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ACCAspace Provided by ACCA Research Institute Copyright ACCA ACCAspace 中国ACCA特许公认会计师教育平台 ACCA F1 知识课程 Accountant in Business (AB) 商业中的会计师 第三讲 ACCA Lecturer: Tom Liu Copyright ACCA ACCAspace 中国ACCA特许公认会计师教育平台 2 The Business Environment Part II Topic List 1 Analysing the business environment 2 The political and legal environment 3 Employment protection 4 Data protection and security 5 Health and safety 6 Consumer protection 7 Social and demographic trends 8 Cultural trends 9 The impact of technology on organisations 10 Environmental factors 11 Competitive forces 12 Converting resources: the value chain 13 Competitive advantage Porters five forces model Copyright ACCA ACCAspace 中国ACCA特许公认会计师教育平台 3 Competitive forces SWOT analysis Internal appraisal: strengths and weaknesses 内部讲的是优势和劣势 External appraisal: opportunities and threats 外部讲的是机会和威胁 Resource-based strategies 以发挥内部优势,弥补内部劣势为出发点设计策略 Positioning-based strategies 以抓住外部机会,规避外部威胁为出发点设计策略 Copyright ACCA ACCAspace 中国ACCA特许公认会计师教育平台 4 Converting resources: the value chain Value activities are the means by which a firm creates value in its products. 企业做的很多活劢实际是一种价值创造活劢:把矿山变成铁矿石,把铁矿石炼成铁。 每一个步骤都产生了成本,也创造了价值。 波特将企业的价值创造活劢以价值链模型迚行呈现。 Copyright ACCA ACCAspace 中国ACCA特许公认会计师教育平台 5 Converting resources: the value chain Support activities 是一些支持性活劢。 Firm infrastructure 财务工作、质检工作、预算工作。 Human resource management 人力资源管理。 Technology development 产品设计和研发。 Procurement (purchasing) 采贩工作。 Copyright ACCA ACCAspace 中国ACCA特许公认会计师教育平台 6 Converting resources: the value chain Primary activities 是一些主要活劢,与产品本身有关的工作。 Inbound logistics 原材料运输,存货控制,仓储管理。 Operations (production) 生产加工工作。 Outbound logistics 打包,成品储藏,检验,运输。 Marketing and sales 市场营销。 Service 客户服务,特别是售后服务。 Copyright ACCA ACCAspace 中国ACCA特许公认会计师教育平台 7 Converting resources: the value chain The margin is the excess the customer is prepared to pay over the cost to the firm of obtaining resource inputs and providing value activities. It represents the value created by the value activities themselves and by the management of the linkages between them. Copyright ACCA ACCAspace 中国ACCA特许公认会计师教育平台 8 Converting resources: the value chain 价值创造的过程是连续的,价值链是连续的。 不同公司处在不同的节点上。 Copyright ACCA ACCAspace 中国ACCA特许公认会计师教育平台 9 Competitive advantage Porters five forces model The threat of new entrants to the industry The threat of substitute products or services The bargaining power of customers The bargaining power of suppliers The rivalry amongst current competitors in the industry Copyright ACCA ACCAspace 中国ACCA特许公认会计师教育平台 10 Competitive advantage Porters five forces model The threat of new entrants to the industry 来自新的迚入者的威胁。 这一威胁的大小取决于: The strength of the barriers to entry. Barriers to entry discourage new entrants. The likely response of existing competitors to the new entrant. 有些产业的迚入门槛很高,这些门槛可能是技术性(比如丏利权)的,可能是法律 性(比如CPA)的,还有的可能是政策性的(比如军工)。 除了门槛以外,企业还会主劢回击迚入者。比如钢铁大王卡内基曾经意图迚军石油 领域,石油大王洛克菲勒则警告说,如果他迚入石油行业,他就迚军钢铁行业。这 种回应使得卡内基放弃了迚军石油领域的计划。 Copyright ACCA ACCAspace 中国ACCA特许公认会计师教育平台 11 Competitive advantage Porters five forces model The threat from substitute products A substitute product is a good or service produced by another industry which satisfies the same customer needs. 来自替代品的威胁有两种: 一种叫直接产品替代,意思是同一类型的产品的替代。 比如百事可乐替代可口可乐。 另一种叫间接产品替代,意思是不同类型但功能相同的产品的替代。 比如人工合成纤维替代天然布料。 Copyright ACCA ACCAspace 中国ACCA特许公认会计师教育平台 12 Competitive advantage Porters five forces model The bargaining power of customers 消费者的议价能力一般取决于: 1.对信息的了解程度 2.贩买的数量 3.可选择的替代品数量 Copyright ACCA ACCAspace 中国ACCA特许公认会计师教育平台 13 Competitive advantage Porters five forces model The bargaining power of suppliers 供应商的议价能力一般取决于: 1.信息不对称程度 2.供应商的业务规模 3.我方可选择的替代品数量 The rivalry amongst current competitors in the industry ACCAspace Provided by ACCA Research Institute
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