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1. 宁静的水乡西塘An Tranquil Water Village Xitang(1)江南水乡的民居清新秀雅,极富特色,其中西塘古镇可以说是一个代表。Water villages houses in Jiangnan(in Chinese which refers to the territory in south the Yangtse River) are fair and fresh with characteristics, among which the ancient town Xitang is a representative.(2)这座古镇因成为汤姆克鲁斯主演的碟中谍 3的拍摄之地,而名闻世界。This town is known as the shooting place in Mission Impossible III in which the famous actor Tom Cruise acts the leading role.(3)西塘在浙江嘉兴,位于上海和杭州之间。Xitang is located in Jiaxing city in Zhejiang province, between Shanghai and Hangzhou.(4)这个占地规模并不大的古镇有悠久的历史,它在两千多年前的春秋时期,就被称为“吴根越角” 一一吴国和越国的交界处。With a not large territory and a long history, Xitang in the Spring and Autumn Period(BC770BC476) more than two thousand years ago was honored as the root of Wu and the corner of Yue, namely the boarder of Wu and Yue(Wu and Yue are two countries in the Spring and Autumn Period).(5)西塘大致规模在宋代之前就已经形成,今所见西塘著名的桥梁望仙桥就是宋代的遗迹。Xitang was founded before Song Dynasty and todays well-known Wangxian Bridge in Xitang is the relic of Song Dynasty.(6)西塘在明清时期是江南很有名气的商业大镇,这里是远近闻名的鱼米之乡,又是著名的丝绸制造之地,还以制陶业而享誉天下。Xitang was a very eminent business town at Jiangnan in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, which was a land flowing milk and honey and a place producing silk and a prominent town of porcelain manufacture.(7)西塘的民居依水而建,人们说,西塘是 “人家在水中,水上架小桥。桥上行人走,小舟桥下摇。桥头立商铺,水中倒影飘” 。Xitangs houses are built by the water. It is said that Xitang is that houses are in the water above which is a bridge. Passersby walk on the bridge and a small ship is waving under it. Shops are standing on the head of the bridge and their inverted images are floating on the water.(8)初至西塘,倘祥在她闲散的街市中,映入眼帘的,是一幅令人陶醉的江南水乡风景画。First stepping in Xitang and strolling in her leisurely streets and shops, a charming picture of Jiangnan water villages came into view. (9)西塘在太湖之畔,又有运河擦肩而过,古镇中有九条蜿蜒的河道,将全镇分成八块。Xitang is on the bank of Tai Lake and parallels with the canal. There flow nine meandering rivers in the town dividing it into eight blocks. (10)人家临水而居,商号一般也靠水搭建。Homes are beside water and firms are built near water.(11)西塘人世世代代凭着一叶小舟,在街市中穿梭往来。Xitang citizens come and go through streets and shops on a small ship generation after generation.(12)河道两边弱柳扶风,又有繁花异朵点缀,河中浮荇点点,水鸟嬉戏,白鹅漂水,一片生机 Both sides of rivers are willow branches trembling in the wind dotted with flowers and on the water nymphoides is floating, water birds are playing with each other and goose are drifting, producing a life picture. (13)有河就有桥,西塘有数百座古桥,形态各异,著名的桥梁有五福桥、卧龙桥、环秀桥、送子木风桥等。Where there is water, there is a bridge. There are several hundred ancient bridges in different sizes and shapes in Xitang, among which the most famous bridges are Wufu bridge, Wolong bridge, Huanxiu bridge, Songzimufeng bridge and so on.(14)桥多呈拱形,弯曲的桥面就像半个月亮落在水中 These bridges arches, whose bridge surface is just like half moon falling into the water.(15)人从桥上经过,如在天上的街市。When you go through on the bridge, it is just like streets and shops in heaven.(16)西塘的民居建筑突出了幽深的特点。Xitangs residential buildings highlight the profound characteristic.(17)西塘的弄堂很有特点。由于古镇环水而建,陆地的面积非常紧张,所以西塘人建房、修路都精打细算。Its alley has its feature. Without enough land, Xitang citizens are prudent in buildings and roads. (18)房屋之间有窄窄的弄堂相隔,弄堂一般长有百余米,而宽往往不到一米。The alley is between houses with over one hundred meters long but near one meter wide.(19)走在这样的弄堂里,两人相让都不容易It is difficult for two persons to give way when meeting in the alley.(20)由深巷往上望,是向天际延伸的高高的屋顶,那是真正的一线天。Looking up from the deep alleyway, you can see the high roof extending towards the edge of sky, which is exact thin strip of sky.(21)走在弄堂里,踏在青石板上,脚步声在其中回荡,将这古巷衬托得更加神秘幽深。Walking in the alley, stepping on the quartzite and listening to the echoing of footsteps, youll feel the alleyway are more mysterious and quieter and more profound.(22)在西塘,这样的弄堂就有百余条。It is in Xitang where more than one hundred alleys are.(23)最出名的要数石皮弄,地面由薄薄的石板砌成,薄而亮,如同“石之皮” ,这条弄堂便由此得名。The most famous alley is Shipi alley which is upon thin slate, thin and bright, just like the skin of stone. And that is why people call it Shipi alley.(24)石皮弄两边的种福堂和尊闻堂便是西塘最著名的两处建筑。Zhongfu hall and Zunwen hall on both sides of Shipi alley are the most two well-known architectures in Xitang. (25)西塘的幽深还体现在民居的进深上,它将中国艺术 庭院深深深几许 的精神贯彻于其中。Xitangs quietness and profound are also characterized on residential buildings depth of jin(any of the several rows of houses within an old-style residential compound), which is the practice of Chinese art spirit of how deep houses is.(26)西塘的大户人家一般都喜欢建起多进深的屋宇,三进纵深是平常,甚至有五进、七进。The privileged families in Xitang are always willing to build houses with many jin. It is quite common for three jin, even to the extent of five or seven jin.(27)如上面所说的种福堂就有七进:头进沏门间,高门大户,雕梁画栋;二进为轿厅;三进为正厅,这就是所谓种福厅;四进为花厅 ;五进为内宅;六进、七进为粮仓和雇工住房。Zhongfu said above has seven jin: the first jin is the door, on which carved beams and painted rafters; second is sedan hall; three is the main hall, the so called Zhongfu hall; fourth is flower hall; fifth is nazhai; t
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