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实验报告 2018 年 5 月 5 日 成绩: 姓名阳光男学号16041321班级16052317专业计算机科学与技术课程名称计算机组成原理与系统结构试验任课老师张翔老师指导老师张翔老师机位号默认实验序号7实验名称实验七 取指令与指令译码实验实验时间2018/5/30实验地点1教211实验设备号个人电脑+Nexy3开发板 一、实验程序源代码顶层电路:module top(input clk,input rst,input 1:0C,output reg7:0LED);wire 31:0Inst_code;pc pc_test(clk,rst,Inst_code);always(*)begin case(C) 2b00:LED=Inst_code7:0; 2b01:LED=Inst_code15:8; 2b10:LED=Inst_code23:16; 2b11:LED=Inst_code31:24;endcaseendendmodulePC取指令电路module pc(input clk,input rst,output wire31:0Inst_code);reg 31:0PC;wire31:0PC_new;initialPC=32h00000000;Inst_ROM Inst_ROM1 ( .clka(clk), .addra(PC7:2), .douta(Inst_code) );assign PC_new=PC+4;always(posedge rst or negedge clk)beginif(rst)PC=32h00000000;elsePC=24h000000,PC_new7:0;endendmodule测试代码:module test;/ Inputsreg clk;reg rst;/ Outputswire 31:0 Inst_code;/ Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)pc uut (.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .Inst_code(Inst_code);initial begin/ Initialize Inputsclk = 0;rst = 0;/ Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish#100;clk = 1;rst = 0;#100;clk = 0;rst = 0;#100;clk = 1;rst = 0;#100;clk = 0;rst = 0;#100;clk = 1;rst = 0;#100;clk = 0;rst = 0;#100;clk = 1;rst = 0;#100;clk = 0;rst = 0;/ Add stimulus hereend endmodule二、仿真波形三、电路图 顶层电路模块 顶层电路内部结构:四、引脚配置(约束文件)NET LED7 LOC = T11;NET LED6 LOC = R11;NET LED5 LOC = N11;NET LED4 LOC = M11;NET LED3 LOC = V15;NET LED2 LOC = U15;NET LED1 LOC = V16;NET LED0 LOC = U16;NET C1 LOC = T9;NET C0 LOC = T10;NET clk LOC = D9;NET rst LOC = C9;五、思考与探索R0 (r0) = 00000000 R8 (t0) = 00007000 R16 (s0) = fffffff0 R24 (t8) = 00000000R1 (at) = ffffffff R9 (t1) = ffff8fff R17 (s1) = 00000010 R25 (t9) = 00000000R2 (v0) = 00000001 R10 (t2) = ffff8ffe R18 (s2) = 70000000 R26 (k0) = 00000000R3 (v1) = 00000002 R11 (t3) = 00006ff2 R19 (s3) = 00020000 R27 (k1) = 00000000R4 (a0) = 00000003 R12 (t4) = ffff900e R20 (s4) = 80000000 R28 (gp) = 00000000R5 (a1) = 00000005 R13 (t5) = ffff800e R21 (s5) = 00000000 R29 (sp) = 7ffff364R6 (a2) = 00000007 R14 (t6) = ffff9fff R22 (s6) = 00000000 R30 (s8) = 00000000R7 (a3) = 0000000e R15 (t7) = 0000000f R23 (s7) = 00000000 R31 (ra) = 00000000
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