素。四、教学重难点 重点:让学生自由表达想法及观点。 难点:学生正确的、准确的用英语表达出自己的思想。以及正确看待书本和生活教给的知识。五、教学方法 讲授课、演示课和讨论课相结合六、课的类型 单一课七、课的结构1、讲授课外知识:(1)What roles does teachers play in teaching area?(教师在教学过程中的作用)(2)Problems about Education?(教育中的问题)2、讲授新知识:Should students only learn from books?(学生应该只学习课本吗?) 3、巩固新知识:让学生联系狼孩的故事和美国著作Children Learn What They Live(你给孩子什么?)总结出结论。结论:The real life you experienced, have a direct influence on what person you will be.(你经历的真实生活,将直接影响你以后成为什么样的人。)八、课时 1个课时九、教学步骤第一步,提出与教学相关的问题-What roles do teacher play in teaching area and Problems about Education(教师在教学过程有什么作用以及现代教育存 在哪些题?)让学生思考。第二步,向学生解说教师在教学过程有什么作用以及现代教育存在哪些题。教师在教学过程作用:First of all, throughout the teaching process, teachers are a leader.(首先,教师在教学过程中只是一个领导作用) Secondly, to stimulate enthusiasm for learning students.(其次,激励学生的学习热情) Thirdly, to teach students learning methods. (再者,教学生学习方法) Last but not the least, to teach students master the necessary and necessary knowledge.(最后,教学生掌握必要的基础知识)现代教育问题:(1)Funds :the funds put into education are limited ,and the limited funds for education havent always been used in right way. -This may lead schools teaching equipment old-fashioned, then teachers cannot make the most of their knowledge.(2)Teachers are poorly paid and house conditions are also poor.-For this reason, a large number of teachers are resigned to find better pay jobs. Then, it have a bad influence on education because there were no teachers available.(3) The students tasks are over-loaded. It include two aspects: first is the school tasks are heavy. Second is most parents impose their children to learn more things and they do not care whether their children like it or not.-The two aspects lead students cannot sleep or rest well and have a bad influence on students health. Sometimes it may cause students psychological and physical problems. 第三步,导入新课,让学生分组讨论学生是否该只从课本学习。总共分成两 组,A组支持只从课本学习,B组反对。第四步,两组同学讨论后选出代表说出各自组的意见,并说出为何只学习课 本或不应该只学习课本。A组是李俊杰总结,B组是王晓燕总结。第五步,总结两组学生的意见。A组认为Book is students basic tool to learn knowledge and students must master the basic knowledge and theory on books at first. (书本是学生学习知识的最基本的工具,学生必须先掌握书本上的基本知识理论。)B组认为The knowledge on books are rally limited, students need to learn more. (书本上的知识真的很有限,学生需要学习更多知识。)第六步,向学生解说学习课本知识优缺点及从生活中学习的优缺点。The things students learn from books:(学生能从课本学到的知识): (1)teach students the basic knowledge about living skills(教学生关于生存的基本的知识)-cannot improve students practical ability-students just like a bird in the cage.(不能改善学生的实践能力,学生只能像笼中鸟一样) (2)enrich students knowledge and theory(丰富学生知识和理论) (3)learning ones countrys history. known more about their country.(学习国家历史,了解更多关于国家的知识)-Enhance our sense of patriotism and national honor(这会增加我们的爱国意识和民族自豪感)Things we get from our real life:(学生能从生活学习到的知识): (1)Practice makes perfect.-put knowledge into practice, improve students social ability and make students gradually brave.(熟能生巧把知识运用的实际,改善学生的社会交际能力,使学生渐渐成熟、勇敢) (2)Try to find out about real life .(试着探究真实生活)(3)Students may more easily to remember or learn things from real life and experience.(从真实生活和经验中,学生更容易的记住或者学习东西)(4)Society can teach students to be full of love, helpful and responsibility.(社会会让学生充满爱心、乐于助人和有责任感)(5)Travel some place-broaden students horizons and known more about different cultural.(旅游一些地方-开拓学生的视野,知道更多不同的文化)(6)Knowing the world outside the campus may awaken students in a high sense of duty and help students make greater achievement in future(了解校园外面的世界,让学生有高度的责任意识,有助于学生在以后取得成功)第七步,做出最后总结。(1)Both books and real life can teach students useful things (书本和生活都交给学生重要的知识。)(2)Books teach students the basic knowledge and how to live(书本教给学生基础知识,教如何学生生存)(3)Real life teach students the responsibility and improve us. Let students know how to get on with one another and how to form relationships(生活教会学生要有责任心,不断改善学生。教学生怎么和别人相处,怎么建立社会关系。)十、布置作业本章课后练习题1-3题 1、Do you think university students in China are overburdened with their studies? What is it like at your college?2、What do you think is the main task students have at school? Is it to learn more about society? Why? (Why not?)3、What do most of the university students do both in China and in the West to prepare themselves for the future? 十一、板书设计 1、Should students only learn from books?2、打开书,采用学生两人一组练习对话,再进行表演。第一组:
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