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wenjian考点四十八 阅读理解之议论文议论文往往有观点,有事实,逻辑性强,命题往往从事实de有关细节及文章de主旨或作者de表达意图等方面着手,考查我们de思维能力和判断能力。所以考生要培养根据上下文猜词de能力,或者说根据情境能揣测作者de意图。议论文de阅读同其他体裁文章de阅读理解一样,可以有主旨大意、细节理解、推理判断、词义猜测等几种出题方式。二、解题方法:一、重视文章标题,找准全文主题句,把握文章主旨 标题往往是全文de主题,审视标题,有利于理解全文,提高解题效率。主题句对全文起提示、启迪、概括、归纳之作用。根据主题句既可以知道文章议论de是什么,也可以知道作者希望读者了解主题方面de哪些内容。议论文题材偏难,但其框架一般都很清晰,多采用总分总de结构,交替使用正面和反面de论证方式。通常,先总说现象或观点;其次,正面陈述、反面论证;最后作者表明自己de态度,再次总结文章。通常主题句会出现在文章de首句或句末,在这些地方要多留意表示归纳de词汇,也可以在具体事例之后或之前de表示观点de陈述句中寻找。 二、细读文章,注意文章细节理解 除主旨题外,细节理解题也是阅读理解题中de基础题,它主要考查学生对文中de具体事例、数字、时间、地点等de理解。经常出现排序题(按事情发展顺序排序),图表题(按文章内容找出正确图形),正误题(依据文章内容对所列de陈述进行正误判断) 。对这种题型,无论细节题如何变化形式,立足点都应是从文章中找出相应词句作为依据。虽然答案中有de细节在文中很清楚,但可能与问题无关。细节题de破解一般用寻读法,即先看试题,再读文章。对有关信息进行快速定位,再将相关信息进行整合、分析、对比,有根据地排除干扰项,选出正确答案。假如问题采用de是反向思维,题中含有not或except等表示否定意义de词,则需要更加留意。此法可以加强阅读de针对性,提高做题de准确率。做此类题目还要特别注意句子de逻辑关系。 三、理解整体语篇,掌握作者意图 做推理判断题要求考生在阅读理解整体语篇de同时,对作者de态度、意图及文章细节de发展作正确de推理判断,站在作者de视角,而不是主观臆断、凭空想象,从而走入误区。英语文章讲究使用主题段与主题句,段与段之间通常有过渡性词语连接,承上启下,使文章行文连贯。有时文章还会在时间顺序、空间顺序或逻辑推理上运用较高级de手段进行组编。要想准确、深刻地理解文章,必须对文章de结构有所了解,把握全篇de文脉,即句内、句间和段落间de修辞手段或逻辑关系。作者往往在构思语篇前会进行预先设定:读者知道什么,不知道什么,读者可能与自己共同拥有什么样de生活经验、思想见地和需求欲望等,然后设计一些隐藏在语篇深层de潜台词。因此,这类试题要求考生利用主题句进行推测,揣摩文字背后作者de意图,运用背景知识去挖掘文章de深层含义,从而正确理解作者de言外之意,同时认真体会文章de语气与感情基调。 四、多读多背,扩大词汇量,掌握猜词技巧 由于当今de阅读文章题材广泛,体裁多样,经常出现一词多义,甚至出现没学过de词汇。许多学生感到困扰很大,有de甚至烦躁得难以坚持阅读下去。要解决阅读中de生词问题,一是要扩大英语词汇量,二是要学习并掌握一些猜测生词词义de方法,如:利用同义、反义、上义、下义、词de集合、词de搭配等关系;利用照应、替代、省略、定义、举例等情境关系;利用词缀、转化、合成等构词法;利用后置定语或同位语等语法结构;利用前后对比或因果推理法等。 总之,想要提高阅读能力,尤其是对考生来说难度较大de议论文阅读,学生应能从篇章和试题双方面入手。通过观察、体验、探究等积极主动de学习方法,优化阅读理解中议论文de解题思路和方法策略,提高学生自主学习de能力。ASome English words have more than one meaning. These are called multi-meaning words. Multi-meaning words have the same pronunciation with different meanings. For example, lets look at the word ball. You could have a ball which means you would have a good time. You could toss a ball which means you throw an object. You could be on the ball which means you know what is happening. You could go to a ball which means a dance._ Take the word can. You can ride a bike which means you are able to ride a bike. You have a can of soup which means the soup is in a round-shaped holder. You can do the can-can which is a dance from the 1920s. And you might get canned if you do a poor job at work, which means you might lose your job.How about fly? You can fly an airplane or you can hit a fly that is on your food in your house. Or, you can fly by the seat of your pants which means you dont make a plan before taking an action. And, you know that the fly of a zipper is the top part of the zipper.There are hundreds of words that are multi-meaning words. The word set has more meanings than any other word in the English language. When you have time, why dont you try to think of all the ways the word set is used?If, you look at the title of this book Can a Fly, Fly? you know that the answer is Yes because you have seen an insect named a fly go up in the air and move around through the air which is what fly means. Can a Fly, Fly? Of course, it can!1. If Tom is often late for work and fails to finish his tasks, he will . A. do the can-can B. get canned C. be on the ball D. go to a ball2. Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 2? A. Lets try another word. B. Lets make a word list. C. Heres a survey report. D. Heres the guessing game.3. The writer writes the passage in order to _. A. tell a story about learning English words B. introduce a book on learning English words C. share an experience in learning English words D. present different pronunciations of the same wordBSmartphone, poor sightLook around and youll see people busy on their smart phones. Smart phones do make our lives easier. But have you ever thought about what they mean to your eyes?According to a study, half of British people own smart phones and they spend an average of two hours a day using them. There has been a 35% increase in the number of people in the UK who suffer from shortsightedness since smart phones were introduced there in 1997. Staring at smart phones for a long time gives you dry eyes. When looking at something in the distance, your eyes automatically blink a certain number of times. However, when you look at things closer to your face, the blinking slows down. This reduces the amount of tears and causes discomfort in your eyes. Another bad habit is using smart phones in dark rooms before going to sleep. If you look at a bright screen while your pupils become larger, too much light enters your eyes. This can do harm to the eyes and cause a disease called glaucoma. While youre probably not going to stop using to your smart phone, there are a few things you can do to protect your eyes. Hold your phone at least 30 continues away from your eyes when using it. Take a break
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