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人教新目标七年级英语下册:Unit 10Where did you go on vacation测试要点提示语言功能:谈论过去的事件重点词汇:were,stayed,visited,felt,walk,discuss,expensive,inexpensive,rainy,crowded,delicious,exam,corner summer camp,study for exams,stay at home,go to the Central Park,the Great Wall,the Palace Museum,decide to do sth.重点句型:Where did you go on vacation? We went to New York.Did you go to Central Park? Yes,I did.How was the weather? It was humid.语言结构:一般过去时:肯定句:谓语动词用过去式否定句:助动词did+not+动词原形疑问句:助动词did+主语+动词原形did not可缩写为didnt基础卷(20分钟)一、写出下列动词的过去式1. stay_ 2. study_ 3. stop_ 4. decide_ 5. write_6. feel_ 7. has_ 8. find_ 9. come_ 10. are_答案:1.stayed 2.studied 3.stopped 4.decided 5.wrote 6.felt 7.had 8.found 9.came 10.were二、写出下列动词的原形1. went_ 2. spent_ 3. played_ 4. called_ 5. wore_6. bought_ 7. sold_ 8. enjoyed_ 9. got_ 10. ran_答案:1.go 2.spend 3.play 4.call 5.wear 6.buy 7.sell 8.enjoy 9.get 10.run三、选择填空( )1. How _you _your summer vacation? I visited Xian.A. do,spend B. did,spend C. did,spent答案:B 从答句是一般过去时知,问句也要用一般过去时。( )2._did you go on vacation?A. Where B. What C. Who答案:A 根据句意选where,你去哪里度的假?( )3. There _a small boy _in the comer,and I helped him find his mother.A. was,crying B. is,cry C. was,cries答案:A 从后半句是一般过去时态,知there be句型中的be要用过去式,注意本句的结构,there be+主语+现在分词短语十地点,译为:在某地有在做。( )4. Can you help me _a taxi?A. look B. give C. find答案:C helpsb.do sth.根据句意选find。( )5. Do you want _the music club?A. join B. joining C. to join答案:C want to do sth.固定结构。( )6. I found a little cat _with a ball in the garden.A. plays B. played C. playing答案:C find sb.sth.do sth.发现某人某物干了某事,find sb.sth.doing sth.发现某人某物正在干某事,这里在find后面的部分在语法上称做复合宾语,sb.sth.是宾语,dodoing sth.是宾语补足语。( )7. What did they decide _then?A. do B. to do C. doing答案:B decide to do sth.决定做某事。( )8. We had great fun _in the water.A. play B. played C. playing答案:C have fun doing sth.干某事干得很开心。( )9. That was too expensive,_I decided not to buy.A. because B. so C. if答案:B 因为那太贵了,所以我决定不买了。汉语说:因为,所以,而英语只用一个词so,或because,这两个词不能同时用在同一个句子中。根据句意和空格的位置,选so。( )10. I didnt have _money for a taxi, _I have to walk home.A. many, because B. any, so C. some, so答案:B money for a taxi乘出租车的钱。money是不可数名词,可以用much,some,any,a lot of等词修饰。所以本题A,many不能选用。在否定句中要用any,不用some,所以选B。have to不得不,必须,后接动词原形。四、选择答语( )1. How was your vacation?答案:A 你假期过得怎么样?( )2. How was the weather yesterday?答案:D 昨天的天气怎么样?( )3. How did you spend the weekend?答案:E 你是怎样度过周末的?( )4. How are your parents?答案:H 你父母亲身体怎么样?( )5. How is the work going?答案:G 工作进行得怎么样?( )6. How much are the vegetables?答案:B 这些菜多少钱?( )7. How can I get there?答案:F 我怎么样才能到达那里呢?( )8. How many people are there on Tianan Men Square?答案:C 天安门广场上有多少人?A. It was great.B. Three dollars.C. I think there are about twenty thousand people. D. Very humid and hot.E. I went to the beach with my parents.F. You can take a No. 24 bus.G. It is going very well.H. Fine. Thank you.提高卷(20分钟)一、词组英汉互译1. a fantastic story_ 2. all day_3. crowded buses_ 4. have Sichuan food_5. 又热又潮湿的天气_ 6. 难吃的食物_7. 参观历史博物馆_ 8. 决定外出_9.呆在家里_ 10. 拜访朋友_答案:1.一个奇异的故事 2.全天、整天 3.拥挤的公共汽车 4.吃四川饭菜 5.hot and humid weather 6.awful ford 7.visit the History Museum 8.decide to go out 9.stay at home 10.visit friends二、填词完成句子,首字母已给出1. The dog didnt let me in. It was u to me.2. Can you give me another cake? These cakes are d 3. Watching TV at home is b . I want to visit Jim.4. Do you past the math e ? I dont know. But I studied hard for it.5. Hows the weather there? Very w 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._答案:1.unfriendly 狗不让我进去,狗对我_,肯定是“不友好”。let sb. in让某人进去。2.delicious 你能再给我一块点心吗?这些点心应是“味道好”。another cake另一块点心。3.boring 在家看电视_,我想去看望Jim血。从“我”想去访友和b的提示,本句应是:我认为看电视没意思。4.exam 从句意看,很容易判断出第一句是问:你通过了数学考试吗?也就是:你数学考试及格了吗?5.Warm 问天气,根据我们学过的关于天气的词语容易想到warm。三、看图填词,用所给词填空 Weather swimming sunny hot was went to play with all The 1 2 great yesterday. It was 3 and 4 all day.
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