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Unit1 Whats in your room?Ms White: Children, I want you to draw your bedroom.孩子们,我想你们画自己的卧室。Jiamin: In my room, there is a big bed next to the window, and a picture on the door. Whats in your room? 在我的房间里,窗户旁边有一张大床,门上有一幅画。你的房间里有什么?Janet: A small desk and a new computer. 一张小桌和一台新电脑。Jiamin: What colour is your computer? 你的电脑是什么颜色Janet: Its pink. 它是粉红色的。句型:1. Whats in your room? 你的卧室里有什么?A small desk and a new computer. 一张小桌和一台新电脑。2. Whats in your pencil-box? 你的铅笔盒里有什么?That are three pencils. 有三支铅笔。3. What colour is your computer? 你的电脑是什么颜色Its pink. 它是粉红色的。Unit2 Theyre near the windowBen: Lets play a game. Look at my bedroom for one minute. Now close your eyes.我们玩游戏吧。看我的卧室一分钟。现在闭上你的眼睛。Xiaoling: OK. 好的Ben: Is there a computer in my room? 我的房间里有电脑吗?Xiaoling: Yes there is. On the desk. 是的,有。在书桌上。Ben: Right. 对了Ben: Are there any balls?房间里有一些球吗?Xiaoling: Yes They are under the desk.有,它们在书桌底下。Ben: Wrong. 错了。Ben: Now open your eyes.现在睁开你的眼睛.Xiaoling: Oh no! They are near the window.哦,不!它们在窗户附近。句型:1. Lets play a game?我们玩游戏吧?OK. 好的。2. Is there a computer in my room?我的房间里有电脑吗?Yes , there is. 是的,有。3. Is there a TV in my room?我的房间里有电视机吗?NO , there isnt. 不,没有。4. Are there any balls beside the table?桌子旁边有一些球吗?Yes , there are. 是的,有一些。5. Are there any toys behind the desk?书桌后面有一些玩具吗?NO , there arent. 不,没有。Unit3 welcome to my houseBen: Hi, Jiamin 你好,JiaminJiamin: Hi, Ben. Welcome to my house. Please come in.你好,Ben欢迎到我家来。请进。Jiamin: This is my live in room. 这是我的客厅。Ben: Oh, its nice. I love the big TV. Wheres your bedroom?哦,真好看。我喜欢这个大电视。你的卧室在哪里?Jiamin: Here it is. 就在这里。Ben: Wow! 哇!Theres a new computer in your room . I love it .你的房间里有一台新电脑。我喜欢它。句型:1. welcome to my house.欢迎到我家来?Thank you. 谢谢。2. Please come in? 请进.Thank you. 谢谢。3. Wheres your bedroom? 你的卧室在哪里?It is beside the toilet. 它在厕所旁边。4. Where is the kitchen? 你的厨房在哪里?Here it is. 就在这里。Unit4 I live in a big houseJanet: My flat is in that building. 我的公寓在那栋大楼里。Ben: Oh, it is very beautiful. I like the garden.哦,它很漂亮。我喜欢这个花园。Janet: Yes, I like to play here after school. Do you live in a flat, too?是的,放学后我喜欢在这里玩。你也住在一间公寓里吗?Ben: No, I live in a big house. It has three bedrooms and a large study. I like to play computer games there.不,我住在一幢大房子里。它有三间卧室以及一间大书房。我喜欢在那儿(书房里)玩电脑游戏。句型:1. Do you live in a flat. 你住一间公寓里吗?Yes, I do. 是的。2. Do you watch TV after school? 放学后你看电视吗?NO, I dont. 不,我不看。 Unit5 Let me show you our new schoolBen: Welcome! Let me show you our new school. 欢迎!让我带你看看我们的新学校。Man: Thank you. Its a very beautiful school. Where is your classroom?谢谢你。这是间很漂亮的学校。你的教室在哪里?Ben: Its over there, next to the library.它在那边,在图书馆旁边。Man: Is there a swimming pool?(你们)学校有游泳池吗?Ben: Yes, its opposite the playground. We sometimes have PE lessons there.有,他在操场对面。我们有时在那里上体育课。句型:1. Welcome! 欢迎! Thank you! 谢谢!2. Let me show you our new school. 让我带你看看我们的新学校。OK。 好吧。 3. Where is you classroom? 你的教育在那里? Its next to the library 它在图书馆旁边。4. Is there a swimming pool? 你们学校有淤泥池吗?Yes , there is . 是的,有。 Unit6 How many classrooms are there in your school? Man: Ms White, how many classrooms are there in you school? White老师,你们学校有多少间教室?Ms White: Our school has thirty-eight classrooms.我们学校有三十八间教室。Man: Are they big or small?它们(教室)很大,还是很小。Ms White: They are big. There are forty desks and forty chairs in one classroom.它们(教室)很大。在一间教室里,有四十张课桌和四十把椅子。Man: How many English teachers are there in your school?你们学校有多少英语老师?Ms White: There are thirteen. 有十三个.句型:1. How many classrooms are there in your school ? 你们的学校里有多少间教室?Our school has thirty-eight classrooms.我们学校有三十八间教室2. How many English teachers are there in your school ? 你们学校里有多少个英语老师?There are thirteen. 有十三个。 3. Are they big or small? 他们很大,还是很小。They are big. 他们很大。Unit7 How many stars does each group have?Ms White: Look at the blackboard. How many stars does each group have? 看看黑板。每个小姐有多少颗星?Jiamin: Let me see. Group 1 has eighty stars. Group 2 has sixty-six stars. Group 3 has seventy-five stars.让我看看。第一组有八十颗星。第二组有六十六颗星。第三组有75颗星。Ms White: So Group 1 is the winner.所以第一组是赢家。Jiamin: Great! Thats my group.太棒了!那是我的小组。句型:1. How many stars does each group have? 你们小姐有多少颗星?It has eighty stars. (我们小姐)有八十颗星。2. So Group 1 is the winner . 所以第一组是赢家。 Great! 太棒了! Unit8 I like English bestBoy: How many subjects do you have? 你们有多少门学科?Jiamin: We have seven subjects.我们有七门学科。Boy: Wow! What is your favourite subject?哇!你最喜欢的学科是什么?Jiamin: My favourite subject is Chinese. I like to write stories.我最喜欢的学科是语文。我喜欢写故事。Boy: What about you ? 你呢?Xi
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