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Language教案 牛津高中英语教学设计单元:unit 2 language板块:welcome to the unit 课堂设计指导思想:本课时是单元的第一课时,课型为听说课。“welcome to the unit”作为一个单元的起始,主要起到“预热”的功能,其具体作用体现在:一、激活学生现有知识体系,为新知识的输入铺设台阶,铺平道路;二、导入本单元的“main topic”,为整个单元的话题的讨论提供引子;三、输入相关背景知识,为学生了解单元话题内容,进行进一步讨论、探究提供信息和依据;四、围绕单元主题,提供给学生一个友善的同龄人间的听说训练的平台,从而帮助学生学得更加自信,将思维真正变成鲜活的、可以使用的语言。本课的设计从日常可以言说的语言谈起,逐步讨论了语言的多种形式有声的、无声的、人类间的、动物间的等等,扩大学生对语言外延的认识,进而探讨了信息得以传递的各种途径,最后话题缩小到英语语言的学习,为“reading”的导入做了一定的铺垫。 teaching aims:1. get to know more about different forms of languages;2. learn different ways in which information can be transmitted; 3. get fully involved in the discussion and share the experiences of learning english.teaching procedures: step 1 warming upthe teacher starts the lesson with a small guessing game. students are divided into several groups. a question “how many languages are there in the world?” is presented on the screen. answers varying from “more than XX” to “more than 7000” are also presented on the screen. students are encouraged to guess the answers. and students who guess it right can gain points for their groups. and the answer is more than 6000.【设计说明】从简单的竞猜游戏过渡进入课堂教学,生动活泼,从最大限度上激发学生的热情和积极融入课堂的参与意识。可以按小组实施,对每组选择不同答案的人数加以分别统计,最后以每组猜对正确答案的人数记入分数。由于设计的是竞猜,最大的好处是使学生无论基础如何,都能参与进来,而且都可能为本组获得成绩贡献自己的一份力量,对于将英语语言学习上后进的同学带入课堂能起到较好的作用。 step 2 presentation of a cardpresent a new years card to the students. ask them to recognize the languages printed on the card. if some students could read some of the languages, encourage them do it in the class.【设计说明】印有多种新年祝福语(中、英、法、俄、日)的卡片是书本图片的第一张。部分学生可能可以辨认出其中两至三种语言,甚至更多。如果学生愿意在班里朗读这些祝福语,也可以为他们的组获得分数。这样的设计,一方面为部分学生铺设了展示的舞台,可以增加这些学生学习语言的自豪感和为团队争光的荣誉感;另一方面,可以激发其他学生学习语言的动力和兴趣。如果教师自身条件允许,可以教学生这些语言的读法,不失为一次既有亲和力,又能激发课堂活力的活动。32019-07-11 牛津高中英语教学设计单元:unit 2 language板块:welcome to the unit 课堂设计指导思想:本课时是单元的第一课时,课型为听说课。“welcome to the unit”作为一个单元的起始,主要起到“预热”的功能,其具体作用体现在:一、激活学生现有知识体系,为新知识的输入铺设台阶,铺平道路;二、导入本单元的“main topic”,为整个单元的话题的讨论提供引子;三、输入相关背景知识,为学生了解单元话题内容,进行进一步讨论、探究提供信息和依据;四、围绕单元主题,提供给学生一个友善的同龄人间的听说训练的平台,从而帮助学生学得更加自信,将思维真正变成鲜活的、可以使用的语言。本课的设计从日常可以言说的语言谈起,逐步讨论了语言的多种形式有声的、无声的、人类间的、动物间的等等,扩大学生对语言外延的认识,进而探讨了信息得以传递的各种途径,最后话题缩小到英语语言的学习,为“reading”的导入做了一定的铺垫。 teaching aims:1. get to know more about different forms of languages;2. learn different ways in which information can be transmitted; 3. get fully involved in the discussion and share the experiences of learning english.teaching procedures: step 1 warming upthe teacher starts the lesson with a small guessing game. students are divided into several groups. a question “how many languages are there in the world?” is presented on the screen. answers varying from “more than XX” to “more than 7000” are also presented on the screen. students are encouraged to guess the answers. and students who guess it right can gain points for their groups. and the answer is more than 6000.【设计说明】从简单的竞猜游戏过渡进入课堂教学,生动活泼,从最大限度上激发学生的热情和积极融入课堂的参与意识。可以按小组实施,对每组选择不同答案的人数加以分别统计,最后以每组猜对正确答案的人数记入分数。由于设计的是竞猜,最大的好处是使学生无论基础如何,都能参与进来,而且都可能为本组获得成绩贡献自己的一份力量,对于将英语语言学习上后进的同学带入课堂能起到较好的作用。 step 2 presentation of a cardpresent a new years card to the students. ask them to recognize the languages printed on the card. if some students could read some of the languages, encourage them do it in the class.【设计说明】印有多种新年祝福语(中、英、法、俄、日)的卡片是书本图片的第一张。部分学生可能可以辨认出其中两至三种语言,甚至更多。如果学生愿意在班里朗读这些祝福语,也可以为他们的组获得分数。这样的设计,一方面为部分学生铺设了展示的舞台,可以增加这些学生学习语言的自豪感和为团队争光的荣誉感;另一方面,可以激发其他学生学习语言的动力和兴趣。如果教师自身条件允许,可以教学生这些语言的读法,不失为一次既有亲和力,又能激发课堂活力的活动。32019-07-11 牛津高中英语教学设计单元:unit 2 language板块:welcome to the unit 课堂设计指导思想:本课时是单元的第一课时,课型为听说课。“welcome to the unit”作为一个单元的起始,主要起到“预热”的功能,其具体作用体现在:一、激活学生现有知识体系,为新知识的输入铺设台阶,铺平道路;二、导入本单元的“main topic”,为整个单元的话题的讨论提供引子;三、输入相关背景知识,为学生了解单元话题内容,进行进一步讨论、探究提供信息和依据;四、围绕单元主题,提供给学生一个友善的同龄人间的听说训练的平台,从而帮助学生学得更加自信,将思维真正变成鲜活的、可以使用的语言。本课的设计从日常可以言说的语言谈起,逐步讨论了语言的多种形式有声的、无声的、人类间的、动物间的等等,扩大学生对语言外延的认识,进而探讨了信息得以传递的各种途径,最后话题缩小到英语语言的学习,为“reading”的导入做了一定的铺垫。 teaching aims:1. get to know more about different forms of languages;2. learn different ways in which information can be transmitted; 3. get fully involved in the discussion and share the experiences of learning english.teaching procedures: step 1 warming upthe teacher starts the lesson with a small guessing game. students are divided into several groups. a question “how many languages are there in the world?” is presented on the screen. answers varying from “more than XX” to “more than 7000” are also presented on the screen. students are encouraged to guess the answers. and students who guess it right can gain points for their groups. and the answer is more than 6000.【设计说明】从简单的竞猜游戏过渡进入课堂教学,生动活泼,从最大限度上激发学生的热情和积极融入课堂的参与意识。可以按小组实施,对每组选择不同答案的人数加以分别统计,最后以每组猜对正确答案的人数记入分数。由于设计的是竞猜,最大的好处是使学生无论基础如何,都能参与进来,而且都可能为本组获得成绩贡献自己的一份力量,对于将英语语言学习上后进的同学带入课堂能起到较好的作用。 step 2 presentation of a cardpresent a new years card to the students. ask them to recognize the languages printed on the card. if some students could read some of the languages, encourage
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