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六年级下学期英语5月份网上学习测试卷六年级下学期英语5月份网上学习测试卷 (时间:60分钟 满分:100分) 一、写出下列单词的比较级形式。(每小题2分,共12分) 1. thin_ 2. heavy _ 3. big_ 4. sad_ 5. hot_ _ 6. windy_ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(每小题1.5分,共16.5分) 1. Sam and Tommy _ (be) very sad yesterday. 2. I _ (be) ill, so I stayed in bed. 3. Did you _ (see) a film? Yes, I did. 4.They _ (eat) fresh food the day before yesterday. 5. Thats the _ (tall) dinosaur in this hall. 6. He _ (have) dinner with his friend after seeing a film last night. 7. We _ (stop) to see what happened in the gym. 8. Wu Yifan is _ (strong) than Chen Jie. 9. John_ (hurt) his foot on Labour Day holiday. 10.That ruler is 23cm. This ruler is 25cm. This ruler is _ than that ruler. 11.Im 1.26 meters tall. Yao Ming is 2.26 meters tall . (合并为一句) Yao Ming is _ _ _ than me 三、读句子,判断图片与句子是()否()相符。(每小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1. I will bring a bottle of orange juice. ( ) 2. I can make cakes. ( ) 3. A dog had a piece of meat in its mouth. ( ) 4. We should eat healthy food. ( ) 5. We can go to the museum. 五、单项选择。(每小题2分,共22分) ( ) 1.I watched TV _. A. every day B. yesterday C. tomorrow ( ) 2.He _ swimming last Sunday. A. werent B. didnt C. didnt go ( ) 3. Did you see a film with John? Yes. I _ a film with John. A. see B. saw C. sees ( ) 4. Did you play football with Zhang Peng? _ A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont. C. No, I didnt. ( ) 5. What did you do _ Saturday afternoon? I did my homework. A. On B. in C. at ( ) 6. 选出不同类的单词。 A. heavy B. shorter C. lower ( )7.选出不同类的单词。 A. metre B. kilogram C. Become ( )8.Liu Xin is _ than Gao Yang. A. taller 4cm B. 4m tall C. 4cm taller ( )9.My legs are longer than _. A. you B. yours C. your ( )10.How _ is your mother? Forty-three. A. older B. big C. old ( )11.Your shadow _ longer because you are _ taller. A. grow; growing B. grows; grows C. grows; growing 六、图文匹配。(每小题2分,共8分) ( ) 1. Last week, we went to the Great Wall. ( ) 2. We can play games together. ( ) 3. Annes family celebrates Christmas. ( ) 4. We shouldnt waste water. 七、选出正确的答语。(每小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1. How are you? A. Youre welcome. ( ) 2. How was your weekend? B. It was good. ( ) 3.I fell off my bike and hurt my foot. C. Im fine, thank you. ( ) 4. When is he going to play football? D. On Saturday morning. ( ) 5. Thank you very much. E. Thats too bad. 八、根据图片提示填上合适的词组。(每空2分,共12分) 九、阅读理解。(10分) A Crow and an old Fox (乌鸦和老狐狸) One day a crow was sitting in a big tree. She had a big piece of meat in her mouth. An old fox was looking for his breakfast. He saw the crow and her meat. He said to the crow, “Good morning, Mrs. Crow! How are you? How are your babies? ” But the crow didnt talk. “Youre very beautiful, Mrs. Crow. And you have a beautiful voice (声音), too.” said the fox “Will you please sing for me?” “I will take the meat to my babies!” the crow thought. And she flew away (飞走了). Now the crow was clever (聪明). The fox had to look for other food. ( ) 1. A crow had a piece of _. A. chicken B. fish C. meat ( ) 2. A fox didnt have _. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner ( ) 3. 故事的发生时间是:_ A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. ( ) 4. At last (最后), the crow _ her meat that day. A. didnt lost B. lost C. doesnt lost ( ) 5. In fact (事实), the crow has _ voice. A. beautiful B. not good C. no此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。
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