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三年级英语上册专项训练(基础1)一、写出下面单词的中文:pen eraser school bag book pencil crayon rulersharpener pencil-case head eye finger face ear legmouth nose arm foot body hand blue brownpurple yellow green red white pink orange二、写出下面Lets do的中文,并读一读,做一做。Snap your fingers. Clab your hands. Wave your arms.Cross your legs. Stamp your foot. Shake your body. Touch your head. Show me you red crayon.Black,black.Stand up. White,white.Turn around. Pink,pink.Sit down. Brown,brown.Touch the ground. Orange,orange.Touch your head.三、为下列句子选择合适的搭配,把字母编号填入括号里,再读一读。( )1Good morning! A:Hi!/ Hello!( )2Hello! B:I am Mike./ My name is Mike.( )3See you! C: Me too!( )4Good afternoon! D: Nice to meet you.( )5Whats your name?- E: Good afternoon!-( )6This is John. F: OK!/Great.( )7Nice to meet you. G: Thank you.( )8Lets paint. H: Nice to meet you,too!( )9. I have a pencil. I: Good morning!( )10Happy teachers Day! J: Goodbye! ( )11.Where is your book? K:Here it is.( )12.How are you? L:Fine,thanks. /Im fine,thank you./ Very well,thanks.2
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